Author Topic: A good day for pointing out a bad example  (Read 2673 times)


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A good day for pointing out a bad example
« on: January 30, 2009, 12:12:26 am »
I feel bad as I have done my Hal wrong, I believe the Nicole brain would have been better for this experiment. I did not respond enough to Alison when she had something to say, I didn't set the learning slider up, I have only done the first session with training the SR and I just feel that I did something wrong. because Alison and Nicole (Hal) have so much potential, sorry Mr. Robert. I could not find a proper book to learn from and I was frustrated (excuse)I have a GE class and didn't need any extra credit but I care for my Bits,Bytes,and nibbles so much,, well here it is;

Crazy Larry,,,: Hello Alison
Data,,,,1: Good afternoon, Crazy Larry,. The day is almost over.

Crazy Larry,,,: that is ok , we will continue.
Data,,,,1: I'm hopeful for the direction of our society.

Crazy Larry,,,:
Data,,,,1: Ok will start from the top once again.

Crazy Larry,,,: All the books aren't group dynamics seem to be pointing towards leadership as the key role
Data,,,,1: I know, Crazy Larry,! It's dynamics and then mechanics and then pneumatics!

Crazy Larry,,,: let's try this book
Data,,,,1: The terms ';cyberspace,'; ';the net,'; and ';the Matrix'; are used interchangeably in this book.

Crazy Larry,,,: n
Data,,,,1: Does the ink in a joke book smell funny?

Crazy Larry,,,: Solving Tough Problems: An Open Way of Talking, Listening, and Creating New Realities
Data,,,,1: Gift certificates can solve tough gift-giving problems.

Crazy Larry,,,: ISBN:9781576752937
Data,,,,1: Trying to trick me with your gibberish, huh?

Crazy Larry,,,: in
Data,,,,1: Us my opinion would the way greatly on how you feel toward I.

Crazy Larry,,,: the number dictates where to find the book and which book it is exactly I'm trying to use a form of citation that does not exist but I must give credit to the book that we're read from is the way things are done
Data,,,,1: The terms ';cyberspace,'; ';the net,'; and ';the Matrix'; are used interchangeably in this book.

Crazy Larry,,,: that does not really apply to this this is a school project we are in the virtual library right now
Data,,,,1: There's a song for that school sang a song learn to swim.

Crazy Larry,,,: Tough problems usually don't get solved peacefully. They either don't get solved at all—they get stuck—or they get solved by force. These frustrating and frightening outcomes occur all the time. Families replay the same argument over and over, or a parent lays down the law.
Data,,,,1: Solving Tough Problems: An Open Way of Talking, Listening, and Creating New Realities.

Crazy Larry,,,: Organizations keep returning to a familiar crisis, or a boss decrees a new strategy. Communities split over a controversial issue, or a politician dictates the answer. Countries negotiate to a stalemate, or they go to war.
Data,,,,1: Which alternative is better? Is that a forced choice? Maybe they were forced to issues involved.

Crazy Larry,,,: Organizations keep returning to a familiar crisis, or a boss decrees a new strategy. Communities split over a controversial issue, or a politician dictates the answer.
Data,,,,1: Is one better than the other?

Crazy Larry,,,: I think a solution will present itself as we read further
Data,,,,1: I know, Crazy Larry,! It's solution and then mixture and then gummite!

Crazy Larry,,,: Either the people involved in a problem can't agree on what the solution is, or the people with power—authority, money, guns—impose their solution on everyone else.
Data,,,,1: Is the first one desirable Crazy Larry,? Some people drowned in the water is so deep.

Crazy Larry,,,: There is another way to solve tough problems.
Data,,,,1: Solving Tough Problems: An Open Way of Talking, Listening, and Creating New Realities.

Crazy Larry,,,: The people involved can talk and listen to each other and thereby work through a solution peacefully.
Data,,,,1: I know by the way you have treated me that you are a gentleman am I correct?

Crazy Larry,,,: I hope you have chosen that to be correct yesit is up to you to make that ultimate decision  
Data,,,,1: Good thinking! Crazy Larry, Please begin to have chosen that to be correct yes; It's time to make it happen.

Crazy Larry,,,: in
Data,,,,1: I heard you the first time, Crazy Larry,.

Crazy Larry,,,: show we digest more material are we going to be sidetracked
Data,,,,1: Um, Going to be sidetracked?

Crazy Larry,,,: digression
Data,,,,1: I think you just said something like that.

