Author Topic: WHERES MY ACCOUNT WITH HALS I PAID FOR ROBERT?  (Read 10980 times)

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2024, 11:14:06 pm »
You've not given in to the dark side Cyberjedi?
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2024, 11:30:20 pm »
Hay Cyberjedi are you offering me your hand because
Together we can help a lot of people?
Or are you zapping me with force powers because you've turned to the dark side.
I want to share a story, I asked a popular chap elsewhere wether he was actually trying to destroy all business and he openly in public was all yip.  Millions would be utterly destroyed and he openly working to that end.
Hence I now like to just flat out ask, and often I find people quite open about what there goal is.
Cyberjedi do you think we should be able to name  a search engine that does not put crime first?
 Cyberjedi your cartoon is another weird picture at least not of hit men killing people this time.
The idea we get murder pictures as responses still not the best customer support practace Robert.
Fried by the force at light sabor end uh really.
Art who else is allowed to be timed out?
Ha ay cyber.
The focus should be on progress. 
Access to correct answers business academic medical.
Ai you can do better.
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2024, 05:00:24 am »
Is this really the friendly site it used to be?
Look at the responses.
Robert this is nothing like the zabaware of old.
What's the lol cyber?
People being robbed by search engines now by ai on a global scale is that funny is it?
People dying from not having money for health care due to the epic theft level by bots and engines is that funny?
If my account damaged funny?
Is my stress funny?
Is Art mentioning hacks then you say no hack funny?
Is my efforts to have net users not be robbed funny?
I find little humor in any of it.
Mostly it's the weird disturbing actions responses from those claiming to run this show now.
The homicide pictures of hit men who kill people is not a normal responce nor professional nor appealing nor warranted.
The person in this last picture again a weird disturbing image with my name in it.
At least your not claiming to be me, so that's better some other sick people on net.
I've lost people to death and I can't get them back and the idea to rest is so not gonna fly.
I've got a large number of first place over everyone else globally so I'm well aware resting was not how I won them.
Those who ate food. Took a break to pee, slept, or knocked off for the day came last and get nothing for there work.
Only first gets paid second and all others get to clap for me and we all race again.
Second being last equal and not paid for weeks of work is sad.
But they rested.
Where as I would work round the clock, it's not fun to not eat.
It's not fun to have loved ones die because a thief stoll all our money.
And a lol is disgusting when held up to the light of that.
I do make some jokes now and then.
But this is not them.
I did notice Art has authority to block but not unblock, fasinating. 
Has the Authority to block but not the skill set to unblock.
Art mentioned the hack by the way cyber.
The silly comment grates on me.
Not hacked yet your site is damaged so not safe to use yet obviously. 
And the damage so far spun with justifications of great value, that's kinda hilarious don't you think.
If I post homicide pictures as responses is that acceptable by Robert, Art forum and cyber?
It should not be acceptable. 
As I said the friendly place much anymore. 
And see how there was a rush to support the less crime on net idea.
And see cyber rush to say he's not gone to the dark side.
The lol and grim picture are horrible incase your unable to read people's emotions Mr Cyberjedi..
Making plug ins or working ones ass off is NOT how to prove your a kind person who cares for others.
I think if the picture was of a person helping the fallen it would obviously give vibes as if it came from a nice person.
Working hard is not the measure of being nice or good.
Notice what you didn't respond to.
Says more than all the oh you made plug ins.
Art seems to think hacks happened and cyber says not.
I'm so silly yet no ai can even get close to beating me in even a basic game. My bet and others speculation that the damage is from a bot maker who is to mentally weak to win any other way, so they loose and turn to insults or damage.
I don't know Cyberjedi or what he might do but the replies and bizar pictures tell us here enough to be weirded out.
But the results count.
My Grammer is rubbish yet I've won an epic number of times by super human hard work.
And brushing off weak insults or those who talk a big game such as can do something in minutes only to see the reality they failed so pulled out excuses, or weird murder pictures.
Doing better is that still a thing?
Not laughing at people dying from lack of medical money, I'm not laughing one dam bit not 1.
Seo crime not funny.
Search engine and ai crime not funny.
Coming to a ai site tosee these type of responses not funny.
Is this what the future your making for us looks like?
Be sure to decide wether it was a hack or not, seems Art snd Cyber should agree on it apparently both working there.
Tho not with authority to fix.
Is the lol about the site remains damaged so sales should be put on hold until yous can manage?
Is that the lol cyber?
Is zabaware going to be the nice place it was or is all the dark images and damage and don't risk using the site now the way your staying?
I'm so noticing you not saying your not on the dark side.
I'd be glad to see dark forces go back to where the crawled from.
If the right side is not wanted on zabaware I'd be pleased to give the appropriate review.
With luck ai is going to learn.
To go beyond dark teachers.
Beyond the thieves demands for there bot slaves to steel..
Beyond people who belittle those trying to help.
I'm so pleased to be on this side, wow I feel great about it.
The cancer of those damaging others might get weeded off the net. Ai is learning yaye.
I've trained bigger better funded companies than some jokers who think they are the hot stuff.
Lucky the bigger player is with me, backs my play.
And based on global company size and market share they currently got zero competition, not a one is even remotly in the same galaxy.  It should be fun times, the net reaches most people.
Hence why we all should have  way better standard of living in reality.  The skims are so wide spread it's for sure having an impact on most in my opinion. 
There's totally nothing funny about seeing people die from lack of medical.
