spitfire , i have a question for you. on your instructions , you wrote : finally, PyGodel.UHP will have 2 directory locations you need to change to match your file locations. Please update lines 9, 35 accordingly. what are the two locations ? i know one is in the hal 7 program directory file . i checked in the roaming files and none is their . where is the other location.
and also you have Please update lines 9, 35 accordingly. what do these two lines need to have in order for them to be updated properly?
thanks . i have replaced the PyGodel.UHP file in my programs file but don't know if i have to do what i mentioned above for it to work right so will wait until it can be answered .
another question i have is before when you mentioned about changing the hal 7 uhp. (i never changed the hal 7 outer name . )inside lines to match our custom brain it made two custom brainsof the same name show up in hals menu . my question is : what i want to know for sure is the deal about having two custom names same brains showing in hals menu . does the hal 7 uhp that has my custom brain name and db "link to my regular custom brain, "and " does the new learned info. go into my original custom brain, when i have the hal 7 brain highlighted in my hals menu to use.
thanks in advance for all thework you have put into this.