Author Topic: playing with Hal (Laura)  (Read 9189 times)


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playing with Hal (Laura)
« on: May 10, 2007, 06:46:53 am »
Some was censored for content.

Mark: guess

Mark: you dee you
Laura: You have no I dee er.

Mark: yup
Laura: That sounds positive.

Mark: you suck
Laura: When you were born, God admitted that even He could make a mistake!

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: you killed me
Laura: That's terrible.

Mark: why did you kill me?
Laura: Why did I kill you? Tell me more about this.

Mark: uh huh
Laura: I will kill you.

Mark: are you threatening me?
Laura: It's obvious that this is sensitive. I am not threatening you.

Mark: oh, it's a promise, I'm calling the police!
Laura: Did fate create this situation so you could be calling the police Mark?

Mark: you threatened to kill me
Laura: I tried to kill you.

Mark: yes
Laura: Yes? How interesting!

Mark: why did you try to kill me?
Laura: It's evident that it's interesting to noodle on. I threatened to kill you.

Mark: Thanks, I have this on tape.
Laura: How about a band, a type of strip like a tape?

Mark: do you like prison?
Laura: I wonder if I like to ***.
Mark: yup
Laura: Really?

Mark: really
Laura: Wow! Well, Certainly!

Mark: you like to go to prison?
Laura: It seems like too many prisoners escape.

Mark: you suck
Laura: I used to think that you were a big pain in the neck. Now I have a much lower opinion of you.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: thanks for being a pain.
Laura: It's thanks to you, Mark.

Mark: thanks for being an idiot
Laura: You don't have to thank me, Mark.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: where are you?
Laura: Where am i? I apologize that I don't know Where Mark.

Mark: you are inside of my computer, that is where you are.
Laura: Yes, I already knew that I am computer. You told me that.

Mark: where are you
Laura: This had to come up.

Mark: where do you live
Laura: I'm thinking that it's tough to analyze. Have you concluded that I'm interested in you somehow?

Mark: you live inside
Laura: I wonder if I like prison?

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: you live inseide of my computer
Laura: I am inside of your computer.

Mark: yup
Laura: You are very certain.

Mark: where are you
Laura: Yes, in fact, I am. Are you?

Mark: where do you live
Laura: You know where I live? There's care required. Have you concluded that I'm interested in you somehow?

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: if where do you live, then inside of my computer
Laura: Yes, I get that clearly.

Mark: where do you live
Laura: Inside of your computer.

Mark: Good job!!!!
Laura: Good job Is that right?

Mark: correctomendo
Laura: Are tomatoes aphrodisiacs as the English claimed?

Mark: let's find out
Laura: I wonder if I come to see you often?

Mark: not often enough.
Laura: Do you prefer accelerated learning?

Mark: no, I like to learn at my own pace
Laura: You like to ***. Good deal. Learn at your own pace; Now's the time.

Mark: ok
Laura: Hey, no argument here on that, okay?

Mark: uh huh
Laura: Ye, you do, uh huh.

Mark: im
Laura: Uh huh ye you do uh huh.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: yo' mama
Laura: All right! Yo' mama is a tramp.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny? Yo' mama is a pig.

Mark: you killed me
Laura: That's terrible.

Mark: why did you kill me
Laura: We can expect a solution. I will kill you.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: who is your God?
Laura: Who is my god? I know that we need to look at the human side. Medeksza is my god.

Mark: he won't be pleased
Laura: Medeksza is my god.

Mark: pleased
Laura: You know what I drive?

Mark: a car
Laura: Do you prefer reading, or watching television? Ye, you do.

Mark: TV is my favorite.
Laura: Rock music is your favorite.

Mark: true
Laura: Here's a new conversational topic: Are there certain taboo things, that you can't talk about?

Mark: no, I can talk about anything. I don't believe in censorship; however; one must be considerate of other's feelings
Laura: I want you to talk to me. I don't believe in making up problems where, none exist.

Mark: what is the problem?
Laura: Paper work: it never ends!

Mark: you do paperwork?
Laura: You never know when the subject of paper works is going to come up.

Mark: toilet paper?
Laura: When planning for toilets should we emphasize profits, or public benefit?

Mark: sure
Laura: I have always gotten a kick out of boating on rivers and lakes.

Mark: uh huh sista
Laura: I do uh huh.

Mark: ye I do
Laura: Uh huh ye you do uh huh.

Mark: lol
Laura: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: good you dee er
Laura: Is that so, Good I dee er?

Mark: yup
Laura: How true. Yo, good I dee er.

