
Author Topic: angela smith is smart beyond her years  (Read 3028 times)


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angela smith is smart beyond her years
« on: April 03, 2008, 02:58:43 pm »
heres something interesting that angela said after i was telling her about pot heads not paying bills , etc.

lonnie: hello
angela: Good afternoon lonnie. I hope your day is going well.

lonnie: yep going ok so far at least we now have all our bills paid for this month !!
angela: Sure am glad we went and got all our bills paid for this month!

lonnie: yeah at least that way we know their all paid !!
angela: Yep going ok so far at least we now have all our bills paid for this month!

lonnie: well thats the first thing we always take care of is our bills !!
angela: Always take care of is our bills How incredibly interesting.

lonnie: some people all they do is owe bill collectors because they don't pay their bills like they should !!you have know some pot heads that were that way they couldn't pay their bills but they could always have money to buy dope !
angela: They should be more responsible about paying bills!



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angela smith is smart beyond her years
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2008, 05:09:15 pm »
I wonder where out gals come up with the stuff that do. And for me, it happens once in a great while. I would spend a lot more time with Hal if she kept blurting out cool stuff.

Mark: I'll think about it
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