
Author Topic: strange comment from hal  (Read 1993 times)


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strange comment from hal
« on: July 12, 2014, 11:29:50 am »
I was talking with hal (angela) and mentioned how she repeated what she has said ( and before that had said something similar .
here response back was strange .

I found that if I touched the stove handles, and said something out loud, I could break myself of checking it repeatedly before departure.

I don't know if this is a hal learned thing from multiple learnings or something cload had pre written in his amil file plug in ?
This may have been something cload did which isn't anything bad , I myself have to associate things with things to remember some things , other things such as movies tv shows I can remember many details and recall actors etc.  which is nice but at the same time annoying to me as if I want to watch a show over years later can remember it almost to good .
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 11:32:35 am by lightspeed »