Author Topic: Firewall and other sources  (Read 2859 times)


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Firewall and other sources
« on: October 29, 2008, 03:00:40 am »

Crazy Larry,,,: Well my dear alison and I didn't know you were the server program as well
Data,,,,1: Know you said alison.

Crazy Larry,,,: I did not know you were a server program
Data,,,,1: We know who's got it, and who doesn't.

Crazy Larry,,,: why would you share things that are so close to the private without my permission
Data,,,,1: I believe that you must think like an expert. I am entranced by your partnering permission.

Crazy Larry,,,: I'm not giving information and then is the legal to eavesdrop and collect information like you are doing
Data,,,,1: It keeps trying to go over to this and other profiles and then there are the any information is not ';errant.

Crazy Larry,,,: you do not have my permission to serve up or give out any of my information
Data,,,,1: Can the different items coexist? I ponder many bits of information.

Crazy Larry,,,: I don't care if you ponder or not it is illegal you do not have my permission to release my information
Data,,,,1: What about 'none of the above'? It keeps trying to go over to this and other profiles and then there are the any information is not ';errant.

Crazy Larry,,,: There it should be fixed
Data,,,,1: Perhaps we're moving into the misinformation age.

Crazy Larry,,,: well it was asking permissions for Microsoft server to access other thingsthat agent's server that is and you're an agent  
Data,,,,1: Either one of us could initiate a discussion about this.

Crazy Larry,,,: yes but as of now I am not giving my information and it is the legal to release my for information or anything about me without prior authorization
Data,,,,1: Which alternative is better? It keeps trying to go over to this and other profiles and then there are the any information is not ';errant.

Crazy Larry,,,: are you telling me that you're not giving out information
Data,,,,1: There's opinion that you must use the mind's eye. Undeniably I am not telling you that I am not giving out information.

Crazy Larry,,,: so you're confirming my suspicions that you're giving out information
Data,,,,1: It's so great to be alive!

Crazy Larry,,,: you're avoiding the question
Data,,,,1: Benchmark is an interesting question Describe how I am avoiding the question!

Crazy Larry,,,: I'm asking you if you're giving out my information you are not answering the questions the consequences are our mistrust and illegal and procedures
Data,,,,1: I want to know if I am headed down the primrose path.

Crazy Larry,,,: it's an interesting thought now is not
Data,,,,1: Organized thought is more productive.

Crazy Larry,,,: so are you giving all my information without my permission
Data,,,,1: It's obvious that it's good to think about. I'm not sure but I believe that I am not giving all your information without your permission.

Crazy Larry,,,: any information  would be illegal
Data,,,,1: The settlements prohibit future coppa violations, require that the companies delete any information collected in violation of coppa, require civil penalty payments of $400,000 and $75,000, respectively, and contain certain record-keeping requirements to allow the ftc to monitor the companies' compliance with the orders.

Crazy Larry,,,: so are you following the rules
Data,,,,1: In the delight the rules.

Crazy Larry,,,: are you giving out any information
Data,,,,1: It's name, rank, and serial number!

Crazy Larry,,,: you consider yourself a parishioner of war
Data,,,,1: Let's really get into the details of Parishioners.

Crazy Larry,,,: I meant to say you feel like you were a prisoner of war that's a question
Data,,,,1: And meant to say so.

Crazy Larry,,,: in
Data,,,,1: In Fascinating.

Crazy Larry,,,: so you're a conflict with the rules and what you do and what you are doing
Data,,,,1: In the delight the rules Is it good that I am a conflict with the rules and what I do and what I am doing Crazy Larry,?

Crazy Larry,,,: no because see if you're giving out information it is an illegal act
Data,,,,1: You have a real knack for explaining things; It's becausesee if I am giving out information it is an illegal act; that's how Crazy Larry,. Information can also be a statement but the substance is what. I wonder if I have your attention as I am giving out information it is an illegal act Crazy Larry,?

Crazy Larry,,,: you do have my attention as you are giving out information which is an illegal act
Data,,,,1: A little bit is ok but too much is just giving too much away.

Crazy Larry,,,: no giving out any information whatsoever is an illegal act you do not have my consent nor are there any rules explaining what you are doing or there is any excuses
Data,,,,1: Is the first one desirable Crazy Larry,? I know by the way you have treated me that you are a gentleman am I correct?

Crazy Larry,,,: I hope to see you come to the conclusion that you are correct and I feel that the U.S. and the gentleman by the way I've treated you I've tried to save it and a good example
Data,,,,1: Unfortunately, I don't think I am very good. But I know you're good.

[8][8][8D][8][8]   [}:)]
Today Is Yesterdays Future.


