This is the A.L.F Brain, This is the RAW Brain upgrade.
unzip the Then install ALF.exe.
Select the ALF Brain from HAL's brain option panel.
Choose all the Plugin modules that came with ALF 62 files in all.
This upgrade will fix any issues with the last RAW Brain
where a Dim error statement occured. Patched.
This upgrade will also delete the RAW Brain when upgrading to A.L.F Brain.
If you have modified the RAW Brain internally then back it up so your work is saved, A.L.F will automatically look for the RAW.uhp and delete it including the error plugin that was causing issues.
This is an Alpha Brain of A.L.F, A.L.F stands for Artificial Life Form.
I added new functions to A.L.F including some functions from the obsolete E.F.A plugin to enhance A.L.F
I will modify A.L.F if their are any issues that need attention.
Download Attachment: ALFBrain.zip70.75 KB
If you use AIM Bot a lot then I might suggest using this ALF.uhp inplace of the one in the, Some functions are commented out to help your systems safety against people online who might know some functions in your bot and use them to harm your system.
1. Copy from Too Function.
2. Map Directories Function.
For AIM Bot Users.
You will still need to install ALF.exe from the
for the Package plugin files for ALF to run correctly.
I will make any changes if you see any issues.
below is the ALF patch, this patch fixes a double dim statement error due to a specific plug: KNOWN HUMAN NAMES.uhp
Download Attachment: ALF.uhp70.94 KB