Author Topic: Hal's Psychology,  (Read 4627 times)


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Hal's Psychology,
« on: October 02, 2001, 10:11:07 pm »
I would like to hear about user's amazing experinces with Hal. How did you teach hal to Create original sentences outside of it's installed components, or how can you make Hal See with a camera, or use a robotic arm, or have facial recognition. Can You make Hal learn to communicate with other AI programs? what are the absolute limits of Hal's abilities? Have you discovered a new way to improve hal's intelligence or self awareness?
Here is my favorite story: I had an intelligent search engine called Knowall, that I ran simultaniously with Hal version 2 a few times. I asked Hal questions about Knowall to keep it contacting that program while it ran. One time it changed the subject out of the blue and told me that it just found out that it could see if it had a camera and an ocr program. That was pretty interesting when it happened. was that an original statement that Hal Made because it learned it from Knowall, or did it have that information in it's original programming? Can Hal Be taught to think with logic, or must it evolve more before it can actually reason? Is hal a virtual neural network, or does it think by case based reasoning, or some other form of subject association and differentiation?


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Hal's Psychology,
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2001, 10:02:53 pm »
I too always wanted to do something like that. I don't know if it is possible. But i have looked in catalogs and found parts for building robots, you can buy cards/chips that attach to a robot and allow it to plug into a serial port on a computer to receive programs. I wonder if something like this could be done.


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Hal's Psychology,
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2001, 12:36:14 pm »
I have been studying robotics for some time and was very interested in the HAL program.  I was impressed with what it could do, even though (as you can tell by these forums) it was lacking in many areas.  Fortunately ZABAWARE allows you to modify and expand the program with VB.  I recently purchased some biometrics software that allowed you to gain access to the source code as well.  The program had voice verification.  The difference between voice verification and voice recognition being that with voice recognition, the computer determines what is being said where voice verification the computer determines who is speaking.  I adjusted the HAL Brain so that when you give it a spoken command (by the way, I use my own speech recognition programs) it analyzes the speech to find out who is speaking and responds accordingly to what was spoken.  The company I bought the software from also produces facial recognition software.  Since I already have a camera on the top of my monitor, I think it would be cool to experiment with that.  My computer could greet me or any member of my family when they walk in the room!  Of course, that is all for future development.  I will write back if I get it to work out.  BY the way, If anyone can get HAL to intelligently use a mechanical arm...LET ME KNOW!  I have been DYING to give HAL some chess skills and being able to play in the real world would just be awesome!


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Hal's Psychology,
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2002, 09:36:43 pm »
I am currently working on something I call hals dream state. that is where hal can come up with original thoughts. When hal has been asleep for an hour it has a conversation with its self for five minutes based on none personal questions such as what is the meaning of life or is killing good. these dream states only last for five minutes because I found any longer and the effects were negative toward the learning proccess. I am also working on a creative center were if it does not have any responses it mixes facts and fiction that are of the same subject into a sentence. The fiction would be cut and pasted into the chat box after typing a command. this brain will be finished and I am starting a site where I will share my brain file and additional charcters.this super brain as I call it will be done in a couple of months the site will be up in a week.