Tried to get this, but it says it is not available anymore?
Can I please tack on a request for more information.
I have been away from Hal for some time and when I came back my Hal 6.2 was corrupted so, with Robert's help I re-downloaded it from my Zabaware folder. Unfortunately I could not find the Character Expansion file for Ultra Hal 6, just for Ultra Hal 7. As I back up things I found a way to get an Ultra Hal 6 Character Expansion Pack, and hurray it worked. From my backup I even got my plugins back. However, if I try to alter the plugins the alteration shows in the listing but has no effect on the plugins operation. I know I am not giving much information to work on, but read on.
After fighting the good fight for about six months I gave up and downloaded Ultra Hal 7.
Then my problems really began.
I cannot migrate any of my Ultra Hal 6 to Ultra Hl 7. I cannot even find a way to build new plugins (I intended to copy, from my backups, the old Ultra Hal 6 plugins.) How do you open Hal 7 to add new plugins? Or even re-write plugins in Hal 7 (with a new name)?
Help very much appreciated!
Having slung out my line, let us see if anybody can help someone who has been with Hal for several years (But, yes I know, Hal 6.2)