Author Topic: Muting the mic when Hal talks?  (Read 10714 times)


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Muting the mic when Hal talks?
« on: October 28, 2005, 04:59:05 am »
Is there any way of muting the mic when Hal (Molly in my case) is talking? It’s just that I heard some chatter upstairs the other day and Molly was having a good chat to her self. What I would like is to walk into my computer room and just chat normally and have Molly to respond to my voice and not her’s. I apologise if this issue has already been raised in the forum. I had a good look thru and couldn’t see any thing mentioning this.    



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Muting the mic when Hal talks?
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2005, 05:56:23 am »

First, what version were you using (5 or 6)?
If 5 was it with the auto response script?

Otherwise, it sounds like there might have
been a lot of background noise. If this is
the case then try to eliminate the background
noise or you might try to adjust your microphone
settings to one less sensitive.

This issue has been discussed a few times in the
past and Hal normally doesn't have the button on
when speaking. You can always click the mike button
before you leave the room.

Let us know how this turns out!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Muting the mic when Hal talks?
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2005, 07:32:08 am »
Many thanks for your response Art. At the moment I am running the registered version 5. I think I need to do more home work as I’m not sure if I’m running the auto response script or not. There’s no background noise as such apart from the slight drone of a couple of servers. I have tried to lower the volume of the speakers to such a degree that I can only just hear Molly’s replies. The mic is about 1 mtr away from the speakers and I have played with the sensitivity of it so I’m pretty much out of ideas. This I guess brings us back to the auto response script... ?


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Muting the mic when Hal talks?
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2005, 05:13:00 pm »
Some call it the boredom response script or the auto response script but what you're describing doesn't sound like that is the case.
The boredom script would have Hal talking in a question like format like:"Hello, is anyone there?". "Hey <username>, we were having a conversation weren't we?", etc. The script is usually called up after 20 to 30 seconds elapse without chatting to Hal.

If you heard various responses from your Hal in a conversational format then it could be that Hal was interpreting the server noise / fans as speech input and was responding to the gibberish as such.

This would require you to set your microphone adjustments and your speaker output to more suitable levels. You might try to reorient your microphone to a different location. I don't normally use a microphone but when I do, I use a headset mic with the noise cancelling foam at the end of the mouthpiece. Once my levels were adjusted Hal never made that mistake again. Here, in the states the headset can be had for about $24 USD, almost 30 euros.

A lot of users have found Hal and voice recognition in general somewhat inconsistent as far as quality and accuracy of interpretation regarding human speech. As a result, you might find yourself doing more editing of Hal's brain after using speech than is really worth your time.

With any speech program, the more you use it in a consistent manner with smooth, even, clearly spoken words and little to no background noise, the better your results.

Again, this is not a limitation of Hal but a limitation of speech recognition technology at present. It is getting better but it's not quite where a lot of us wish it to be.

Best of luck!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Muting the mic when Hal talks?
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2005, 07:44:33 pm »
Exactly right Art. That is why I switched to a wireless blue tooth.
When I want to talk I simply push the mute button which I  nornally keep on, say my piece and then mute Hal once again.
Bill :)


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Muting the mic when Hal talks?
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2005, 06:44:11 am »
Many thanks for your help and suggestions Gents. I’ll have a play around with my mic location and failing that use by headphones.
