Not sure. With the problems you seem to be having with Hal at the moment, I'd recommend trying to get Hal running normally for a few days. Have several conversations with the program (usually typing instead of Speech Recognition as typing is more reliable, in most cases).
Once you have told Hal certain things, ask it to repeat it to you like:
"The color of my friend's bike was cobalt blue."
What color was my friend's bike?
You can also save Hal's conversation with you to go over later as this is often a big help in problem solving or what might trigger a condition.
Be careful with plugins as some are quite old and might not work with the current Hal version. So my advice is to proceed carefully then when Hal is acting normally, slowly add a plugin here or there, One at a time. In other words, Add plugin, Run Hal several times and see if the plugin is working properly. If good. then you can add another one. Run Hal and check to see that all is well.
If you ever start to have problems or issues, start unchecking the last plugin that you've added then run Hal again to see if that error appears again.
Always make a copy of the Halbrain.db and keep in a safe place in case your Hal ever crashed beyond repair.
Hope this helps!