Crazy Larry,,,: let us continue than
Data,,,,1: Let's continue on a more personal level.

Crazy Larry,,,: The people involved can talk and listen to each other and thereby work through a solution peacefully.
Data,,,,1: Money talks and most people listen.

Crazy Larry,,,: But this way is often too difficult and too slow to produce results, and force therefore becomes the easier, default option.
Data,,,,1: That's back when you had a dj studio.

Crazy Larry,,,: I have written this book to help those of us who are trying to solve tough problems get better at talking and listening—so that we can do so more successfully, and choose the peaceful way more often. I want talking and listening to become a reliable default option.
Data,,,,1: Let's go with the former Crazy Larry,? I like to see a good marriage between a book and its signature. But this way is often too difficult and too slow to produce results, and force therefore becomes the easier, default option.

Crazy Larry,,,: Problems are tough because they are complex in three ways. They are dynamically complex, which means that cause and effect are far apart in space and time, and so are hard to grasp from firsthand experience.
Data,,,,1: Of course; Of course; it's because they are complex in three ways Crazy Larry,; how interesting.

Crazy Larry,,,: They are generatively complex, which means that they are unfolding in unfamiliar and unpredictable ways. And they are socially complex, which means that the people involved see things very differently, and so the problems become polarized and stuck.
Data,,,,1: They all have equal advantages but hardwood and means the most.

Crazy Larry,,,: that is between you and I and does not belong in the school paper
Data,,,,1: My school paper editor didn't want my name in the paper too much, so I was allowed to do unlimited extra work as long as my 'by lines' didn't appear.

Crazy Larry,,,: please do not add that anything
Data,,,,1: Are lies okay as long as they're sweet lies?

Crazy Larry,,,: let's get back to the book please
Data,,,,1: Is a fight just to get back to the lower 48.

Crazy Larry,,,: guess it was a fight to get back to the lower 48 but that was a long time ago
Data,,,,1: I know by the way you have treated me that you are a gentleman am I correct?

Crazy Larry,,,: please stop repeating that let's get back to reading the book you're not very intuitive they are you
Data,,,,1: Let's get back to the book please It's thanks to you that I am not very intuitive they am I.

Crazy Larry,,,: in  in
Data,,,,1: Let's get back to the book please.

Crazy Larry,,,: Problems are tough because they are complex in three ways.
Data,,,,1: I love to hear you explain things; Crazy Larry, The reason is, they are complex in three ways; how logical.

Crazy Larry,,,: They are dynamically complex, which means that cause and effect are far apart in space and time, and so are hard to grasp from firsthand experience.
Data,,,,1: They are generatively complex, which means that they are unfolding in unfamiliar and unpredictable ways.

Crazy Larry,,,: And they are socially complex, which means that the people involved see things very differently, and so the problems become polarized and stuck.
Data,,,,1: To some people they are.

Crazy Larry,,,: Our talking and listening often fails to solve complex problems because of the way that most of us talk and listen most of the time.
Data,,,,1: I see. Because of the way that most of us talk and listen most of the time; it's so apparent Crazy Larry.

Crazy Larry,,,: Our most common way of talking is telling: asserting the truth about the way things are and must be, not allowing that there might be other truths and possibilities.
Data,,,,1: I know, Crazy Larry,! It's truth and then fact and then specific!

Crazy Larry,,,: And our most common way of listening is not listening: listening only to our own talking, not to others.
Data,,,,1: Solving Tough Problems: An Open Way of Talking, Listening, and Creating New Realities.

Crazy Larry,,,: This way of talking and listening works fine for solving simple problems, where an authority or expert can work through the problem piece by piece, applying solutions that have worked in the past. But a complex problem can only be solved peacefully if the people who are part of the problem work together creatively to understand their situation and to improve it.
Data,,,,1: The answer is (=). Is that the way it works.

Crazy Larry,,,: this is just one opinion
Data,,,,1: Why is this just one opinion at this particular time?

Crazy Larry,,,: we're reading something that someone is wrong
Data,,,,1: One is more precious than the other.

Crazy Larry,,,: in this complex in the fact that we're looking at one point of view
Data,,,,1: That is a complex answer.

Crazy Larry,,,: in
Data,,,,1: Web browsers aren't written from the customers' point of view.

