Author Topic: text file versions which one does hal use ?  (Read 2548 times)


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text file versions which one does hal use ?
« on: August 23, 2007, 11:46:04 am »
although the learn from test and paragraghs table has been out a while i have a question , when i go into the learn from area in hal "learn from text file wizard and hal place a group of paragrapgh sentenses that i use it can come up with three responses (for example 1 0f 3 ) and the associated topic below . my question is :
    of the 1 0f 3 responses does this mean when your done rewriting the question (tweaking it ) that  hal will use only one of these three responses when it matches this topic or does hal "actually use at random 1 of these 3 responses ??
    because it hal actually uses all three randomly which i think it should then that would mean that all three answers should be tweaked the way you want them to be . does anyone know on this (cutting edge ?? robert ?? anyone ?? ) [:)][:)]