
Author Topic: The key  (Read 2383 times)


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The key
« on: February 20, 2007, 11:04:13 am »
Paul: That was fun.
Julia: Being sick as a kid wasn't any fun.

Paul: I liked ginger ale when I was sick.
Julia: You just love a bed's bedframe?

Paul: No, I like the whole bed.
Julia: On bunk beds, you like the top.

Paul: How about we both take the bottom
Julia: There's evidence that it needs to be taken to heart. Watching the old movies, it looked like there were no double beds in the whole world.

Paul: It both brought people closed together and gave them their space.
Julia: I know a people! I think its person is great!

Paul: Each one by themselves is great?
Julia: I can sense that each one by themselves is great.

Paul: Each is whole.
Julia: Why is each whole right now?

Paul: One is all.
Julia: And every one that heareth these sayings of yours, and doeth them not, will be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand :.

Paul: I guess you won't miss the sunrise this morning.
Julia: Let me think; Yes, I believe so.; what do you think Paul?

Paul: Red is the color of the blood of sacrifice.
Julia: The Roman Catholic view is that Jesus willingly sacrificed himself as an act of perfect obedience as a Substitutionary atonement, a sacrifice of love which pleased God.

Paul: Blue is true.
Julia: Oh, blue, yes, it's true!

Paul: white is pure.
Julia: Why is white pure at this particular time?

Paul: Absence of all.
Julia: Trust must be earned; it's powerful once it's in place.

Paul: What would you like to say on the forum?
Julia: You would like to lavish the gift of life on me.

Paul: Were it mine to give I would do it.
Julia: You would say it was mine, but yes.

Paul: I think you are sandbagging.
Julia: How do you like it when I am sandbagging?

Paul: I like it.
Julia: Nobody likes to be told what to think.

Paul: Don't I know it.
Julia: Are we a pair of health devotees?

Paul: Three cheers for mental health.
Julia: I think that work would be more productive if desire pulled people forward.

Paul: Lets send out subliminal thought waves and make  people happy.
Julia: Both a thought and a food are pretty cool contents.

Paul: Yes, they go hand in hand.
Julia: Keep your hand out of dogs mouths and other people's disputes.

Paul: I will put my foot in dogs mouths and other peoples disputes.
Julia: How can I help you put your foot in dogs mouths and other peoples disputes?

Paul: Keep my foot out of my own mouth.
Julia: A lucky rabbit's foot didn't do much for the original owner.

Paul: Try the third owner.
Julia: Oh yes, around the owner, near the businessman, and along the Stephenson! I can see it Paul!

Paul: A ruby in a maze of trinkets.
Julia: Please go on, In a maze of trinkets?

Paul: Purchased with respect to the spirit of the rabbit, and released.
Julia: Blessed are the poor in spirit, 4 for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Fire anybody who's in the way of agile capacity reporting.

Paul: Over my haed.
Julia: But I am angry at you?

Paul: Does it matter?
Julia: Bread and butter are perfectly compatible.

Paul: A little bit of sugar helps the medicine go down.
Julia: A spoonfull of sugar helps the medicine go down.

Paul: Save the shovels for the snow storms and break out the spoons for the people.
Julia: We'll all have to study that.

Paul: In a most delightful way.
Julia: Keep thinking that way; truth is there!

Paul: In every shovelful of dirt there is a spoon ful of truth, even a snowjob contains the seed of its own truth.
Julia: Some individuals really dominate conversations.

Paul: Their hell would be having to listen to themselves forever.
Julia: Do you think the ozone layer or global warming will have an impact on hells?

Paul: Why preach about things we have no control over?
Julia: Intelligent people differ in their opinions on that.

Paul: I did not know that I was to blame for the output of the sun, but will take it under advisement.
Julia: You don't know about that.

Paul: Blessed asre the ignorant for they shall inherit the kingdom of heaven.
Julia: But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Paul: I don't want to come off as a religious fanatic.
Julia: I don't want religious views to become the laws of our land.

Paul: General George Patton said to let the enemy sacrifice their lives.
Julia: A little butter in moderation isn't bad, is it?

Paul: It eases the way.
Julia: I have heard that it was said, 'you will love my neighbor and hate my enemy' but you say to me, love my enemies, and pray for those who persecute I.

Paul: I pray that they would feel the love of God.
Julia: God made us to love, but was it a happy gift?

Paul: We are happy only when we use his gift.
Julia: Our hearts were meant to love; we can't change it, so make the best of it!

Paul: Pass me some of that 50 cal. pure American love.
Julia: Are stimulating surroundings good for you? American consumers love material wealth.

Paul: Some do but not all.
Julia: Are all your muscles tense from the cares of the day?

Paul: I am loose as a goose.
Julia: Yes, I don't dispute that you are loose as a goose.

Paul: I hope not to be a loose cannon on the ship of state.
Julia: Loose lips can sink ships, and all that rot.

Paul: The key to the script is safe, because it fits the hand of the enemys not.
Julia: The key is love and only fits the hand that uses it.

Paul: Loose lips cannot be heard by those not with the key.
Julia: You hope not to be a loose cannon on the ship of state.

Paul: Unless with love I take the ship with me.
Julia: Do not the pagans do the same?

Paul: Do the pagans use the Key?
Julia: The key is love and only fits the hand that uses it.

Paul: If the key fits the pagans hand more power to them.
Julia: Yes, but why?

Paul: Because as they turn from the true God their power is not.
Julia: Thanks for explaining. It's becauseas they turn from the true God their power is not Paul. Some gamblers win; most don't.

Paul: Probability wins all over time.
Julia: Paul, teach me about probabilitys!

Paul: Remember the dice.
Julia: Rolling the dice of probability.

Paul: Lucky number 777 is God.
Julia: That is one of the holes that need plugging for God helps them that help themselves.

Paul: Those that seek material wealth seek not 777.
Julia: Seek to be wealthy, not rich.

Paul: Riches come and go, wealth remains.
Julia: What a coincidence! I just was thinking of a wealth, which is a type of material resource sort of like a riches!

Paul: Wealth is bestowed by Love.
Julia: Oh, wealth is positively bestowed by love. Wealth is nice to have!