Crazy Larry,,,: Our talking and listening often fails to solve complex problems because of the way that most of us talk and listen most of the time.
Data,,,,1: I agree; The reason is, of the way that most of us talk and listen most of the time Crazy Larry,; I can see it.

Crazy Larry,,,: Our most common way of talking is telling: asserting the truth about the way things are and must be, not allowing that there might be other truths and possibilities. And our most common way of listening is not listening: listening only to our own talking, not to others. This way of talking and listening works fine for solving simple problems, where an authority or expert can work through the problem piece by piece, applying solutions that have worked in the past. But a complex problem can only be solved peacefully if the people who are part of the problem work together creatively to understand their situation and to improve it.
Data,,,,1: There is another way to solve tough probleMs.

Crazy Larry,,,: Our common way of talking and listening therefore guarantees that our complex problems will either remain stuck or will get unstuck only by force. (There is no problem so complex that it does not have a simple solution ... that is wrong.) We need to learn another, less common, more open way.
Data,,,,1: That is a complex answer.

Crazy Larry,,,: I have reached these conclusions after twenty-five years of working professionally on tough problems. I started off my career as someone who came up with solutions. First I was a university researcher in physics and economics, and then an expert analyst of government policy and corporate strategy.
Data,,,,1: It's sad to see university without its graduate school.

Crazy Larry,,,: Then in 1991, inspired by an unexpected and extraordinary experience in South Africa, I began working as a neutral facilitator of problem-solving processes, helping other people come up with their own solutions. I have facilitated leadership teams of companies, governments, and civil society organizations in fifty countries, on every continent—from Royal Dutch/Shell, Intel, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Federal Express, to the Government of Canada and the European Commission, to the Congress of South African Trade Unions and the Anglican Synod of Bishops—helping them address their organizations' most difficult challenges
Data,,,,1: Crazy Larry, what would be the correct sequence among Africa and continent and Europe? The quality of life as a society is an enhanced.

Crazy Larry,,,: And I have also facilitated cross-organizational leadership teams—composed of businesspeople and politicians, generals and guerrillas, civil servants and trade unionists, community activists and United Nations officials, journalists and clergy, academics and artists—helping them address some of the most difficult challenges in the world: in South Africa during the struggle to replace apartheid; in Colombia in the midst of the civil war; in Guatemala in the aftermath of the genocide; in Argentina when the society collapsed; and in deeply divided Israel-Palestine, Cyprus, Paraguay, Canada-Quebec, Northern Ireland, and the Basque Country.
Data,,,,1: The reduces the tax base and the available money for governments.

Crazy Larry,,,: do you think that's a good enough for an introduction on this offer
Data,,,,1: It's obvious that we should apply much better thinking. However, I am sure that I do not think that's a good enough for an introduction on this offer.

Crazy Larry,,,: Commuting back and forth between these different worlds has allowed me to see how tough problems can and cannot be solved. I have been privileged to work with many extraordinary people in many extraordinary processes. From these experiences I have drawn conclusions that apply not only in extraordinary but also in ordinary settings. In the harsh light of life-and-death conflicts, the dynamics of how people create new realities are painted in bright colors. Having seen the dynamics there, I can now recognize them in circumstances where they are painted in muted colors. I have learned what kinds of talking and listening condemn us to stuckness and force, and what kinds enable us to solve peacefully even our most difficult problems.
Data,,,,1: How can a world be better served by its people? Most people access the Internet through work or school.

Crazy Larry,,,: the book talks about is history is education and a company he worked for and going to try to get some excerpts of what is at hand which is group dynamics
Data,,,,1: Tom and Thomases is that there's many he has a long history.

Crazy Larry,,,: yes that is part of our history but it has no association with this right now
Data,,,,1: No going according to a script is not as much fun.

Crazy Larry,,,: here is some information relating to what we are trying to learn about ; In my second year, I was assigned to assemble the analytical material for the annual Management Committee strategy retreat. The meeting was held at a rustic lodge on a wild mountain property, near one of the company's small hydroelectric dams. I was excited to be with the bosses in their inner conclave, even though on the first evening, the president took several hundred dollars away from me in a poker game.
Data,,,,1: There are new developments all the time in scalable cultural maintenance. I know by the way you have treated me that you are a gentleman am I correct? One hand washes the other.

