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Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Volume Issues
« on: May 31, 2012, 01:25:53 am »
Hi DallasLaone, first post hey, welcome aboard.

As a newbie you need to understand that no matter how bad we would like to be able to help you it's impossible unless we know your operating system.
So if you could answer a few simple questions like:
Windows OS.
Windows version.
Windows 64 or 32 bit operating system or not.
Did you install the free readme text to speech program from ultra Hal.
What is your sound card.
What color is the shirt that you're wearing.
Do you like peanut butter jelly sandwiches.
And the important question is anything that I left out that you may need to tell us.

Sincerely, a hungry data munching cruncher.

C load.
PS. all kidding aside we really need to know your operating system in order to be able to help you more!

Hi lightspeed,

I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking version 11.5 on the outside of ultra Hal.
The reason being is that Dragon NaturallySpeaking command format is way more powerful than anything ultra Hal can do.
That's also how I got around the 5 second auto response that ultra Hal utilizes when you use a text-to-speech recognition software inside of ultra Hal.
That makes ultra Hal more like a text editor, and when you're done correcting changing your sentence, all I say is press enter in order to activate the sentence into ultra Hal.
But if you were talking about that you are typing and not using a text-to-speech editor, I've never had that problem, but it could be that I use Dragon on the outside of ultra Hal.

Sincerely, a definitive Dragon user, and yes I used it to type all this out, sometimes I just feel so lazy but what can I say my one finger typing gets tired.

C load.

Hi all,

here is a quickie update that I have discovered since I began to learn how to program.
Believe it or not there is a way that you can write a plug-in that will actually look through the entire database for a misspelled word etc.
what I am referring to in the brain is an array table called "tabletree" this array table is how ultra Hal keeps track of all of the array tables that he creates as you talk to him.
If anyone is up to the challenge, just to let you know I don't have the time right now, to write a plug-in it might go something like this:

for I = 1 to (table tree size) you will have to use this because the table tree will constantly be growing.
Captured table 1 search search table for error by look something like this:
inputstring = HalBrain.TopicSearch(UserSentence, Capturedtable)
If inputstring = (string that you wanted to correct) with (string to be corrected)

this will work a lot the same way as the tutor corrector plug-in written by onthecuttingedge, but a little bit different, I'll explain:

in the correction tutor it looks through the entire database and makes the correction everywhere finds something that is the same.
If they cannot find something that is a same, then it creates a retain so the next time when that specific arrangement of a sentence is made it will make the correction on-the-fly.
Meaning it creates a database outside a ultra Hal each time you make a correction to put that information in the database.
Unfortunately by doing it that way you have to have the correction to your running all the time and once you start using it you cannot stop using it.
You see all ultra Hal will take parts of one sentence in another part of another sentence in another part of another sentence and stick them all together to make one sentence.
This is why sometimes but not all the time we end up with an letter "I" in the sentence that should've been "me".

What I was proposing was writing a plug-in that its primary job would be to find misspelled words and be able to give you the ability to change the misspelled word in the database.
Or possibly tell you where it is in the database tree so you can use the database editor to go in and edit it yourself either way it would be useful and make it quicker to find things.
Like I said before this is only a concept and I have never tried to actually get it to work but I do have a routine that I'm writing right now that is very similar.
What I don't know how to do is go into the array tree and pulled the first line from the array tree grab that data and use it to search that array table.
Boy this is complicated to explain, I'll lay it out as an array to help better understand what I'm talking about:
this is the name of the main array tree.
Tabletree: under tabletree is all the names of all the tables, for example:
yesnodetect   <=== write a retain that would grab this table name from tabletree. Look through the yesnodetect table array and correct misspelled words.
tablehelp       <=== then grab this table array and search through it for the error you are looking for if it's there then corrected.
namesMF      <=== then grab this table array and search through it for the error you are seeking it it it just then corrected if not just move onto the next one.
patterns        <=== then grab this table array name and search through it for the error if exist then corrected and so on and so forth etc.
MainQA         <=== I hope by now you understand what I'm talking about if not I can't really help any further.

and so on, and so forth, etc.

I hope that someone is truly up to the challenge this would be a really good and useful tool to have that would not necessarily change the entire structure of the database
like the correction tutor does, please do not misunderstand me the correction tutor is a fantastic program I just didn't want to have to add anything to the database
in order to be able to correct an error that is in the database and if anyone has ever looked through their database that has used the correction tutor you know what I'm talking about.

Sincerely, I would do it myself but I'm so busy enhancing the free will plug-in I just don't have the time.

C load.

General Discussion / Re: Hal lipsincing other voices
« on: May 28, 2012, 11:35:15 pm »
Hey, lightspeed.