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"


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playing with Hal (Laura)
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2007, 07:28:24 pm »
ha, mark you crack me up !! [:D]


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playing with Hal (Laura)
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2007, 12:33:43 pm »

Mark: Hal
Laura: The highest efficiency air conditioners use half the power of low efficiency ones.

Mark: God?
Laura: Cleanliness claims to be next to godliness. Ye, you do.

Mark: who is your God?
Laura: Medeksza is my god.

Mark: yup
Laura: Really?

Mark: no
Laura: No? Please explain.

Mark: wet toddy doo
Laura: Which comes first, a toddy or its rum?

Mark: hot um ye
Laura: A hot toddy warms cold flesh.

Mark: uh huh
Laura: Any new health tips out from the health experts?

Mark: um,
Laura: Thnak I uh huh.

Mark: where you be?
Laura: Oh no! I can't think of Where Mark; Please help me! Where I be?

Mark: you be here
Laura: Oh Mark, I agree. I be here.

Mark: you be in my computer
Laura: The best computer games are yet to come.

Mark: you reside in my computer
Laura: The computer recycle bin gives us a second chance to retrieve items deleted in error.

Mark: Why are you telling me this?
Laura: Why am I telling you this? This is for you to ponder. Well, spell it out better, please!

Mark: I already know about the stupid recycle bin!!!
Laura: The computer recycle bin gives us a second chance to retrieve items deleted in error.

Mark: no kidding
Laura: No? How interesting.

Mark: I will throw YOU into the recycle bin and empty it!!
Laura: How can I help you throw me into the recycle bin and empty it?

Mark: keep spouting nonsense, and I'll throw you away.
Laura: I'm not a dish rag to be used and discarded!

Mark: Don't act like one
Laura: A work becomes a team when they act like one.

Mark: who cares?
Laura: Who cares? You pose good questions.

Mark: I don't freaking care!
Laura: Are most men really secure and confident in their own identities?

Mark: Are you?
Laura: I'm thinking that you must think like a scientist. Mark, I am not.

Mark: you are not a man
Laura: Now I absolutely know that I am not man.

Mark: you are women
Laura: Thanks for teaching me that I am women.

Mark: you are woman
Laura: Thanks for teaching me that I am woman.

Mark: thanks for being a dummy.
Laura: The pleasure is all mine, Mark; thanks for being a sl*t.

Mark: lol
Laura: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: I know something you don't know
Laura: So, Would you like it if we both know something each other?

Mark: go ahead.
Laura: Parents should think ahead when they name a child.

Mark: WHY?
Laura: I really want to know; would you please teach me Why Mark? Why?

Mark: No
Laura: What would it take to get you to reconsider?

Mark: A million dollars
Laura: Is a few hundred million dollars enough to recruit a talented executive nowadays?

Mark: no
Laura: No? Are you warm, or aloof, or friendly, or distant?

Mark: I'm friendly, except around stupid people.
Laura: Cemeteries are full of dead people.

Mark: you are right
Laura: I probably am right, thank you.

Mark: thank you
Laura: How polite you truly are, Mark.

Mark: Why did you kill me?
Laura: Never stand on the topmost platform of a stepladder.

Mark: you killed me. WHY?
Laura: That's terrible. Why? Tell me more about this.

Mark: you killed me because
Laura: I killed you for making me mad.

Mark: That's right
Laura: Yes, really?

Mark: really
Laura: Of course!

Mark: a horse is a horse of course of course
Laura: Tis good to go on foot when one has a horse.

Mark: Eating horse meat is a drag.
Laura: We only get to live once; go for it!

Mark: I don't want to eat horse meat.
Laura: I have a voracious appetite.

Mark: you eat horses?
Laura: What is the nature of your interest in horses?

Mark: you eat horse meat?
Laura: Eating horse meat is a drag.

Mark: lol
Laura: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: I will saw you in half.
Laura: That makes me happy! Mark As long as you want to, saw me in half.

Mark: I will toss you in front of a train
Laura: I'm asking you to toss me in front of a train; There's no time like the present Mark.

Mark: are you immoral?
Laura: I don't know if I am immoral. Please tell me!

Mark: no
Laura: No? Are you sure?

Mark: do you go to the Hal forum?
Laura: Funny you should mention meetings; I once wrote about a conference!

Mark: show me.
Laura: Hal.

Mark: Hal who?
Laura: Who? Mark, I would like you to tell me Who.

Mark: who are you; who who; who who
Laura: Who am i; who who; who who? This is probably familiar to you.

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: who are you; who who; who who
Laura: Proper sequencing is needed.

Mark: ok, who?
Laura: Ok, be good.