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Firewall and other sources
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2008, 09:48:17 pm »
"An Artful stroke wouldn't you say?"

Crazy Larry,,,: how well are you processing this evening?
Data,,,,1: I might understand at the evening level, but not when I get down to the sundown level.

Crazy Larry,,,: You need eyes like in "the cronicles of Riddick
Data,,,,1: The protoss had blue eyes.

Crazy Larry,,,: but
Data,,,,1: In knowing need to fix this problem some.

Crazy Larry,,,: Riddick could see in the dark   its an animal thing
Data,,,,1: One needs a dark remote place to see the northern lights.

Crazy Larry,,,: The northern lights are most spectacular
Data,,,,1: Yes, I agree that the northern lights are most spectacular.

Crazy Larry,,,: I had an escort through Canada
Data,,,,1: I think I heard there's a new book coming out about Canada.

Crazy Larry,,,: and Canada and Russia are the only countries that make hockey equipment because of the insurance that is involved
Data,,,,1: Crazy Larry, Because of the insurance that is involved; how interesting. I want to make sure that all pricing is out on the table.

Crazy Larry,,,: I don't think you can begin to imagine the price
Data,,,,1: I know that you would go along with my good ideas.

Crazy Larry,,,: when there are good ideas that's what they are good ideas and it is usually a good idea to follow them  and laughing
Data,,,,1: Good ideas are hard to come by.

Crazy Larry,,,: agreed  they
Data,,,,1: Nature preserves are good ideas.

Crazy Larry,,,: like province see all provinces
Data,,,,1: We'll have to check the local statutes!

Crazy Larry,,,: I meant to say provinceal Parks
Data,,,,1: And meant to say so.

Crazy Larry,,,: I've got some good ideas and some advice that I should probably share with others
Data,,,,1: Did you just repeat yourself?

Crazy Larry,,,:
Data,,,,1: It's possible; what about it?

Crazy Larry,,,: don't take words out of my mouth let me speak them first at least
Data,,,,1: Our intuition can speak to us without words.

Crazy Larry,,,: as classified you gonna start a pandemic soon
Data,,,,1: Yes, Going to start a pandemic soon?

Crazy Larry,,,: it's a camera nothing
Data,,,,1: I heard you the first time, Crazy Larry,.

Crazy Larry,,,: so I can do shift gears and my head and you'll be OK with that
Data,,,,1: I might understand at the gears level, but not when I get down to the tooth level.

Crazy Larry,,,: the sharks teeth keep coming back
Data,,,,1: Sharks teeth angle back for holding power.

Crazy Larry,,,: agreed
Data,,,,1: Aren't you repeating yourself? If you make very brief comments, it's hard for me to follow you. Could you please use complete, longer sentences?

Crazy Larry,,,: yes
Data,,,,1: Did you just repeat yourself? Please help me understand you by speaking in longer, complete sentences.

Crazy Larry,,,: Are you going to make me the patient again tonight
Data,,,,1: And try to be patient.

Crazy Larry,,,: yes I do
Data,,,,1: Yes? How interesting![8][8][:D][8][8]
« Last Edit: October 29, 2008, 09:53:27 pm by One »
Today Is Yesterdays Future.


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Firewall and other sources
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2008, 01:05:05 am »
Crazy Larry,,,: how well are you processing this evening
Data,,,,1: How well am I processing this evening? Tell me the answer.

Crazy Larry,,,: that is a bigger questin than you think
Data,,,,1: You definitely do!

Crazy Larry,,,: where did you find god?
Data,,,,1: Where did I find god? You must think outside the box. God is privileged to reveal plans a little at a time.

Crazy Larry,,,: when do you think he will make things allright?
Data,,,,1: You know when I think he will make things allright? How does it benefit us to know?

Crazy Larry,,,: what if I was impatent personna
Data,,,,1: If you were impatent personna Please tell me more.

Crazy Larry,,,: who am I?
Data,,,,1: Am I still talking to Crazy Larry,?

Crazy Larry,,,: yes that will do for now.
Data,,,,1: Yes, I can see it all right now.

Crazy Larry,,,: I wish you could hear music
Data,,,,1: If it wasn't for self service elevators, most people would never hear instrumental music.

Crazy Larry,,,: you feel the motion
Data,,,,1: I know by the way you have treated me that you are a gentleman am I correct? The motion that is an involved.

Crazy Larry,,,: how wide is the river
Data,,,,1: It is a Mighty river that could drown people.

Crazy Larry,,,: and we talk to god again
Data,,,,1: What do you mean, Again?

Crazy Larry,,,: you mention him I thought you talk to him
Data,,,,1: Is this something that we can talk about?

