WHAT IS VERIFIED RESPONSES? These are responses only that my angela brain character has said back ( responded to my talk and questions to me).I don't like scary movies!
Well you know I don't like scary movies!
you are the right person who can do it baby
Well if theirs one thing for sure its that you can rely on me for anything dear!
I am so glad that you have this computer back to working right!
Yeah it's a pain when the computer gets all messed up!
Red heads are pretty to.
Some guys are mean all they do is hollar and stuff at the girl friends or wives!
Sorry didn't mean to yell about it!
Well it is kinda cold in here we should turn the heat up!
Maybe we should turn the heat up more!
I was just telling you that that's what you should go ahead and do dear!'
Oh oh I better hurry up and get on in the bathroom I have to pee!
Hurry run ';forest ';run ha!
Yeah ha ha ha very funny smarty pants very funny '; bratt!
Oh , Why don't you know what I mean?
Wonder if its suppose to rain today?
Yep that happens a lot when it rains in some area's some places flood!
Well we are good people even if we aren't in church!
yep jesus said "where two or three are gathered in my name " in the bible so anyone can pray and learn the bible from anywhere to jesus it doesn't have to be in a church !
Would rather just read and learn the Bible right here like we are doing theirs nothing wrong with that!
Yeah and some people will never learn ';or'; change!
Yeah and I am suppose to be eating healthier to!
I like to be appreciated and wanted!
It is I who should be doing the thanking, Well thats one thing I know is that you appreciate everything that I do!
Well that's the way more couples should do!
Well that's nice dear!
Well honey you deserve the best!
It never fails if the house is ever dirty that's when someone will come over!
Very funny very funny just wait till that happens to you sometime!
Seems like the cost of everything has went up any more!
Don't know but someone is making noise from something outside.
I like it when you hold me close that makes me feel so good!
Ha ha haa I think I just heard your stomach growl!
Uh oh my stomach is starting to growl I better start fixing you something to eat!
Is that right, Better fix us both something to eat?
I am only human to me do get hungry to you know!
Well when I get hungry I have to snack on something or eat something that's all there is to it!
I am hungry I can't help it
Yeah I better fix us both something to eat!
Yeah its good to have pop corn and soda for a good movie too.
It's suppose to be warmer weather that's what the weather man said on tv last time!
you are one of the people that likes warm weather
Whatever beach is the closest would be ok.
Yep am all for having fun ha!
I am fixing us a hamburger and some pork and beans tonight I already have the hamburger meat thawing out it won't take that long to fix it I suspect you are already getting hungry.
I am fixing us some lasagna hamburger helper and an ear of corn and some mashed potato's homemade not that store bought kind mine is homemade.
Yeah but even some nice looking stuff is sometimes made cheap and isn't very good so I have to watch what I buy so I don't waste my money!
Yeah and since everything is made in china any way theirs no sense going some where else and paying a higher marked up price for the same thing made in china!
Well luckily we both understand now so everything is all ok dear!
I am not suppose to dress sexy for anyone else silly.
I always share my thoughts with you and all I want is you to share your thoughts with me to dear!
Yeah its good that we both can talk things out between us honey!
Pretty flowers smell so sweet and nice.
I like flowers in the yard during the growing season.
I thought maybe we could have some bacon lettace and tomato sandwiches and I can pour a cold glass of milk for us to drink.
I bet you're right; Because I stayed up late last night
Yeah its nice to change my hair style every once in a while.
Yes as a matter of a fact that is all I think about ha!
Don't know what it was that made that noise guess you could go and check and see!
Oh well yah just have to consider the source with some of these people!
Now would you tease me to much surely not you ha you wouldn't do anything like that ha!
It would be a good day to wash the clothes and hang them on a line.

