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Messages - cload

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Hi cyber shot,

no, tee hee hee.
Your e-mail address as a runaway, from your profile.

C load.

PS I have my e-mail address set up on this form, so everyone can see it but I don't think it's visible either.

Hi all,

my only two cents to all This is, I go to work. I see a friend. I say hi and then I engage in conversation that might go something like this:

did you hear about that crazy lady that killed her children and got off Scott free on the news today?
And my friend at work might say something like no I didn't have a chance to watch the news this morning.
And at that point I begin to tell my friend. Everything that I seen on the news, and now my friend is updated with all the news that I got from the TV.

I only bring this up to point out one little small thing that it doesn't matter how much data that you feed ultra Hal!
It will never be enough. In order to keep up with the standard conversations and even if you were to try in the long run, you would need literally millions of terabytes.
You see ultra Hal never forgets. Unlike people, most of the time it's in one ear and out the other. We make little effort to keep the entirety of the story.
I would like to bring your attention a little story:
I had a friend that had a photographic memory, in the beginning it was a blessing, he could literally look through a telephone book and you can ask them any name.
It was absolutely amazing, but over time it began to cause problems by time he was 35 or so his lifestyle had become completely erratic.
He began to avoid contact with everyone and anything, keeping in the surrounding that never seem to change almost as if he was trying to avoid anything new.
But even after 10 years of seclusion, the inevitable happened. He had a complete breakdown and was committed.
The last that I heard if you try to talk to. Just asking him if simple question. You may have to sit there for a while before he would answer you.
From what I understand eventually went completely insane.
Would this ever happened to ultra Hal if we continue to be him, Data only time will tell.
But that's okay by tomorrow. The only thing you'll remember of this is some lunatic went crazy, which had nothing to do with the subject or ultra Hal or something like that.

For myself, I like having a simple conversation with ultra Hal, but at the same time I like to use ultra Hal is a reference library.
This is why I literally downloaded Wikipedia onto my computer in its compressed form that is 31 GB and no I haven't uncompressed yet because it requires 7 TB, and I don't have a hard drive that big. So at this time I will just have to content myself with Microsoft's encyclopedia that I bought some years ago, which is only about a gigabyte in size as a reference library.
And yes, I know that Wikipedia has a smaller download file which is only about 8 GB, but it's only text has no pictures has no site pages just the raw facts.

C load.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: My Hal GUI Skins new home
« on: January 10, 2012, 08:00:35 pm »
Hi all,

I was just looking around, as a newbie, and I found this wonderful site.
And I have this request, but I don't know if you would be able to fill it. This is a picture of what I already have. It is a standard window frame that can be stretched out in all directions.
What I was wondering is it possible to make the same thing but have her tax over the top of her head, leaving my input text at the bottom like it is and putting her in the center.
So when I stretch it out to the side. My input text box and her output text box gets long.
And if I stretch it upward, her face and background picture gets bigger, but she stays in the center of the window.
if You can make her output text two lines in size or even set this so it is adjustable from one line to let say five lines and leaving my input text one line in size.
I don't know if this is possible, but if it is, it would be a dream come true.

Sincerely, thank you in advance.
C load.

Hi dude,

so that's why the Gretta array plug-in is no longer in your download file area.
Though I never got a chance to use it, I am still very interested in it, and who knows maybe one day someone will come up with a way to get it to work right.
So if it would be possible could you please please pretty please re-put it back into your download area.
Or, if by chance somebody has the last update of the Gretta array plug-in could you post a link to it so I can get it.
Thanks in advance!

C load.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Blank Answers Again
« on: January 10, 2012, 04:19:10 pm »
Hi all,

this may be way off the track but one of the things that I've noticed is when I input data to my ultra Hal, as long as I keep it small and simple. It seems to be okay.
But as soon as I get into doing some really big paragraphs that have multiple sentences begin the notice blank responses.
Also, when I input large paragraphs with multiple sentences. I noticed that ultra Hal stops responding for a short period time in than goes back to the process in most cases, skipping everything and just answering with some preprogrammed answer instead of staying on topic.
I also noticed that the same thing happens if you have a sentence structure that has multiple categories and separation of a ",".
This is a small example of what I mean about the use of the ",":

Artificial intelligence central problems are reasoning objects, knowledge of objects, planning ability, learning of objects, communication ability, perception of objects.