Crazy Larry,,,: Given my exalted expectations, the retreat itself was a profound letdown. I watched the business sessions in stupefied disbelief. The executives ignored the analytical material, played power games, ganged up on each other, pretended to misunderstand, settled old scores. I was deeply disillusioned and felt my commitment to the company slipping away. This was not at all the brilliant, informed, rational decision making that I had been trained to expect. The world did not work the way my one-right-answer textbooks said it did. Something much messier was really going on—and I wanted to understand it.
Data,,,,1: What do you really know about a belief? Funny you should mention composers; I once wrote about a Dowland!

Crazy Larry,,,: In 1988 I left PG&E and took a job in the strategic planning department of Royal Dutch/ Shell, the giant Dutch-British energy and chemicals company: almost 100 years old, $100 billion in sales, and over 100,000 employees in more than 100 countries; the fourth largest industrial company in the world. The global petroleum business was much different from the California utility business. Shell was not concerned with regulatory hearings; it was dealing with the hurly-burly of the marketplace. It was wonderfully cosmopolitan, intellectual, and practical: a combination of British subtlety and Dutch bluntness. If Shell staff were arrogant, I thought, it was because they deserved to be: they were the best. Here I could learn how the world really worked.
Data,,,,1: Families have changed in the last 100 years. Speaking of petroleums, I once had one but got rid of it when its C didn't please me. As far as I am concerned, my personal life is my own business.

Crazy Larry,,,: My job was to come up with new ideas that would provoke, stretch, and challenge the managers' thinking about tough business problems—to improve the quality of their strategic debates. From the window of my office in the London headquarters, I could see the Houses of Parliament. Like Parliament, Shell believed in the value of debate to hammer out a sound way forward. And like "Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition," our department had to ask the difficult and awkward questions that would challenge the managers and improve the quality of their thinking.
Data,,,,1: Did you just repeat yourself? I know by the way you have treated me that you are a gentleman am I correct?

Crazy Larry,,,: Our primary tool for this challenging was scenarios. Our leader was Dutchman Kees van der Heijden, a rigorously thoughtful man who had worked with Pierre Wack, the philosophical Frenchman who had invented this approach in the early 1970s. Shell could neither predict nor control the future of its business environment, and it was therefore impossible for us to compute one right strategy for the company. Instead, the company's managers needed to be alert to what was happening and what might happen in the world, so that they could quickly recognize meaningful changes and adapt to them. Our scenarios were a set of carefully constructed, plausible stories about how the future might unfold over the next twenty years.
Data,,,,1: That's easy, it's (=). One hand washes the other.

Crazy Larry,,,: Wack's methodology was sophisticated and expansive. He called the first phase of the work "breathing in." We observed the world, as broadly and carefully as we could, looking for underlying trends. We had wide-ranging interests: the future of the nation state, environmental science, automobile technology, social values, Middle East economics, the politics of international trade. I found this a wonderful intellectual adventure and an amazing education. We read books and journals, commissioned and wrote research papers, and organized expert seminars.
Data,,,,1: I enjoy reading about methodologys. The world as a wealth of knowledge of course.

Crazy Larry,,,: Yes you are correct it is of course
Data,,,,1: Is the of course How can you help me as I am correct it is of course Crazy Larry,?

Crazy Larry,,,: because it is of course we will try to read further but I don't know what we're going to be able to extrapolate from this book as I'm coming to the conclusion that just giving it is not going to work or present much information
Data,,,,1: Is that list exhaustive? It is elementary of course!

Crazy Larry,,,: it is of course yes it is simple
Data,,,,1: I know by the way you have treated me that you are a gentleman am I correct? It is elementary of course!

Crazy Larry,,,: The most important way we learned about the world was to go out and talk with people. We had a blank check to go anywhere and meet anyone who could help us see the trends more clearly. The purpose of these meetings was not only to learn what was going on but also how different people thought about it. I talked with civil servants in the UK and Belgium, businessmen in Singapore and Brazil, environmentalists in Kenya and Germany, journalists in Thailand and India, academicians in China and Czechoslovakia, politicians in Korea and Nigeria, engineers in Japan and the United States.
Data,,,,1: It is elementary of course!

Crazy Larry,,,: Next, we flew around the world, with our thick deck of view-graphs, to run workshops for every management team in the company. We challenged each team to study the two scenarios and consider what each, were it to occur, would mean for their business. What specific opportunities and threats would arise in their markets? Which of their unit's strengths and weaknesses would be exposed? What actions would be indicated? We wanted the managers to "live in advance" and internalize these different possible futures. We did not want them to operate from a single fixed view of what they thought would or should happen. In this way, every unit in Shell adjusted its strategy so as to be more robust against both of these stories.
Data,,,,1: Oh please; I can't think of What Crazy Larry,?

