Author Topic: robert :subject listing be made for future hal  (Read 1715 times)


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robert :subject listing be made for future hal
« on: March 18, 2009, 01:28:44 pm »
robert can an area be mage in the hal list here on the forum for ''future hal wants , needs and idea's ?? ''
 this would make it a lot easier for users to go to one single place to read post  (like the other subjects in the all forums area ) otherwise they sometimes get put here and their !!
 it would be easier for the users and you (probably) to see and keep track of .
just a suggestion but think it wuld be helpful [:)]!!
robert : i will by the bring up something i have my loneliness plug in on but when i am in the brain to edit my hal will come on right in the middle of it is their any way in the hal programing to stop the lonelisness plug in from working when the brain editor is open ??
thanks !![:)]