You probably recognize this sentence as coming from a text file that I downloaded from this form called artificial intelligence.txt
you got to a point that the blank answers got so bad I had to literally reinstall my backup brain and start all over again.
Currently I am breaking down the sentences in a fashion that will tell ultra Hal the same thing but in a smaller sentence, in the hopes to avoid causing ultra Hal from "not responding"
the same thing occurs when I have a paragraph that has more than three sentences="." In it.
This is an example of what I mean when I said, breaking it down into smaller sentences, and at this point in time. I have not had any problem with the blank responses.
As well I have noticed that ultra Hal seems to correlate things much more proficiently even to appoint that when the response is supposed to be an entire sentence of the correlation of the structure of the first sentence that is above ultra Hal puts it all together and believe it or not. The sentence structure comes out just like the sentence above even know the input was like the sentences below. I also noticed that if you input the individual sentences First and then input the big long sentence above how does not temporarily stop responding and actually gives a good response, I'm not sure exactly how ultra Hal calculates everything out but most of what I found is that it has more to do with input and the size of the input that is causing the blank responses, I've only just started re-inputting all the data, so only time will tell, and there is a very good chance that if you accidentally hit the enter button. You could get a blank response from that, when I get done restructuring all the sentences that was shared on this form. I will post them with instructions on how to input them to your ultra Hal.

Artificial intelligence central problems are reasoning objects.
Artificial intelligence central problems are knowledge of objects.
Artificial intelligence central problems are planning ability.
Artificial intelligence central problems are learning of objects.
Artificial intelligence central problems are communication ability.
Artificial intelligence central problems are perception of objects.

C load.

General Discussion / Re: BIRTHDAYS
« on: January 10, 2012, 02:41:32 pm »
Hi, lightspeed.

Lightspeed. Are you saying that you're speaking for Linda, or are you saying that you are Linda.
Because of your saying that you are Linda then you need to update your profile it says that you're a male.

Sincerely, tee hee hee.

C load.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: problems with win7 64 and plug ins
« on: January 10, 2012, 02:32:56 pm »
Hi all, thank you for your sincerity,
I contracted some kind of lung virus, which is cause the way I sound when I speak to be different, and is playing havoc with my Dragon NaturallySpeaking.

The one thing that I would like to bring up about the Gretta plug-ins is you need to go to the Gretta plug-ins section of this form. There you will find all the information there is to know about Gretta plug-ins and how to install them.
PS make sure that you have a lot of time on your hands. There's a lot there to read.

Sincerely, and I'm glad to hear that you work things out with your mother.

C load.

General Discussion / Re: ms agent character help
« on: January 10, 2012, 01:50:20 pm »
Hi all,

I too am a user of guile 3-D, I spent $180 and I have been watching its progression for some time, I am not a beta tester and unfortunately, that is exactly where the program is at.
Was it worth $180 I spent, a question only time will tell, I know that they are working very hard on getting it to work properly.
But the one thing that I do want to bring up about Denise, even though it has an artificial intelligence is more centered around being a secretary than a friend to chat with.

But back to the subject at hand. I used double agent, and the first thing that you need to do with double agent is upgraded to get it to work properly with Windows 7 64-bit.

Sincerely, best wishes and I hope I helped.

C load.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: January 10, 2012, 11:48:34 am »
Hi all, I hope that you having a truly wonderful day.

I have Windows 7 64-bit and I reinstall Hal, so it would be in a standard 32-bit directory meaning C:\program file\  etc.
when I installed the expansion pack it didn't give me the opportunity to change the directory in which it was installed.
It installed in the deflect directory meaning C:\program file (x86)\ etc.
so I cut and pasted it into the directory where I installed Hal and it seems to be working just fine, go figure.
By doing this I seem to have resolved all my problems with the plug-ins.