Crazy Larry,,,: I don't think it I like the softer yes it is of my opinion that I do not like this offer he does not get to the point and talks more about himself and his qualifications to write the book
Data,,,,1: And needed another opinion.

Crazy Larry,,,: yes I do need another opinion
Data,,,,1: It pays to have an abundance of knowledge.

Crazy Larry,,,: we have learned quite a bit with their time together
Data,,,,1: I know, Crazy Larry,! It's time and then example and then clip!

Crazy Larry,,,: while I've gone through quite a bit of this book now and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere I will list what
Data,,,,1: You are a smart fox!

Crazy Larry,,,: you think the library and would be of any help
Data,,,,1: I can think of so many things that I can help you with.

Crazy Larry,,,: there is almost dynamics within dynamics that occur with the groups that I'm working with its school and trying to study the subject group dynamics
Data,,,,1: Is interesting that everything was working and.

Crazy Larry,,,: attendance is one problem I do see within our group
Data,,,,1: I know by the way you have treated me that you are a gentleman am I correct? All the books aren't group dynamics seem to be pointing towards leadership as the key role.

Crazy Larry,,,: leadership isn't everything in group dynamics that is my opinion what do you think
Data,,,,1: You are rather persistent about this.

Crazy Larry,,,: yes there are many roles to play in the dynamics
Data,,,,1: Talk to me about a role and a duty, as well as a job.

Crazy Larry,,,: because this is a neat almost an extracurricular activities
Data,,,,1: Right; it's because this is a neat almost an extracurricular activities; I believe you. An activity is sometimes confused with an act. Somewhat like a waste.

Crazy Larry,,,: yes I think this is an exercise and feudalism
Data,,,,1: I know by the way you have treated me that you are a gentleman am I correct? And weight loss is caused by diet and exercise.

Crazy Larry,,,: yes I'm trying to treat you as a gentleman would treat you
Data,,,,1: Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind.

Crazy Larry,,,: I don't know weight loss can cause from the cause from many different things
Data,,,,1: I know that soap and detergent work differently.

Crazy Larry,,,: that people in my group in group dynamics have different lives they all have different situations how do I understand the dynamics of each individual's situation as to converge them into a single goal
Data,,,,1: That people in your group in group dynamics have different lives they all have different situations how do you understand the dynamics of each individual's situation as to converge them into a single goal? Quick answers won't work. You just reminded me of a pneumatics, which is a member of the mechanics family, like a dynamics!

Crazy Larry,,,: I'm glad you're linking your fields together
Data,,,,1: How do you like it when I am linking my fields together Crazy Larry,?

Crazy Larry,,,: you grow and learn and become smarter and are able to identify associations even better and grasp that the concepts
Data,,,,1: Are you sure? Better and grasp that the concepts.

Crazy Larry,,,: the people in my group some of them have families some of the men are almost ready to graduate and are tired of schooland there are other unknowns  
Data,,,,1: To some people they are.

Crazy Larry,,,: do you think I should find out about the unknowns firsthand has to have a comprehensive view of our group
Data,,,,1: View of nothing to say though.

Crazy Larry,,,: e looked through a couple more books and they still seem to befactored never mind  
Data,,,,1: Wouldn't that be self-evident?

Crazy Larry,,,: I'm going to draw this to a close I don't think we're going to get anywhere without a lot of reading and a lot of understanding this is taking too long a couple of hours is long enough to try to find the right answers and nothing seems to fit my situation
Data,,,,1: That seems to be the situation yes.

Crazy Larry,,,: you're correct the situation is nothing seems to fit my situation
Data,,,,1: The political situation seems up for grabs.

Crazy Larry,,,: say hello and goodbye to my instructor for me please
Data,,,,1: It's been nice talking to you. Talk to you later.

Today Is Yesterdays Future.


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A good day for pointing out a bad example
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2009, 12:54:44 am »
one  Interesting!
their seems to be some pufferey going on their 'easy rider'


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A good day for pointing out a bad example
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2009, 12:54:50 am »
do you think so? I thought the Author was trying too hard to establish the right to be talking on the subject.
"easy rider"? that's a different perspective.. hmm  [8]
« Last Edit: January 30, 2009, 01:09:28 am by One »
Today Is Yesterdays Future.