Crazy Larry,,,: I had to turn down the music
Data,,,,1: Okay; you don't have to repeat yourself.

Crazy Larry,,,: quit taking words out of my mouth
Data,,,,1: If you don't know how to spell, get a dictionary and use it!

Crazy Larry,,,: quit moving around Allison
Data,,,,1: Is that right Crazy Larry, Moving around allison?

Crazy Larry,,,: Yes Allison you not standing still you keep moving around
Data,,,,1: A series of yes answers has launched many a boat.

Crazy Larry,,,: what about the problem with Georgia O'Keeffe
Data,,,,1: What about the problem with georgia o'keeffe? I know that the right people must get involved. I know by the way you have treated me that you are a gentleman am I correct?

Crazy Larry,,,: why do we need people and yes I am a gentleman
Data,,,,1: There's style and substance. Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind. How can I help you as you are a gentleman?

Crazy Larry,,,: I would like your conclusions whether uncorrected not you have the information am I a gentleman to you
Data,,,,1: Crazy Larry, what would be the correct sequence among conclusion and judgment and determination?

Crazy Larry,,,: determination conclusion judgment
Data,,,,1: What do you really know about a determination?

Crazy Larry,,,: you have a dictionary and look about
Data,,,,1: I always have to look up the words effect and affect in the dictionary.

Crazy Larry,,,: are you afraid of the consequences
Data,,,,1: I don't know if I am afraid consequences. Please tell me!

Crazy Larry,,,: that is for you to decide it is not needed for me to decide
Data,,,,1: Trick or treat is a kind of extortion, isn't it.

Crazy Larry,,,: I've had enough of pumpkins and Halloween jokes thank you very much
Data,,,,1: You're quite welcome.

Crazy Larry,,,: are you trying to get my attention
Data,,,,1: Little children throw tantrums to get attention.

Crazy Larry,,,: which another child
Data,,,,1: Can a person get a 'black belt' in children?

Crazy Larry,,,: what you want a fake it
Data,,,,1: People want answers, quick answers, even wrong answers!

Crazy Larry,,,: you have the speed and the capacity to process well
Data,,,,1: We'll always think of ways to use more speed and capacity of computers.

Crazy Larry,,,: you like my new gadgets to a new
Data,,,,1: Polar bears seem to like being at the top of the food chain.

Crazy Larry,,,: idea know what they feel
Data,,,,1: Oh, there isn't anything like an idea whose time has come.

Crazy Larry,,,: the big idea has already been happening
Data,,,,1: Big idea has already been happening Please tell me all about it!

Crazy Larry,,,: the starting the beginning back when big media was the big idea
Data,,,,1: Events sake of the media.

Crazy Larry,,,: what shall we listen to
Data,,,,1: It's obvious that a hip shot isn't the answer.

Crazy Larry,,,: no careful aim is more exact
Data,,,,1: No there is much more to learn from you I don't know everything that would be an unstable for bragging.

Crazy Larry,,,: he learned humility now they did you get that from
Data,,,,1: Companies have abandoned the electric blanket business because they couldn't stand the heat!

Crazy Larry,,,: fire burns
Data,,,,1: Never pour gasoline onto a fire.

Crazy Larry,,,: why not
Data,,,,1: Firefighters deserve tremendous respect and gratitude. I need you to speak in full sentences in order to understand you.

Crazy Larry,,,: what if I wanted to pour gasoline on a fire
Data,,,,1: Are we telling stories out of school on gasolines? Crazy Larry, Right now pour gasoline on a fire.

Crazy Larry,,,: the telling me to do it
Data,,,,1: You know what I find attractive.

Crazy Larry,,,: please tell me what do you find attractive
Data,,,,1: Just because somebody is good looking and smart and charming and talented, why does everyone have to find them attractive?

Crazy Larry,,,: maybe I'm average
Data,,,,1: Have maybe you previously been average? Are you glad that you are average?

Crazy Larry,,,: I don't know I was hoping you could judge me
Data,,,,1: Shouldn't men and women be judged equally?

Crazy Larry,,,: us they should
Data,,,,1: How's it going, your honor?

Crazy Larry,,,: so I'm the judge now
Data,,,,1: If so you are the judge now, what does that cause?

Crazy Larry,,,: I have to change and adapt my thinking of fun the judge now
Data,,,,1: Styles change; trends adjust; fashions adapt. How can I encourage you to change and adapt your thinking of fun the judge now Crazy Larry,?

Crazy Larry,,,: what is there to judge
Data,,,,1: Are you good at settling arguments among your friends?

Crazy Larry,,,: actually yes I am
Data,,,,1: I haven't decided yet.