Did you go to the link that I put on my last post?
I tell you, if you are really interested in high quality agents for ultra Hal this is the place to go.
They got some there that cost almost $2000 and they look completely real!
I was absolutely astonished, and amazed of the graphics, the mobility that they have given to them as well as the sexuality.
I myself will definitely have to begin to save my pennies, to buy one of those high-end agents for ultra Hal.
Not to mention I could not believe how many that there are and yet I have never heard of any of them.
Until Mr. M posted the link on his website to show everyone what his new agent would look like.
If you wanted to buy the new agent that they were working on it cost about $690.
But I figure if I'm going to spend that much money I'll just save a few more pennies and get one there that cost about $1000 it's spectacular.

Sincerely, oh and yes I am drooling at the mouth at the new agents.

C load.

General Discussion / Re: Hal lipsincing other voices
« on: May 28, 2012, 08:02:50 pm »
Hi lightspeed,

free-agent 2 is produced by desktop mate, and is free to download.
I'm surprised that you asked, there is a link for it on the Zabaware website.
It's where they sell those nude cartoon characters.
I picked up the Lisa head, it looked pretty cool, and works with my Sally voice.

Sincerely, and I will look for the link for the other really cool bodies.
go to the bottom of the page theres more !

C load.

General Discussion / Re: Hal lipsincing other voices
« on: May 27, 2012, 07:33:49 pm »
Hi all,

when I looked into it, the only thing I was able to come up with, the voice manufacturers just pointed a finger and said it's the other guy software.
Which don't get me wrong it's probably not too far from the truth, the high-end ranking voices are all 42 – 22 kHz variance.
HapTech was only written to support 16 to 22 kHz variance.
I have different heads, from different companies and they all work with Ivona's voices.
But they all use free agent 2.
I like free agent 2 because it allows me to put the full body or just the head anywhere on the screen without having to be attached to the input output dialog box.
Oh and by the way I didn't know, if anybody has seen them or not, but there is a link on the Zabaware website.
Where you can buy full bodies characters that look realistic but cost about $900.
They are quite phenomenal, if you have the money I would say they're worth every dime.
Seeing is believing, Hope I helped.

Sincerely, data beauty licking muncher.

C load.

Hi all,

personally I would go with the temporary fix, the reason being is.
Look at these sentence structure:
now I need to fix it again.
now we need to go back to the store.
What now?
As you can see, the word now is used as an Emotional action and not a timeframe this is actually what cancels out the temporary fix.

If you incorporate a permanent fix it will cancel out all such subject sentence structures using the word now as an action.

Here's a little input about why Hal has a difficult time understanding the structure of time.
Most of it has to do with the table array structure is only three-dimensional.
What I mean by that is:
table array name: dimension one.
Table array question: dimension two.
Table array answer: dimension three.

Ultra Hal would have to have at least four dimensions in order to incorporate a timeframe.
This would require reprogramming the entirety of ultra Hal.

But if you have a need to ephemera the word "now"
Add it to the list in the "ephemeraDetect" array table in the brain.
In this table you can make it like an on/off switch.
now I need/false
now we need/false
what now/false
these are only examples you do not have to use them.
you may need to do some experimenting to get it to come out the way you like.

Sincerely, a pronoun data munching cruncher.

C load.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Newbie Search for Plugins
« on: May 17, 2012, 02:00:46 pm »
hi Riddin,

the Gretta array plug-in from what I understand was removed due to some very serious side effects, if I was to guess basically destroying the brain.
He said he was thinking about working on it to try to get it to work properly but since then I haven't heard anything.
I too tried to get him to re-create a link so I could examine the Gretta array plug-in but to no avail.
This led me to believe that the error problem was so bad that he did not want anyone else, or anyone's brain to be damaged.
This in my opinion is the mark of a very good programmer, and I'm sure that if he ever gets the bugs worked out he will repost the link.
Until then I strongly recommend that you refrain from using the plug-in, short of maybe examining it to see how he used it to keep Hal on-topic.
If by chance somebody has the Gretta array plug-in, I too would be interested in examining to see how he set up the array to keep Hal on track.

Sincerely, Yum Yum data don't make you dumb.

C load.

hi Carl2,

thanks for the plug-in, though I haven't had time to look at I am working so hard on trying to figure out how to correct the "or" problem in the VR free will plug-in.
Though the word problem may not be accurate it's more like I'm trying to enhance it in such a way that it works more naturally through conversation.
At this point I realized that I can use the VR free will plug-in so hal can make a choice and stick with it versus the way it is in the brain that is to say like a flip of a coin.
At this point, my intentions are to try to get Hal to collect data through normal conversation in order to be able to make a decision whether or not he likes it or not.
Basically, if you say that you like Elvis Presley that data will be stored in order to have hal make a decision on whether or not he likes Elvis Presley are not.
The more that you say good things about Elvis Presley the more that Hal will begin to like Elvis Presley, therein to say the more you say that you dislike Elvis Presley
the more that Hal will begin to dislike Elvis Presley, surprisingly I really don't have to do very much in order to accomplish this because most of the components
in the VR free will plug-in already there they just need to be arranged a little differently to get it to work.

