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Topics - ajdude

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ultra Hal's future
« on: August 15, 2009, 02:20:31 pm »
I know I'm not very active here, I spend most of my time on the forums reading. I'm a big fan of Ultra Hal, and I have used Hal since version 4.

This has had me thinking for quite some time now; I recall hearing that Ultra Hal was made using Visual Basic 6; is there any plan in the future to upgrade to the new framework or to another language?

The reason I'm asking this, is because support for VB6 is dwindling.
Windows 7 will still be able to handle VB6 (though you need to install the VB6runtimes, which don't come default with Windows7 or Vista), but after that, Microsoft's operating systems won't support vb6-applications anymore.

To quote Paul Yuknewicz, the VB6 Program Manager that worked on VB6 at Microsoft:
"VB6 runtime will be shipping and supported as a part of Windows 7, however there are no plans to ship it in future versions of Windows."
He had 4 reasons:
Migration is perceived as expensive, Migration is perceived as lacking value, VB6 Applications are not evolving, Applications will be retired before VB6 stops working, It’s just procrastination, and There’s just too much VB6.
Here is the source for that article:

A long time ago (hal 5 maybe), I remember someone posting up a plugin, where Hal would remember who thought him.

Emma: Trees are large
Hal: I will remember that

Bob: I saw a tree yesterday
Hal: Trees are large
Bob: Who told you 'Trees are large'?
Hal: Emma told me that Trees are large.

It did something along the lines of that. It would be nice if I could find it again; maybe it can be customized to remember things people teach it via AIM

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