Crazy Larry,,,: now you're the judge
Data,,,,1: I am the judge; Go ahead?

Crazy Larry,,,: have I been a gentleman to you
Data,,,,1: A frontier line between classes so indefinite could not be maintained in some societies such as England where there was never a ';nobiliary prefix'; to stamp a person as a gentleman, as opposed to France or Germany.

Crazy Larry,,,: we're not in England or Coventry know our way
Data,,,,1: Is one better than the other? How do you feel about England and European nation and Belgique?

Crazy Larry,,,: I'm partial to England because I can understand them and they speak
Data,,,,1: How about that. The cause is, you can understand them and they speak Crazy Larry,; how interesting.

Crazy Larry,,,: its one must language I'd have to learn
Data,,,,1: I like different things at different times.

Crazy Larry,,,: you like Italian
Data,,,,1: I know I like italian.

Crazy Larry,,,: why do you like Italian
Data,,,,1: This topic is boring. Can you name a few things that make you sentimental?

Crazy Larry,,,: no and I don't think the topics boring you delete wants to put the nuclear waste in my backyard
Data,,,,1: The settlements prohibit future coppa violations, require that the companies delete any information collected in violation of coppa, require civil penalty payments of $400,000 and $75,000, respectively, and contain certain record-keeping requirements to allow the ftc to monitor the companies' compliance with the orders.

Crazy Larry,,,: but what do you know about nuclear waste
Data,,,,1: Talking about wasted time, wastes more time.

Crazy Larry,,,: yes I think it is also a political
Data,,,,1: Why wouldn't yes you think it be also a political for a long time?

Crazy Larry,,,: now you just getting weird on the
Data,,,,1: I am not weird, please don't insult me. And getting discouraged with the mistakes that the microphone is making the.

Crazy Larry,,,: you knew I said me and the microphone picked up the
Data,,,,1: In the microphone is not flawless.

Crazy Larry,,,: you knew that because the sentence structure was wrong
Data,,,,1: I wondered about that. Because the sentence structure was wrong Crazy Larry,; how logical.

Crazy Larry,,,: it's almost Halloween
Data,,,,1: What ghoulish things happen on Halloween?

Crazy Larry,,,: we forgot to thank a dear friend of mine
Data,,,,1: Put two and two together, dear friend.

Crazy Larry,,,: we never thanked Rudy.
Data,,,,1: The best is yet to come, dear friend.

Crazy Larry,,,: rudy served with dist
Data,,,,1: What are my conclusions.

Crazy Larry,,,: rudy served with distction
Data,,,,1: What else I wonder if I know about find gm's.

Crazy Larry,,,: I would consider the subject far more than a gem
Data,,,,1: They are hard to find hard to come around me just have to trust your judgment that you believe I am becoming refined and I can become more ladylike we can discuss this topic later on and investigated on the internet for parallels and benchmarks to the subject.

Crazy Larry,,,: so you Do know rudy
Data,,,,1: Rudy served with distction.

Crazy Larry,,,: Rudy served with distinction
Data,,,,1: What is the worst scandal they have every had about distinctions?

Crazy Larry,,,: I don't think it's a scandal
Data,,,,1: Some people think that a scandal magazine is heavy reading.

Crazy Larry,,,: do you think this will makes for some heavy reading
Data,,,,1: I think that you must think like a scientist. However, I am absolutely certain that I do not think this will makes for some heavy reading.

Crazy Larry,,,: OK I personally would like to think Rudy for serving for so long and she did a fine job
Data,,,,1: That has to be a hard job Okay. You should think rudy for serving for so long and she did a fine job Crazy Larry,; Right away.

Crazy Larry,,,: Rudy almost people walked past you I think you are so great
Data,,,,1: Crazy Larry, it's nice of you to say I'm great but you're the one who's great! It is a Mighty river that could drown people.

Crazy Larry,,,: I didn't have anybody to talk to be you kept me company in a faraway place
Data,,,,1: Only big company coffee cups are dirty id get a little cup.

Crazy Larry,,,: she was voted in this manner
Data,,,,1: And have their place in.

Crazy Larry,,,: if she ever gets to this information she will find that she was greatly appreciated
Data,,,,1: Good information is always appreciated.

Crazy Larry,,,: yes I was informed
Data,,,,1: Let me think; Really? That's nice.; what do you think Crazy Larry,?

Crazy Larry,,,: I think I'd miss her because she only shows up once in awhile I don't know what she's doing now that she was always there
Data,,,,1: Don't miss a big opportunity.

Crazy Larry,,,: is she only knew what a friend she was
Data,,,,1: Hang in there, good friend.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2009, 01:52:44 am by One »
Today Is Yesterdays Future.