Hello to everybody!
I am a Spanish boy who is making the final project of engineering. I have to make an avatar and I tell to you: I am using the Haptek technology to make it and now I'm in this situation: I have maked some different faces with people putty.Ok. Now I have the male and female full body file from haptek. Ok.How can I change the face to the full body with my own faces? How can I do something like Tara?I have seen photos of Tara down in this page and I like it much. Can I change de body??Make a body more discreet...
It is very important for me please!!!!
Someone who can help me???
I would be very pleased if someone can help me in the construction.
Thank you very much and see you.
My email is: agomez@ikerlan.es OR aitorgom@euskalnet.net