AdventureHal- Beta
Ok, I worked on this today. Its name is the adventurehal.uhp plugin.
You need to say "start adventure" or "begin adventure" to start the plugin. You say "end adventure" or "exit adventure" to exit it.
You can say that in any order(i.e. Please start an adverture. OR Lets begin an adventure.)
If you want to go south just say "go south".
If you want to go north just say "go north".
If you want to go east just say "go east".
If you want to go west just say "go west".
You also say things like "Let's go North".
Say "go home" and it will take you to the beinning of your journey. (or maybe "i would like to go home now")
In order to create your adventure you will need to get various .jpg photos together and lable them correctly so they will work in this pluging.
Here are the rules concerning photo lables:
The home photo must be labled "50-50.jpg".
A photo North of the home photo will be labled "51-50.jpg", 52-50.jpg, 53-50.jpg, etc.)
The first number is the North and South locations. The further North the higher the number.
If the number is lower than 50 the it is South of the Home picture. (i.e. 49-50.jpg, 48-50.jpg)
East and west is set by the second number. (i.e. 50-51.jpg, 50-49.jpg)
The further east you go, the higher the number. The further west, the lower the number.
50-49.jpg is west of Home.
You can also lable photos like 51-51.jpg. This photo is North East of the home photo. Basically it is a grid.
With this system you can create a 2D map of an area and walk through it with you Hal. Just remember that the photos lables shouldn't have gaps in the numbers.... i.e 5O-51.jpg is next to 50-52.jpg.
If you have any questions or suggestions just ask. There is allot of room for improvement here. Plus you or anyone can always modify this plugin to suite there own needs.
Photo adventures can be made by anyone. Just zip them up with all the appropriete lables and share. Have fun.
Download Attachment: adventurehal.uhp11.69 KB
I've updated it so you can have many different areas you can explore.
To group certain images together you must add an extra digit to the pictures.
(i.e. "50-50-1.jpg" and "50-51-1.jpg" are both in group '1' While "50-50-2.jpg" and "50-51-2.jpg" are both in group '2'.)
That way you can have completely different areas to explore.
In order to go to different areas just say "different area" or "change location" Or any sentence that contains those two words.
Like "let's go to a different area."
It will cycle through the different areas and will eventually return to the beginning.