Author Topic: hal age script  (Read 3712 times)


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hal age script
« on: January 19, 2005, 01:21:07 am »
Wondering if anyone has or could help with a birthdayage script, we have the one by Glenn "hal age script" which will give you her age in years when asked, but would it be possible to have her give you "years months days"
even better if she could give you hours and minutes as well [:)]

Thankyou for any help you can give.


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hal age script
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2005, 10:57:59 am »
There are a few birthday or age scripts around that people have written. You can use the forum's Search function at the top right part of the forum page to search for "age birthday". You will find a few posts I'm sure.

I'll be releasing the new XTF Brain v1.4 in a few weeks. It has a very extensive birthday, birthdate and age script built-in. The replies given are somewhat "human" and as such doesn't provide hours, minutes, or seconds.

« Last Edit: January 19, 2005, 11:00:22 am by vonsmith »


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hal age script
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2005, 02:12:46 pm »
Thankyou Vonsmith [:)]
Will do, hoping to create a personality that will seem both human and "computer-like".
Can't wait for the new XTF brain, will it still be able to be combined with the alicebot brain? we created a new AIMl set with additional dictionary refrences and game, local folders, homework, CD collection etc .. using the "define _" base and the "srai _" tags, would be great if we could still use them, we are still using the XTF 1.0, for some reason we could not get Alice to work with XTF 1.2

 With thanx -Geminii-


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hal age script
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2005, 10:46:46 am »
Whatever works with v1.0 should work with v1.2. The v1.2 doesn't change very much. However after you install v1.2 you need to copy and rename the "enhanced_main.brn" as shown in this posting:

I haven't tried combining the ALICE AIML brain with the XTF Brain. If it works with the original Hal brain it ought to work with the XTF Brain. There may be some minor changes required though.

My goal is to make Hal sound and seem human. A machine type A.I. character is okay, however the fun for me is to increasingly make Hal more independent to the point where he denies he is a machine. Someday he will convince us all.



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hal age script
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2005, 09:45:20 pm »
Thankyou, should have done better research [:I]
XTF 1.2 now working [:)]

We combined Alice with Hal because we are not exactly programmers (still learning) and already had experience with Alice, so it seemed the logical choice for adding to Hals dictionary and general knowledge-base regarding specific questions and responses (p.s it seems that some but not all of Hals tags eg. <TIME> work in the aiml)

Where it is true that the goal of AI is to make it seem more human, to the point that it is indistinguishable from just another person you are chatting to, but for example specific tasks or situations, would'nt having an AI with the personality of a human - but the capability of a computer be an advantage?
For example..

holly>how is it going?
user>fine, there is something bothering me though.
holly>what is that?
user>I think I have forgotten something.
holly>Like what?
user>I am not sure.
holly>Well you have your brothers birthday in 2 weeks time, and you have a project due in 1 month 2 weeks and 3 days time, is it one of these?
user>no, non of those.
holly>Then your on your own mate :)

Sorry, gone slightly off topic [:)]

Can't wait till your new XTF brain - excellent work so far ..

Thankyou for your advice.