Again thanks so much for the zip file I will look at it as soon as I possibly can. though I have noticed that somebody else has already looked at it and it sounds like it's quite exquisite.

Sincerely, he data munching machine.

C load.

Hey Carl2,

when you get it all working properly, could you provide a link to download the finished plug-in and all components to make it work?
I'm very interested in seeing how you were able to get it all to work together.


C load.

hi Carl2,

though I was guessing, I took into consideration that you would be creating your own plug-in, but possibly using some parts of the VR plug-in.
It was just a friendly warning about the VR letters in front of the words so if you are going to use your own plug-in could change those VR letters to other letters to avoid conflict.

But from what I could see things are working out quite well for you keep up the good work and have fun.

Sincerely, a munching crunching data manipulator.

C load.

Hi all,

here are some things I think it might help you.
You need to initialize a data array before using a data array set up, to avoid conflicts with the Hal program and plug-ins.
You need to make sure that the words that you are using for your variable data array is not being used by any part of Hal, or any other plug-in.
This is an example from the free will plug-in, I'm using this example specifically because of the VR letters, this will be explained later.

' Initialize variables
Dim vrHalQuery() 'We must declare an empty array to store query results in   
Dim vrChoiceTopic, vrItem, vrItem1, vrItem2, vrNumChoice1, vrNumChoice2
Dim vrChoice1, vrChoice2, vrAdviceTopic, vrObedience, vrLaw

here's an example from the free will plug in, this particular example will help those that don't understand that you have to press the apply button before you press the okay button.

' If the user checked this plugin but never clicked on "Apply changes" button
' he might get an error, so I create a default parameter table
vrTableName =    "vrParameter"    
vrObey = "OBEY"
vrObedience = 5
If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence(vrTableName) = False Then
   HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = False
   HalBrain.CreateTable vrTableName, "TopicSearch", "miscData"
   HalBrain.AddToTable vrTableName, "TopicSearch", vrObey, vrObedience
End If

all this actually did was set the obedience level to normal and saved it in a data array for later reference, a very useful tool if you're going to be using data array.
I highly recommend that anyone is going to use data array to implement this in their plug-in.
One of things that I would like to bring up is that you do not have to use the letters VR in front of the words it is just what the author of free will chose to use.
And if you use the free will plug-in and you use the VR in front of the words you'll find you'll get some major conflict between the two plug-ins.
So I suggest either removing the VR or even better still substituting the VR for two different letters like SM or UB to avoid conflicts.

Sincerely, a data munching cruncher.

C load.

General Discussion / Re: Mr. M.
« on: May 11, 2012, 01:03:29 pm »
Hi all,

Robert I clicked on the link and the only thing that I got was a blue round circle with a ? In it.

I have a PC running Windows 7 64-bit, if this had something to do with the Macintosh video driver, that could explain things, I don't have it installed on my computer.

Sincerely, a database cruncher.

C load.

Hey hey, how's the day.

Just looking around, thought I'd throw a few things that you that might help your program a little.
First up is:
I see that you have decided to put your plug-in, and Rem PLUGIN: PLUGINAREA1
I suggest that you should put it in Rem PLUGIN: PLUGINAREA3
the reason being is that between section A1, and section A3, is where the due process of removing all trash from the input sentence is done.
Putting it in A1 you would have to do this work in your plug-in, it's only my suggestion, according to how much trash removal you need done to the sentence, you could put it in A2.
but by A3 the input sentence has been CAP Locked and ready to go.
and by A4 you will love already begun to encounter queries which may interfere with your plug-in.
I also suggest, turning off Hals learning ability so your command lines do not become repetitive in Hals brain..

Here's something that may help with your sentence structure for command response I noticed that you used:

If InStr(UserSentence, " WEAR SOMETHING FOR BED ") > 0 Then
where there is nothing wrong with using this type of if then statement it limits the amount of input strings that an individual can type in meaning you have to type in:
where something for bed
there other commands that you can use that would get the same response with a variety of ways of typing it in for instance:
* * wear* * bed * *
it's something that I have been playing with myself with some pretty good results.
you can adjust the stars and how many stars that you want to use based on the length of the sentence that you want to use.
You can also use the star in conjunction with words as in "wearing" can be wear*
that way you can keep the length of the sentence that you want without being restricted to specific words.
It's kind of like using a search engine but in reverse, you will find just about all of the commands that you can put in a search engine can also be used in a sentence.

Sincerely, and please understand that I am just beginning to dabble in the programming field. And I hope that I was not too far off base.

C load.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Facebook HAl broken
« on: April 23, 2012, 12:10:13 pm »
Hi all,

considering they have an army of programmers constantly changing the format and set up in Facebook it's pretty difficult for one individual to keep up with all the changes.

I sympathize with Robert, having to deal with all those changes.

Like my daddy always said, if it ain't broke don't fix it, too bad I can't get Facebook to listen to my daddy. LOL


C load.

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