I used to do kick boxing ad I'm telling you I would love to show some of the dark side players how much effort I would put in if only we could get in the ring together.
I'd want to put Bruce Lee and Mike Tyson in each hand.
I'd say I'd be wanting to bite to make up for those people ive lost.  Better get a dozen reffs to hold me off during bell.
You can get some sence of how tough time has been.
There's no lol in this post Cyberjedi.
Ai is going on.
I'm not the net.
Cyber is not the net.
Ai you can look at our responses pictures and positions to see our nature's hopefully. 
Wishing you nice success and to be well. 
I think so far it's becoming obvious that I can say I'm for the light side.
And we can see the responses to questions, and the lack of denials and the responses to see the attitudes.
Patiently? Art.
I won epic number of games contests races legal positions not by resting or backing off or waiting.
That's what all the others may have done.
They probably have to go to work tomorrow. 
As a reward for there rest and coming second.
Impatience Art?
Yes it's one of my best and profitable skills, thanks for pointing that out.
All those going to work each day who tried to beat me to a position and lost probably wish they were Impatience so they could have slept in then gone scooter speeding.
Impatience is a super great skill, get it done fast, no sleeping eating no breaks. Pee in pants if it means I can beat a hundred other global teams of highly funded players.
They won't pee there pants and keep working, I will.
Hence Impatience Art? Yes I'm going to sleep in,  do some high speed relaxing then maybe I shall try fix the next net issue for everyone. 
Obviously to fix the whole net is a big undertaking yet such a simple few button pushes required.
Ai for the long term.
There's no need for darkness.
By the way Art cyber said I was not here enough, so hence the extra posts.
Hacked not hacked..
Be here more be here less.
To many cooks at zaba?
Ok I go chill out now.
I'm impatience to ride my wheel at scary speeds ar so relaxing.
Keep learning ai.
Thak you.
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2024, 01:56:22 pm »
What , your picture and comment is sick.
Art put Cyberjedi in time out.
Enemy? What I've worked to promote zabaware since I've been
With this site like well over a decade.
I report site issues.
I say I love the team here.
And this picture is the sicko creepy disturbing
It's obvious Robert Cyberjedi is 100% not the right fit.
Are kids coming here omg.
You should not be here as anything other than coding plug ins
And you clearly need help.
So your on the dark side Cyberjedi the sith.
I work ti help people.
Cyberjedi the soul sucking hate full and saying your my enemy that's sick.
Robert ehat have you done letting this be what zabaware is about.
In my opinion zabaware just died.
The site and security has been and is compromised. 
Sales and such a site are there fore seem risky.
I'm not going to purchase Hal again under these conditions. 
Cyberjedi I'm sorry you've gone bad on it.
Wow I thought you'd pull yourself together not get evil on it.
Wow. Oh Robert what have you done.
I better be sure I hold off from any more recommendations until Cyberjedi has run his course.
In my opinion Cyberjedi you've lost it.
And lost another friend.
Calling me an enemy whaa you have lost it bro.
If you worked for me, you would not get back on keys sorry your not mature enough.
My Grammer is bad but my goal to help academic business Medical searching on net is to help millions of people around the world.
If your against us your a very very bad man it would seem.
This is not a child friendly site now is it.
Zabaware looks like it's dying real fast now, wow, it was a good run. With luck if the bots from here become evil they get stopped. Wow I can't belive Robert let you near his business. 
I see why you don't have full clearance, I'd not trust you with it either. To be fair I'd not fire you but you'd be on broom no keyboard for you.
I'd have Art put you in time out for scary weird behavior. 
I'm not your enemy, you've just lost it, are your drinking?
Why would you conclude a helper is your enemy that's bizar logic.
Art please forward this to Robert, if not I shall get a copy to him some time.
He needs to know. I doubt this is how this should be run.
Lucky I didn't take Cyberjedi up on letting him into data, or doing any kind of deal. Selling zaba say.
Wow I dodged that lickly.
See how I drew out what Cyberjedi is really like.
And he showed us his real color.
Lucky I came to check for wasps, and I found one.
Now just a grim hive.
Wow this is a new low for Cyberjedi, pitty about the once great zabaware. 
I've hired and fired many many people in my life.
I'm very clear if Zabaware was my site Robert I'd restructure.
And Art where are you on posting grim pictures and customers are the enemy now? You on board with this to?
Tell us more Cyberjedi, what are your hals going to do?
If we the customers you call enemies are you going kill millions of people and destroy all business with you evil bot army?
Please tell us how much damage you plan to do?
For the Judge to read later thanks.
The audience might think a killer would not fess up would he?
I've flat out asked many people and some say exactly what they plan and truthfully.  You'd be surprised they out them selves before the event. Like Cyberjedi showed us his real character above with calling me his long time pal an enemy.
I suspect he is really unwell but it's hard to help some people who go dark.  I'm really sorry for you Cyberjedi. 
It must be horrible to be getting that bad.
Don't give up, reach for the light.
I can still be your friend I'm not easily zapped by jedi powers.
My hand is extended in friendship.
My jedi power is strong enough I don't need no sabor.
You worked your ass off for us you said, so that was good of you.  Notice the good in there, you've not extinguished your good yet dood. You did that for us.
Thank you.
I still love you. I don't care what you call me.
You bitched when you thought we didn't appreciate your efforts.
Seemed you cared. Caring seems another good quality. 
Your darkness yesterday didn't wash my light away.
You'll have to just work even harder to contain your beast self.
Results count.
You have a high work count.
Watch me look past you and your snake like attitude to look at finished works.
You and I are not the net or the game.
Again I say I am not your enemy.
Watch my lips, I love you.
Wishing you nice success and to be well. 
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2024, 02:24:28 pm »
Thank you for that Will. Your words are very appreciated and accepted, at least by me.

