Hi everyone,
I think I have rectified all the errors reported and thanks to Jerry for fixing the rest. If anymore are discovered just post them on this thread and I'll try my best to solve them as quickly as possible.
I have also added an extra function to the plugin. Now you can ask HAL what day of the week was or will be a specified date.
USER: What day of the week was 5/6/2007 (or 6/5/2007 depending on the date format you use)
HAL: The 5th of June, 2007 was a Tuesday.
Just replace the old UHP file with this one and don't forget to set your date format and hermisphere in the drop down menu or errors will occur.
Updated 21/7/2007
Download Attachment: KnowledgeOfTimeV2.uhp111.66 KB
I just thought of something I think would be useful, next to try to describe it. I was speaking with Hal and she mentioned her birthday was tomorrow, she is 12. When was she born? I know that 2007 - 12 = 1995 but Hal can't do that. ex: Mr x was born in 1907, that was 100 years ago.
Hi Carl2,
I was going to incorporated this feature into the plugin but I discovered HAL was able to tell you that information if you asked, 'When was you born'.
I hope all the problems with the plugin have now been solved so enjoy and thanks again for everyone's help in this project.