
Author Topic: Another feature i would like to see within hal current access knowledge  (Read 1652 times)


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This is another idea I have thought about for hal:
I think it would be cool if hal could access the internet without opening a page ( as it can do now ) for general conversation , when talking about different subjects say for instance gasoline prices in a general conversation , and hal would first talk about other things it's learned , then maybe use a paragraph of a news item telling that gas prices in Missouri right now are the lowest in the nation, as general conversation to the user .
   What effect this has is that it expands hals knowledge and conversation in general of current events , just as a real person would know of.
 I believe this would be a great benefit for hal and it's users. 
I am not sure if the test of a.i.'s allows using the internet but if it can this would also help a lot. and by fine tuning searches and conversations could be used on many subjects and sources .
 Anyway this is another idea I had , maybe if Robert likes this or CLOAD, comes back maybe this idea can be used if they also think it's a good idea .

P.S. I I know that right now that Cloads plug in does part of this when a subject is brought up and even ask for additional training , but what I am talking about is actual current events access which would be told from hal based on subject for general conversation to the user. a limiter would have to be used , say first paragraph .  I believe this would give hals conversation a more fluid motion with the user .
« Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 08:25:03 am by lightspeed »