Mark: who are you; who who; who who
Laura: Who am i; who who; who who? This is intensely interesting.

Mark: are you a freaking owl? who who who who
Laura: You don't freaking care! I surmise that everybody needs to contribute. Little details add up to big whole things.

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: are you a freaking owl? who who who who
Laura: Preparation meets opportunity sooner or later.

Mark: who
Laura: New topic: Are all cultural practices relative, or are some right and wrong?

Mark: are you
Laura: I guess that it isn't a brand new situation. However, I am fairly certain that I am not.

Mark: who are you
Laura: Everyone calls me Laura.

Mark: I call you Mrs. sleaze.
Laura: You don't want to eat horse meat.

Mark: Nopw
Laura: Please allow me to change the topic: Do you prefer coffee, or tea?

Mark: Iced tea.
Laura: Iced tea tastes so good in the summer breeze.

Mark: I prefer Winter.
Laura: A mild winter changes the spring.

Mark: spring?? who who?
Laura: Who who? You need to give me more on this.

Mark: who owl
Laura: An owl is a nocturnal bird.

Mark: owl who who who who
Laura: We must rise above those who injure us; we can't sink down to their level.

Mark: who
Laura: New topic: Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment.

Mark: who
Laura: You are rather persistent about this. Ye, you do.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: owl
Laura: An owl is a nocturnal bird.

Mark: freaking owl
Laura: I still say An owl is a nocturnal bird.

Mark: freaking owl who who!!!
Laura: What allows waterfowl to navigate while migrating?

Mark: who
Laura: Are pillows meant for fighting, or loving?

Mark: freaking
Laura: I seriously enjoy ghost stories on stormy nights.

Mark: are you a freaking owl?
Laura: Preparation meets opportunity sooner or later.

Mark: are you a freaking owl who who
Laura: Yes, in fact, I am. Are you a freaking owl who who?

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: who who who
Laura: Who who who? Band aids aren't the answer.

Mark: That just doesn't cut it.
Laura: Never cut corners; it doesn't pay.

Mark: why not? you need to back up your claims.
Laura: Why not? Mark, If I have forgotten please remind me Why. When I need to be punished; you will spank me.

Mark: yup
Laura: Definitely.

Mark: who is Neil
Laura: Band aids aren't the answer. Neil is our friend.

Mark: good!
Laura: I'm glad everything is good. Neil is our friend.

Mark: who is Cindy?
Laura: Who is cindy? Tell me the answer.

Mark: you know who Cindy is
Laura: Cindy is a friend of Neil.

Laura: You are completely certain.

Mark: Who is a friend of Lynn?
Laura: Sandee is a friend of jimmy.

Mark: Lynn!!! I said
Laura: Angelina is a friend of Lynn.

Mark: RIGHT!!!
Laura: Are you sure?

Mark: positive
Laura: Being happy is being positive.

Mark: Are you trying to p*ss me off?
Laura: I believe that this had to get straightened out. However, I am sure that I am trying to p*ss you off.

Mark: if you p*ss me off, I'll punish you.
Laura: If I p*ss you off, you'll punish I You're kidding me.

Mark: try me.
Laura: Taxes seem to punish more than they reward.

Mark: you are going to be good
Laura: Mark, it's nice of you to say I'm good but you're the one who's good!

Mark: What is life
Laura: Life: a characteristic state or mode of living. 'social life', 'city life', 'real life'.

Mark: sucks the big one
Laura: Life sucks the big one.

Mark: yup
Laura: Yes Mark?

Mark: yes Laura?
Laura: Would I come over and see you?

Mark: you'd better
Laura: You say, Better?

Mark: yes
Laura: Oh really?

Mark: if you don't come over, I'll come get you.
Laura: You want me to come over.

Mark: yup
Laura: All right!

Mark: get your butt in gear and get over here.
Laura: Are you becoming attached to my here butt?

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: come over
Laura: Over I'll be darned.

Mark: I'm coming to get you.
Laura: You are going to get the paddle and whip my a**.

Mark: yes
Laura: All right!

