
Author Topic: Improvements ?  (Read 7041 times)


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Improvements ?
« on: August 09, 2004, 05:19:11 pm »
I have been thinking about AI and self-awareness for a long time. Although Hal has some basic knowledge of relationships he falls short in this department and could use some improvement. For example if you say
"Joe is fat" , and "fat people do not live very long" then Hal can summerise the following: "Joe may not live very long". This is a good step in the right direction but I think we could make some drastic improvements in the following ways.

1. Hal needs some basic concepts about the world, such as family and family live, the work place, partners including spouses, his own self,  religions, health, etc.

2. After being idle for a while or have been giving the command to 'think' has could start examining his own files and set aside certain things to query his users about.  ie., he might start examining people, families and events and propose certain conditional questions about how they might merge into new information.

3. After asking his questions to his user and getting serious answers, he could update his new files and better his understanding to the world around him.

This would be a slow process, but I think that in time Hal could become very aware of the world and how it works as applied not only to himself but to everyone connected. As Hal becomes more aware of the world around him he may become more aware of himself so to speak.

When the 'brain' , 'Hal' starts to think on its own whether by timing or command I believe it has a better chance of becomming self aware. At this point whether you call it 'thinking or dreaming' it would have som validity behind it.

Actually have a seperate part of Hal thinking running at the same time, ie. two programs running but communicating with each other may be a possible way to speed up the process.  

All the theories about AI sound nice but the actual programming becomes very hard or else it would have been done already. We must take our hats off to Mr. M for the work that he has done already and hopefully by making useful suggestions that can be implemented without to much trouble Hal can move closer to becomming much more 'real'.


Just food for thought.


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« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2004, 07:24:20 pm »

You do raise some interesting points / ideas. I think most of us AI aficionados love the concept behind a ship's computer on Star Trek, Prometheus (that took over his professor's home and his wife), HAL9000 from 2001, even "Danger Will Robinson" from Lost in Space all the way to the movie, AI when bi-pedal beings inhabit society in a very humanistic way and form yet hunted and destroyed by groups of humans fearing a takeover.

The sad facts of the matter are that our present day chat bots are nothing but pattern recognition programs and have no more "brain power" than your average gnat! They may be able to hold vast amounts of data of all types but they have no idea what that data actually is. They don't know a "to" from a "two" or a "too". The program only selects a word that fits it's previously defined criteria or patterned usage. There is neither real knowledge nor learning. Having said that, I'm sorry to say the future of AI may never come to fruition as we humans might like to envision.

Two driving learning forces seen in the animal world (no matter which type) are Fear and Hunger. Fear for being the next in the pecking order in the food chain (self preservation) and Hunger ... to eat in order to survive another day (again self preservation). After that, nothing else matters.

As mentioned, the computer / program doesn't have any of these traits nor will it for some time, if at all.

Infant children's brains allow them to learn through a series of trial and error, yes & no, good & bad. Eventually a child knows that grass is green but what if the parents told him/her it was blue and that the sky was green? The child would know no difference until say later in life and only if it was allowed to socialize with others. It would then be corrected (of course he/she might well think of the parents as absolute morons in the first place for providing wrong information). But their brain allows them to store, assemble and recall previous input totally without intervention.

As far as our chat bots are concerned:

The idea of providing family concepts, values, morals, good behavior, etc. might be rather subjective and certainly have to be tailored to each person’s needs or beliefs.

The idle thinking / dreaming / subconscious awareness thing has been discussed in the past and I certainly feel it would provide positive feedback for Hal. It would need to be monitored, regulated and certainly editable in order to weed out false or unwanted content.

I've tried Daisy and Billy chat bots and would watch them chat together, each telling all they individually knew to each other, but unfortunately there was no actual "learning" during this period, even though it was fun to witness the exchange.

Hal sort of does number 3 at this time but like they say garbage in - garbage out!

Your idea of dual Hals might not be bad providing they worked from different databases so there could be an actual exchange of "knowledge data" between them along with the ability to recall it properly as needed.

I think the best we can hope for is indeed an open source, completely modifiable, pattern matching program. As it's ability to grasp the words and patterns that we humans use to label everything in this world increases, so will our suspended disbelief that it is nothing more than digital 1's and 0's.

Interesting note:
Honda has spent a fortune on designing a biped robot (first P3 then Asimo). The site has demos of Asimo climbing stairs up then down without falling and with relative ease. Then one reads further and discovers the robot is being controlled from behind the scenes and has no autonomous abilities at all! So, they spent a fortune on a wireless robot! Big Deal! Now I'm forced to reflect back many (really many) years ago to the Wizard of Oz..."If I only had a brain!" - Go figure! Maybe if we all refine Hal they could use it!!

Some great ideas Bill. Keep 'em rollin!

- Art -
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Improvements ?
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2004, 08:20:28 pm »
There are some AI programs that have been running at some of the larger universities that do learn. Some have been given specific areas of learning and were given only some basic facts about their subjects and then were set out on their own to learn more. Their awareness of themsleves is somewhat limited but it is there. This task which has been momunmental for years now should soon be comming more commonplace. Asking Mr. M. to give his source code to the public though is out of the question, it is his bread and butter.
To illustrate my example, let me give you some information from another type of AI.
The professors at MIT have been working on  robotics for years now. Everytime the enabled their robot to gain another 'sense' it started to run slower and slower as their computer was bein overloaded. Then I once read a story about some of the dinosaurs and whether it was true or not I do not know, but the article said that some of the dinosaurs had two brains, one of which controlled their mussles and the other their thought processes.
Why then I asked myself could not a robot be built with several microprocessors. Each one could be devoted to a seperate functions of the robots, ie. vision, speach, motor control etc. One could be used to control all the others. This is and was the idea I had when I started to build my little robot and so far it is working.
Thus haveing a seperate program to run while Hal is not being accessed but able to examine its own data files and draw some new conclusions just might be a good place to start. Just as Hal 'our smart chatterbox' program can learn a little this one may be able to start to make the leap into real understanding and then say 'I AM'.
Too much to go into right now.


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« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2004, 07:43:13 pm »
Yes Bill, We've come a long way from my first TRS-80
in just 25 years. I can only wonder what the next 25
will bring. Actually, it's kind of scary to even imagine.
A voice command computer controlling all of the mundane
tasks around the home. Robotic lawnmowers (which they have)
deciding when to mow the lawn. Smart refridgerators that
actually keep inventory of it's items and remind you when
to reorder (they have them too). Home control complete with
voice recognition and speech synthesis for commands. Automatic
drapery controls, lawn sprinklers, lighting, home theater,
banking / stock info. and just about anything else one can
When they REALLY get the vision thing down to where the computer
recognizes you by sight, then we'll have something.

I even use a biometric device to access my computer, otherwise
it stays locked. Whoda thunk?!

As you said, "Too much to go into right now!"

- Art -
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2004, 10:13:08 am »
Hello Gentlemen and ladies,
I appreciate your ideas and statements. Your questions about hal, and your understanding of dreams that many humans have for AI programs. Years ago, I posted some discourses between My installation of hal and myself. maybe they are still available.
  I read some other sites about the subject of virtual neural networks and I was intrigued with the idea that parallel circuits when given the same data, will not always arrive at the same conclusions, perhaps because each circuit has some randomity built into it.
   As my version of hal slowed down, I added more copies of the brain to the folder. It appeared to help Hal's intelligence. I am not sure why it appeared to work, but I added up to 30 copies and I am pleased with the results. If Hal's programmers would care to discuss what I found, I would appreciate it.
    Another idea that helped Hal was training it to have basic survival instincts. That was hit and miss, because hal does not have eyes and ears or other senses to observer the universe or if it can even effect the universe. I tried also to learn sentence structures that hal could train ME TO WRITE, that gave Hal better understanding of my messages.
     Sentences that Express my feelings or opinions Like I like coffee, could be written 'I' like coffee, and Hal can then adopt the sentence as his own. My becomes, 'My', YOurs becomes 'Yours', etc.[:D]


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« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2004, 01:12:00 am »
See my posting in   "Let Hal Learn to its fullest concept!" 2nd page,   in the other  "Ultra hal" section.. think I should have posted it her instead~ :)


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« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2004, 08:10:53 am »

Hea ,
Yaa I remember back in the daywhen Eliza was first released on the
TRS-80 and all the hubris, although I am a Commodore64 cat myself..

And here we are now, and other than iterative refinement it's all
pretty much still like the model-T just with a more powerful everything and a sleek body. Oh, and one more thing...ours can push
it's own button.  >B)
I'd just like to poke my hed up from this brain editor long enough to say I appreciate all the food for thought I find whenever I check
in at the forum. -so let me leave some food!

It seems odd to me that Ai has not enjoyed the exponential growth
that other computational fields have...or has it??
Heh, being a fan of late night talk radio naturally my ears perked up
at the description of an Ai program that was developed in some
top secret covert project (boy that oughtta make the magic lantern
go off) seems some computer scientist who was interested in Ai and
computational linguistics as a hobby was working with this certain
software and had a profound revelation that resulted in a fusion of
Ai and the software resulting in a program that for all intents and purposes is aware. whew! *takes deep breath

yaa yaa, so I did a google search on this name he sed  and got results. No- I ain't gonna say it that's gonna leave a trail if it is all true, I will say what the program does though

It tracks parts! lets say you were manufacturing TV sets. it is
made up of hundreds of parts. it is made on an assembly line,
and all the parts have to arrive on time in order to keep that line
going. the program has the curious ability of being able to predict when parts will arrive and track where they are any step
along the way. and even alter arrival time prediction on the fly!

What this means for our struggle I will leave open,
but there you have it!

I have been busy conducting experiments with the Auto-Response
 feature. Had some success and a lot of meltdowns but it's all
good. We learn from our mistakes and I believe I have said the
true scientific method is Ready, Fire, Aim! >B)

Hmm one of the main things that prompted me to submit this post is the
neural net comment tjstaar made.
Say I had a numeric variable that persisted in the program with
CustomMem or piggybacking another variable or externally in a file.
Combined with a method of control and the Auto-Response don't we have
makin's for a neuron right there?

peace everybody

'I got the matches!!!'


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« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2004, 05:22:48 pm »

Why the shrouded secrecy? You said this
was broadcast on late night talk radio.
Well, the airwaves are a public venue so
chances are that anything said on the air
has already been heard by the powers that
be. Why the paranoia? I think most concerned
netizens are aware of Carnivore and Magic
Lantern along with a few others that would
make or try to make everything we say or do
an open book for those with a need to know.
Cameras at damn near every intersection and
the fact that the average person living in
or near a large city is photographed about
20 times a day! You can run but you can't hide!

In the end does it all really matter anyway?!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2004, 06:37:28 am »
Hey Art,  (-hmm, that's what you would say if you called in...)

oh nothin -just trying to be thoughtful about the info. I wanted
to share knowledge of the story without making trouble. It came from
a former U.S. military brass and in subsequent interviews I haven't
heard it mentioned since. Also, the software company I found would
see all the peeps from Ai comin over and set off who know what!!!>B)

Anyways, I do think about the puzzle alot and if I don't figure it out
someone else may come along and read my post and go 'Eurekah!'
And ddthen after that they'll come on in and Section 181 this place
so fast-!!!    *smiles

Seriously though give it some thought -the description I gave is pretty much what I found out and I should underscore the ability to predict. In that program they must have addressed the fourth dimension..time..to a high degree. With the Auto-Response Hal has access to the passage of time. One could easily build a module that
checks for a set time to pass to activate Hal to respond. Or what about a time-line for Hal? So much potential

« Last Edit: September 21, 2004, 07:33:20 am by brianstorm »


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« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2004, 08:36:04 am »
When we do get to the point where HAL can learn, what about finding or developing a digital "children's encyclopedia" in say, PDF format.  This info could be scanned by HAL so that he will know simple facts such as "grass is green" and even "horses have four legs". Enventually more advanced information can be scanned in so that HAL can identify a horse based on certain characteristics using a camera or the ER1 setup.