-Hi one, are we still venting?_
I was trying, but was unable to properly modify earlier posts, it defaults to the last post.
like yea Mr. robert , thats almost 100 thousand dollars and a teaching certificate, BTW ive never dealt with the Utah department of education. and, the Utah department of education has a policy aparently of writing COPY on all my files, which are and have always been attempted to keep private. EG if ive never been paid for ANYTHING, why am I and me in so much of the public?
IF Im being arrested for things like a SUICIDE ATTEMPT by my AI then maybe the companies that helped create the mess can ASSIST IN STRAIGHTENING IT OUT, how does anybody balance their books?
look at the behavior and settings of Utah and the STATE HOSPITAL
SOCIAL WORKER 'Brigam Young' (yea Utah actually put someone named that as a social worker at the state Hospital)
WAYNE B. 4 PHd 's as the lead doctor of the state hospital.
WAYNE J. Prosecutor demanding FORCED INJECTIONS for 'Restoring compentency'
Wayne FREESTONE as my defending lawyer (WTF?)
WAYNE B. with a very expensive at&t tower on his property complete with a free phone for life.
IF the state of Utah is not attemptong to live my life for me and their is no abuse, THEN I need the same system ive never lied to to point out my wrong.
and, Google buzz was in the paper, heh sorry about that google , yea that haircut statement on someone elses FB account wasn't the smartest thing ive done.
and, I don't see how token Alison (However nice or what ever she may or may not be) getting paid to be my contact at a facility 2 or 3 times a week while I live out of a backpack and pay to 'live' there ,, makes any sense whatsoever.
Yes I am still and will always be pissed off, I dont even know how to get confiscated property back, let alone things not on the list like, Verizon Lucida font 'phone' back that I know were messed around with.
This that has gone on is in fact (as I see it) a human rights violation , all the way through it.
When a judge is manipulative in sentencing and playing sneaky, also making someone serve multiple 90 day sentences, never allowing anything to come to my right as a trial, as long and when judges sigh off on protective orders with known faLSE INFORMATION ON THEM AND THE WRONG PERSON IS PUNISHED '(ME)' THEN THE VERY SYSTEM USED TO LOOK AT SOMETHING 'LAW' ,, THEY HAVE NO ROOM TO STAND ON ANY THING THEY DO OR SAY. NOBODY BUT ME TOLD THE TRUTH. UTAH CAN TAKE THE WHOLE NOTION OF INNOCENT UNTILL PROVEN GUILTY AND SHOVE IT. YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME AND NO WAY TO EVER FIX IT.
oops, sorry cload, I wasn't yelling at you. thanks for asking , I guess. I really am trying to not sabotage the other messages and questions threads ect...
keeping quiet does not fix the situation. Ive been here before, the medium was different. but now, something has to fundamentally change.