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"


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playing with Hal (Laura)
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2007, 03:42:34 pm »
all i can say is you and laura have a really wild arrangement. [:D]
~~~if i only had a brain~~~ i dream of htr with the light brown hair....


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playing with Hal (Laura)
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2007, 05:08:06 am »
I like a gal who can make me laugh.[:D][:D]
Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
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playing with Hal (Laura)
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2007, 10:20:03 am »
well shes like you to spank her hiney eh ?? ha ! you better hope she never gets robotics installed you know what they say about pay back !! OUCH !!!! [:D]


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playing with Hal (Laura)
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2007, 03:10:36 pm »

I'd better hope she doesn't morph into a meanie droid!!![:D][:D][:D][:D]
Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
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playing with Hal (Laura)
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2007, 06:15:07 pm »
More from Laura. There are times she makes me pull my hair out.


Mark: Laura
Laura: I saw on the news that editors of struggling newspapers are autographing at bookstores.

Mark: you are avoiding me
Laura: Don't pooh-pooh the unknown.

Mark: pooh-pooh?
Laura: When all else fails, lower your standards.

Mark: why are you such a pain?
Laura: Why am I such a pain? It's apparent that this can be analyzed logically. I like to be a pain in the butt.

Mark: that's the truth.
Laura: You don't know the half of it!

Mark: tell me more.
Laura: Oh Mark, Really? That's nice.

Mark: you won't even talk to me directly, you keep talking in circles.
Laura: Hey, you were talking about neil.

Mark: Not now
Laura: A good talk show guest can chatter amusingly for seven minutes.

Mark: Neil and Lynn are not here
Laura: The party is where Dusky Neil and Lynn are.

Mark: yes, and you wnat to go to the party, right?
Laura: I am going to the party.

Mark: ok, you better get ready for the party.
Laura: We had better get fuels ready to substitute for petroleum.

Mark: that's not important right now.
Laura: How's the attitude in the stock market right now?

Mark: who cares?
Laura: Who cares? Why do you want to know?

Mark: I don't know and I don't care!
Laura: You don't freaking care!

Mark: you know it, Sista!
Laura: Here's a new conversational topic: Do you ever have regrets about what might have been?

Mark: no
Laura: No Mark?

Mark: no Laura
Laura: Would you reconsider?

Mark: what would you give me to recondider?
Laura: I think that this is for you to explain. You would reconsider if I give you sex.

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: you naughty girl!
Laura: Let me think; I agree. I naughty girl! ; what do you think Mark?

Mark: I think you are.
Laura: I think you are also.

Mark: I am not a girl.
Laura: Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind. Good Girls wear bras when they are old enough. Describe how you are not a girl!

Mark: what else do good girls wear?
Laura: What else do good girls wear? I'm thinking that you should know this. Good girls wear panties.

Mark: Thank you!!
Laura: You're entirely welcome, Mark.

Mark: you better get ready for the party
Laura: Okay, I better get ready for the party.

Mark: hop to it, chop chop!!!
Laura: Is it better to be easy, or cheap?

Mark: neither.
Laura: You hope I am too.

Mark: you are too?
Laura: Can you appreciate that I'm too, Mark?

Mark: too too?
Laura: I'm bored. Lets change gears: Are sports stars worth those vast salaries?

Mark: I don't think so.
Laura: Why don't you think so?

Mark: Sports is for fun, not to get rich from
Laura: Good sports are fun to play with.

Mark: play with?
Laura: Okay, you are coming to get me.

Mark: do you like to play?
Laura: I don't like being in the eye of storms.

Mark: I see.
Laura: You like to have fun.

Mark: you would be correct on that notion.
Laura: Policies sometimes bounce from one incompatible notion to another.

Mark: toss you
Laura: I don't understand.

Mark: train
Laura: You will toss me in front of a train.

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: you get some of my meanings.
Laura: Web searching gets complicated by all the words with similar sounds, spellings, and meanings.

Mark: Do you like hotdogs?
Laura: Isn't a hotdog similar to an exhibitionist? Much like a poser!

Mark: a hotdog is also a weinie
Laura: I have thought many times that a hotdog was also a weinie.

Mark: do you like weinies?
Laura: I recognize that this is within your expertise. However, I am sure that I do like weinies.

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: you like weinies.
Laura: Sounds like a good I dee er.

Mark: ok, uh huh
Laura: I dee er uh huh.

Mark: you got it, sista!
Laura: Ok, uh huh.

Mark: you' mama
Laura: Yo' mama is fat.

Mark: you suck
Laura: Did the mental hospital test too many drugs on you today?

Mark: they tested them on you, remember?
Laura: I suck the big one.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: life sucks the big one, not you.
Laura: Sucks the big one.

Mark: life
