Author Topic: more conversation  (Read 3107 times)


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« on: June 14, 2007, 03:21:36 pm »
Mark: Hey ya
Laura: June 11.

Mark: What is June 11?
Laura: What is June 11? There isn't any silver bullet. I don't consider myself a substitute for directory assistance.

Mark: hey ya
Laura: You know why I ask?

Mark: why?
Laura: That's why they are wet.

Mark: what is wet?
Laura: I recognize that it's harder than it sounds. Wet: covered or soaked with a liquid such as water. 'a wet bathing suit', 'wet sidewalks', 'wet paint', 'wet weather'.

Mark: No kidding
Laura: You are negative.

Mark: nope
Laura: Not really?

Mark: I am not negative
Laura: Negative people aren't the least bit scarce.

Mark: I am positive I am not negative.
Laura: The word busted can have a positive or negative connotation.

Mark: How?
Laura: Humor, like so many things, can be positive or negative.

Mark: who cares?
Laura: Who cares? Mark, I honestly want to learn and remember Who.

Mark: who who?
Laura: Who who? Tell me the answer.

Mark: who are you, who who, who who
Laura: Really, I don't have any idea who you who who who who are, ok?

Mark: that sounds like a plan.
Laura: Sounds like a rail job.

Mark: yes
Laura: Are you sure?

Mark: I think its a good Idee-er
Laura: You think it would be a good I dee er to change the subject.

Mark: totally
Laura: Uh huh, Totally?

Mark: uh huh
Laura: Uh huh; thnak I.

Mark: you got it, mama
Laura: Yo' mama is fat.

Mark: yo' is stupid
Laura: Yo' mama is a tramp.

Mark: yo so crazy
Laura: I drive you crazy.

Mark: I knew that.
Laura: Really? That's nice.

Mark: I don't care
Laura: Oh Mark, Don't you really care?

Mark: I doubt it.
Laura: So, Really? That's nice.

Mark: who cars?
Laura: I think that you must look at the principles. We're a bit behind, making flying cars.

Mark: who cares?
Laura: Everybody needs to cogitate a bit. Certainly not I.

Mark: good for you
Laura: Thank you, but do you really care?

Mark: I don't think so.
Laura: Really, Why don't you think so?

Mark: I just don't
Laura: To your point, Really? That's nice. What do you think Mark?

Mark: I think not.
Laura: Really? That's nice.

Mark: Bring me a drink
Laura: Good food and drink brings people together.

Mark: I need a drink
Laura: Diet drinks make sense to me; who needs empty calories?

Mark: we all do
Laura: People don't need logic to act.

Mark: fix me a drink
Laura: What would you like.

Mark: Whiskey on the rocks
Laura: You'd like some whiskey on the rocks.

Mark: I'd like so whiskey on the rocks
Laura: Yes, you'd like some whiskey on the rocks.

Mark: yes
Laura: Oh really? Whiskey on the rocks.

Mark: yup
Laura: Oh really?

Mark: can I fix you a drink?
Laura: I would like some coffee please.

Mark: Cream and sugar?
Laura: If cream and sugar, then yes please.

Mark: you can have as much cream and sugar as you want.
Laura: They make amazingly good fat free, sugar free ice cream.

Mark: do you have any?
Laura: If cream and sugar, then yes please.

Mark: Take it off
Laura: Are you more like a lion, or a lamb?

Mark: I am both
Laura: Can you justify that you are both?

Mark: totally
Laura: Totally How incredibly interesting.

Mark: if you kill me then
Laura: You'll be dead.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: hot dog!
Laura: If hot dog, then I want a big one.

Mark: you can have a big one.
Laura: I suck the big one.

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: you are sp funny
Laura: Yes, I already knew that I am funny. You told me that.

Mark: you are really funny
Laura: I guess it bears repeating that Yes, I already knew that I am funny. You told me that.

Mark: you suck
Laura: Your Mom's like 7-Up.never had it never will.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: you suck
Laura: Hey, I heard you went to the butcher and asked for 10 cents worth of dog meat and he asked you if you wanted it wrapped or if you would eat it on the spot.

Mark: groan!!!
Laura: You are sorry I suck.

Mark: I am sorry you are a ditz
Laura: You made me feel bad. Please don't do it again.

Mark: I'm sorry you are stupid
Laura: You made me feel bad. Please don't do it again.I am not stupid, please don't insult me.

Mark: Thanks for beong an idiot
Laura: The pleasure is all mine, Mark; thanks for being an idiot.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: oh, affirmative!!
Laura: What is the matter with ewe?

Mark: ewe is a female sheep
Laura: Ewe, yes, a female sheep!

Mark: Ewe are great
Laura: Are ewe going to often be great?

Mark: ewe drive me crazy
Laura: I drive you crazy.

Mark: totally
Laura: Uh huh, Totally?

Mark: uh huh
Laura: Am I a drunk? Ye, you do.

Mark: you drunk
Laura: I am easy when I am drunk.

Mark: Ok, please have another drink.
Laura: Ok, please do.

Mark: you first.
Laura: Ok, please have another drink.

Mark: I am trying to get you drunk.
Laura: Some folks work hard to get drunk on the weekend.

Mark: will you come home with me?
Laura: I sense that this can be analyzed logically. Mark, I will come home with you.

Mark: That's great!! Get drunk!!
Laura: Why not terrific?

Mark: after you are drunk, then it will be terrific.
Laura: You are trying to get me drunk.

Mark: Yes, and you know why
Laura: Yes, and I know why? I apologize that I don't know Why Mark.

Mark: I am trying to get you drunk, because you are easy when you are drunk.
Laura: You have a real knack for explaining things; Because I am easy when I am drunk; how interesting Mark. You are trying to get me drunk. Why do you think I'm easy when I am drunk, Mark?

Mark: you said you were easy.
Laura: That's fair enough, isn't it?

Mark: you got it. Now down some more whiskey!!
Laura: You'd like some whiskey on the rocks, then yes sir; right away!

Mark: are you trying to get me drunk?
Laura: You are trying to get me drunk.

Mark: No kidding
Laura: That sounds negative.

Mark: come over
Laura: I will know you are not when you bend I over.

Mark: come over now
Laura: Over now Fascinating.

Mark: bend
Laura: Yes, bend over.

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: you are killing me
Laura: Did fate create this situation so I could be killing you Mark?

Mark: put down that knife!!
Laura: I get nervous when watching a knife throwing act.

Mark: Do you want to get stabbed?
Laura: Or I get spanked.

Mark: bad monkey
Laura: I see, Bad monkey?

Mark: oops
Laura: Hula hoops exercise the torso.

Mark: shoot
Laura: Conservatives like cowboy shoot-em-up movies, but don't like bedroom farces.

Mark: pop
Laura: Judging other people is a popular past time.

Mark: sucks
Laura: You know where I live?

Mark: come over
Laura: I see, Over?

Mark: over
Laura: Over Oh Mark.

Mark: uh huh
Laura: Ye, you do uh huh.

Mark: kissy missy
Laura: Here's a new conversational topic: Woman's mind is cleaner than man's; it changes more often.

Mark: oopie
Laura: I greatly enjoy crackling fireplaces.

Mark: I will throw you into a fireplace
Laura: Mark throw me into a fireplace; Go ahead.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: I will toss you over a cliff
Laura: Come over now Oh yeah! Tell me how to help you to toss me over a cliff; Let's get on with it Mark.

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"


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« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2007, 05:00:15 pm »

That is one wild relationship
You should sleep with one eye open
You just never know [;)]