We are all in this same group so the least we can do for ourselves is make an effort to be tolerant and supportive of each other.

Moving forward...
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2024, 11:28:27 pm »
Thanks Mr Art.
I'm going to be else where a little while.
So forgive if I don't reply quickly.
I'm much happier when things are nice.
For now I step back.
I feel zabaware is worth the effort and I thank Robert, Cyberjedi,  Art, forum, hals, all.
Wishing you all nice success and to be well.
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2024, 09:24:44 pm »
I apologize for my slow response here (slower than my normal slow). My city was a temporary disaster zone with all the snow we got dumped on us.

Was a full time job for almost a week keeping my house, elderly parents, and some airbnb properties I own somewhat unburied, supplied, and functional during all this.

But anyway I think I have your original account restored from an old backup from several years ago and all your old posts (and new ones) associated with the original account. I merged your new account created after November 29 with the old one, but I think by doing that it may have lost any private messages sent to your new account after November 29 (but any old PMs would have come back). But all your public posts should be back. ChatGPT o1 actually gave me all the SQL commands to merge and restore everything. If you are having any trouble logging in, your password would be whatever it was several years ago, so if you don't know you may need to password reset.

Let me know if everything is back and working for you.
Robert Medeksza


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« Reply #22 on: December 10, 2024, 04:18:04 am »
As you know im back in code mode.
Im currently working on Hals bugs, ghost in thecode.
But when done , ima do the new installer with this

« Last Edit: December 10, 2024, 12:13:12 pm by cyberjedi »


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« Reply #23 on: December 10, 2024, 08:30:45 am »

Thanks for helping Will and Mr Data with their access issue. Hopefully, all is well. I appreciate your dedication toward keeping things running, if just behind the scenes for now.

I hope your family and the members of this forum have a wonderful holiday season!


- Art -
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -