Thanks for participating in our forum. I welcome your company to our world of AI. Ever since Virtual Valerie was introduced I've wondered when someone would start offering *real* adult oriented AI software. Everything I've ever seen up to now has been crude, cartoonish, poor quality software. Three technologies; AI, graphics, and PC hardware, are advanced enough today to allow programmers to create really functional adult chatbot software. I've often wondered what sort of product could be created if some entrepreneur put the same commitment, effort and investment into AI chatbot development as do the big PC/X-Box/Playstation game software companies. Maybe your company could fill that niche someday. The payoff would be huge.
When I said about your web site ,"doesn't say very much about the underlying technology" I meant there weren't enough details to answer questions like how much interaction the user has with the fem chatbot, how the video interface acts, etc. For instance, are the video portions somehow lip-synched to the AIML responses so that the character lip-synchs in real-time to the user's custom code? Or are the video scenes just cut scenes dynamically tacked together? Can you create custom scenes? Can you link AIML code to actions in the video? If so, how? Your downloadable mpeg is just a short naughty video that says nothing about the chatbot's capabilities. Your company's web site leaves me with the impression that your product is a programmable AIML based chatbot that talks dirty to me while showing me some slightly interactive XXX videos. I hope your product is (or will be someday) much more than that.
The screen shot you have posted here just shows a programming interface. Most of us here known what AIML is, how it works and such. A user-friendly interface is important, but that speaks to future potential, not what your product currently does. Nothing on your site would induce me to risk my $29.95 on some unknown software. How about supplying a downloadable demo version or a free interactive tour on your web site?
In regards to your statement, "You could not be more wrong in saying that we do not care about our technology, or are not serious about being the cutting edge of adult chat bot software." I was talking about the "industry" in general, not specifically your company. Perhaps I sound a bit harsh when I speak of the adult entertainment industry. Like everyone else on the planet I get bombarded with XXX email spam, I have to take precautions that my browser doesn't get hijacked and directed to an XXX site, I fear that the latest "free" software has spyware tied to an XXX company, and the list goes on. Like millions of others I've been a victim of incessant pop-ups ad's promising that luscious babes are dying to hear from me. And yes, in my earlier naive days of Internet initiation I have clicked those ad's that supposely lead to wonderous adult pleasures on the web only to be met with pop-up ad's, excessive spawned windows of my browser, requests for credit card numbers, but never what was promised. The adult entertainment industry as a whole has become *the* expert at dangling carrots, collecting $$$, and coming up short on delivering the goods. IMHO the adult entertainment industry treats their customers like debauched individuals with prurient Pavlovian instincts. Sadly it doesn't need to be that way, but apparently that is historically the nature of the industry.
Is there an apparent credibility gap here? Sure. You and your company may be "one of the good guys". I don't know and I can't tell from your web site. If your company plans to deliver a quality product at a fair price and listen to and support your customers then you will gain my confidence. Who knows, maybe I would even become a customer.
<rant ends here>
P.S. - dihelson, I wouldn't run that E-donkey 13MB file. File sharing services are full of worms, trojans, and spyware. They often disguise them as "adult content" files to trap the unexpecting. I keep an old PC around, separate from my network, just to initially run downloaded software on to test it for cr*p. About 2% to 3% of the executable files I get from file sharing networks have some unsavory payloads in them.