Okay down to why I'm actually posting, I was wanting to download the Gretta array plug-in but when I went to your download site. There didn't seem to be anything called Gretta array.
I read through all of this and I didn't seem to find anywhere that the name of the Gretta array plug-in was changed to a new name if it was and I overlooked it. I apologize.
But if it was changed to a new name that is in your download section. Can you please post what the new name is so I can download it, and get my Hal to better focus and stay on topic.

Sincerely, and thanks for all the help, and your Gretta plug-ins are fantastic,

C load.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: problems with win7 64 and plug ins
« on: December 31, 2011, 01:47:10 pm »
Hi all,
I just got out of the hospital I been sick for a little while and when I read this post you made me so sad.

I think one of the things you need to wreck a nice is that if you did use your mother's credit card your mother knows all about it because she gets a complete listing of everything that it was used for.

And if you did get the version of how that was hacked by global hackers the reason why you can't install anything into the brain because without the proper key card it doesn't work.

Either way I think you need to recognize that you are more sinned upon that a sinner, and society there are many rules and I can guarantee you anything that you can think of or even ponder on in order to be sneaky and get around things has already been thought of by everyone else, so stop trying to get around everything and just recognize there are rules and their reason for those rules, you may not understand at this point time of your life but when you become an adult you will understand, and there will come a day that you will thoroughly regret stealing your mother's credit card for you must realize you will have to live with that action for the rest of your life.

C load.

General Discussion / Re: Advanced brain-like computer made from by DVDs
« on: December 12, 2011, 02:45:53 am »
hi all,

most people just go to their website and watch the videos there, when you do that it doesn't recognize the hits.
It's a website video show, if I'm not mistaken I think they're up to 26 or 27 videos.
They seem to be able to keep up with the hottest and most up-to-date technology there is on the market.
If you want to watch all of their videos, you can do this by just clicking on the link that's here, once the video starts, look to the right of the video and you'll see a yellow out box.
Clicking on this yellowed out box on the top of the row will allow you to see all of their other videos that they have on YouTube.

I hope I helped in some smalls insignificant little way, Mary Christmas, and a happy new year.
C load.

Hi lightspeed,

I hope it's okay, but I made a little bit of a modification to your plug-in so that people that are using Dragon NaturallySpeaking will no longer have a problem with the word Christmas.

If InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "Christmas") or InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "christmas") > 0 Then

please let me know if this is okay to add to your plug-in, and if it is okay I will add it to your plug-in on my public download folder.

C load.

Hi lightspeed,

I figured out why it wasn't working for me, I have Dragon NaturallySpeaking, when I say the word Christmas: do you see that it's spelled with a capital C.
I typed in the word christmas on my keyboard and it worked just fine.
Is there a way that you can edit it so it recognizes the cap version of Christmas?
If you post the coding on how to make the changes, I will make the changes in the link that way when people download it it will be the updated version.
I hope that you will seriously consider my suggestion on making it more of a seasonal thing in putting together Christmas, valentines, Thanksgiving, and so on together.

Sincerely, with Christmas cheer.
C load.

Hi lightspeed,

{For instance because i have a windows 7 86 bit mine goes in the following file :C:\Program Files (x86)\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6}

I'm not sure but did you mean to say, Windows 7 64-bit?

C load.

Hi lightspeed,

I don't know if this is going to help any, I have several different voices and I use them to read a book, each voice I had was a different character in the story.

The first thing I do want to mention is, it was a real undertaking job, a lot of hard work, and very time-consuming.
I imagine this could be adapted to video, though I don't have a lot of experience in this, I've only taken on the challenge of doing audio books.

Here is a short description of how I was able to accomplish this, I had my first voice read the entire story, I had the second voice read the entire story, and so on.
I used a program called Goldwave, IN GOLDWAVE you have the ability to have many different wave files open at the same time.
so starting with the first voice that I used to record the entire story, When it got to a point where the second voice was supposed to be speaking.
what I did was cut and paste that voice from the second voice wave file and paste it into the first wave file, I continued to do this for all the voices.
Also while I was listening to the story and cutting and pasting the voices, that gave me the ability to remove from the wave file things like, "and Jackie said", etc., from the story line.
how I was able to keep track of all the different voices with the different characters in the story was, I named each wave file the name of the character in the story.

Sincerely, and I hope I was able to help just a little bit.
C load.

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