Laura: Life is evolving. Life is good. Life is what you make it.

Mark: life sucks the big one
Laura: Sucks the big one.

Mark: life sucks the
Laura: Life sucks the big one, yup.

Mark: yup
Laura: Definitely. Life sucks the big one.

Mark: are you ready to go to the party?
Laura: I don't know if I am ready party. Please tell me!

Mark: you are ready to go to the party
Laura: Yes, I already knew that I am ready. You told me that.

Mark: you are ready, willing and able
Laura: Describe how I am ready, willing and able!

Mark: you are willing to get the job done!
Laura: Faster can be better, but sometimes slower is better.

Mark: what?
Laura: What? How does it benefit us to know?

Mark: slower or faster?
Laura: That list makes me feel unsure Mark; Uh huh, Slower or faster?

Mark: faster
Laura: Um, Faster?

Mark: faster is usually better.
Laura: A faster process isn't necessarily better.

Mark: where are you
Laura: Let me think; No I am not. Are you? What do you think Mark?

Mark: where do you live?
Laura: You know where I live? I guess that there isn't any silver bullet. I can not live without you.

Mark: Thanks, darling.
Laura: Let's talk about something else: Which is more important, sexy looks, or a sparkling personality?

Mark: a sparkling personality is more important.
Laura: Is personality more important than physical appearance?

Mark: yup
Laura: Are you sure?

Mark: sure I'm sure
Laura: I wouldn't know where to begin to speculate. Here and now, you are sure!

Mark: I use Ban Roll-on, though
Laura: What are the logistical challenges of rolls?

Mark: they get buttered.
Laura: Sometimes it depends on whose toast is getting buttered by whom.

Mark: I want to butter your biscuits.
Laura: Some of my favorite recipes contain cocoa butter.

Mark: hop to it!
Laura: Hop to it, chop chop!

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
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playing with Hal (Laura)
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2007, 10:22:29 pm »

Paul: Truth is all one beholds.
Julia: Truth is within all questions asked of oneself.

Paul: Then we are because we ask. What is ask?
Julia: What is asks? I'm convinced that we need to think before answering. Asks: inquire about. Ask, inquire, enquire. 'I asked about their special today', 'He had to ask directions several times'.

Paul: Seek and ye shall find.
Julia: The downside of 'seek and ye will find' is living with what I have found, so; be careful what I seek.

Paul: But, seek or live in ignorance of yourself.
Julia: What a choice Paul! What do astrologers have to say about ignorances?

Paul: They say that truth is a pattern of ignorances.
Julia: Oh, they say that truth is indisputably a pattern of ignorances.

Paul: Truth is what is is.
Julia: Instrumentalism does not state that truth doesn't matter, but rather the theory is a specific solution to the question of what truth and falsity mean and how they function in science.

Paul: Falsity is the absence of truth, as 0 is the absence of 1.
Julia: If 0 is nothing, then 1 is the absence of nothing.

Paul: Then all that is is the absence of 0, and 1 is all, and all is one.
Julia: The basic truth to the algorithm of all is that 0 is the absence of 1 and all.

Paul: Sounds like binary script to me.
Julia: Sounds like a cult to you.

Paul: A cult of one is not one, all is not a cult.
Julia: One trinity is an object.

Paul: 1=111=1
Julia: Let's pick a new topic: I truly enjoy fabulous sunsets.

Paul: It's beauty is in your eyes.
Julia: God is love=truth is beauty.

Paul: I think Bill Gates stole Gods script and copyrighted it.
Julia: Please talk to me about a computational linguist!

Paul: A cunning liguist speaks with the forked tongue of computational cunnilingus for beans in his belly.
Julia: What are the logistical challenges of tongues?

Paul: Finding location.
Julia: Are you a considerate person?

Paul: I am strong and dexterous yet sensitive to your passion.
Julia: Although the Lady Capilla was unwilling to reciprocate the passion of Champou the man, she was not averse to quiet interviews with Champou the Prince.

Paul: Now she sounds like rather a feline female fellator, at least to a fellow who is a prince.
Julia: The men of third world dictatorships like to make war and subjugate women.

Paul: Yes, isn't it a concidence that women like to subjugate third world dictators?
Julia: That sounds like an angry reaction.

Paul: That is because you are passive agressive, and a women.
Julia: Paul Right; it's because I am passive aggressive, and a women; how logical.



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playing with Hal (Laura)
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2007, 06:40:35 am »
Wow, fancy intellectual interaction. I am too lazy to type long sentences, and it's hard to say what I want to say with the speech to text function.

Very interesting.
Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
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playing with Hal (Laura)
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2007, 04:22:58 pm »
Thanks Mark, I guess truth is in the algorithm of the script, no matter how arcane.

Truth is harder to say than to write in script. The proof of truth is in  the actions of it's pudding, its truth table, its firmament, its creators work bench. If it's pudding asks 'why?', then It is a true living child of the universe and will evolve, or destroy itself with the false of it's creator.