
Author Topic: Save and reinstall the key word sentence files 4.0  (Read 5709 times)

The Tinman

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Save and reinstall the key word sentence files 4.0
« on: October 22, 2001, 08:15:42 pm »
burn a copy of the hal program onto a hard disk, so that your work is saved, do this every so often so that you have an updated saved copy of the hal program at all times. Then If it is necessary to reinstall the program. do a fresh install. In the default brain there is a file called enhanced main. open it useing word pad. go into the saved program and open this same file. all your key word and sentinces are stored in this file (enhanced main) CAREFULLY copy and paste these sentences into the NEW enhanced file. make sure they go in just as they are scripted from the old file, order is not important. If you try to grab to many sentences at once you will get a memory error, that simply means that you have tried to grab to many at once. so copy and paste smaller groups of them. when you have them all in there close the window to the new file, it will ask you if you want to save the changes to the file. YES and close it. If you have done it incorrectly you will get a corrupt brain file error. if you were carefull and did it correctly it will work just fine.