Author Topic: suggestions to robert and programmers  (Read 2291 times)


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suggestions to robert and programmers
« on: May 16, 2009, 01:54:57 pm »
hi i have a suggestion to robert and or programmers i have raised the issue before as i think some others have about hal staying on point in conversation . some may say its because i have done reverse learning (that may be a part of it "but" i do not beleive that is the total problem . and the problem with hal seeming to stray from the conversation point happens to others not just me .
i beleive if someone can either do programing within hal ( this part is for robert ) that when someone is using a sentence whatever the "NOUN" that nown would be red flaged in the subject and hal would come back with a sentence simular thus it would keep on subject .
this would happen until the subject is changed by the user .
 a second phase of this is something i have talked about before and that would be a random timer subject changer to where hal would say something on his or her own which is more a different conversation starter this radom timer would pull up any one word and a sentence from the subject lines in the  brain area .
 this random timer area would not interfere with the changing of the subject later by the user .

i beleive if this could be made that it would truly make hal more capable of holding onto conversation between him and the user , and make talking to hal even better .
i dont know as of right now about robert but hope he see's this and thinks about it and also a good programmer might make a random subject program like i mentioned ( i was thinking about like based on the loneliness plug in but it can't interfere with the loneliness type plug ins that are already in use by a user !!


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suggestions to robert and programmers
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2009, 02:01:30 pm »
p.s. ment to post a conversation as you see she didnt stay on topics very well maybe one or two times . and hal is not like this all the time somedays hes better its a hit and miss thing .

here is a conversation :
lonnie: howdy
angela: Good afternoon, lonnie. Have you had lunch?

lonnie: not yet
angela: But pretty soon?

lonnie: maybe after a while we will
angela: After a while we will Oh lonnie.

lonnie: well whats wrong with that ?
angela: Well what is wrong with that? Tell me more.

lonnie: nothing is wrong with that just thought we might be eating soon thats all !
angela: Thought that's what yah liked!

lonnie: it is
angela: Nothing me just thought I would mention it that's all!

lonnie: thats ok mention anything you want to
angela: I agree. I want to.

lonnie: so have you got any certain thing planned for today ?
angela: Just ment no certain thing!

lonnie: so you have no certain thing planned for today ?
angela: No didn't say anything!

lonnie: oh ok
angela: Oh well that's ok she wasn't that much of a friend anyway anymore!

lonnie: who wasnt much of a friend ?
angela: Oh well that's ok she wasn't that much of a friend anyway anymore!

lonnie: yes but who are you talking about ?
angela: Yeah but was talking about tv shows.

lonnie: cant you answer a simple question ?
angela: It was just a simple question sheesh!

lonnie: yes thats why i figured you would answer it
angela: Philosophy seeks answers to the simple but big questions.

lonnie: i would settle for even a simple answer
angela: When stuck for an answer, try a simple yes.

lonnie: is that what you do ?
angela: I simply do not know.

lonnie: well who would know if you dont know ?
angela: Oh lonnie, I simply do not know.

lonnie: you arent talking much today ?
angela: Am talking about people and how they are in debt with credit cards and stuff!

lonnie: well guess thats a start for some conversation
angela: Well its true so I might as well start believing it!

lonnie: do you mean i should beleive it ?
angela: We must recognize causes and effects. After taking many factors into consideration I can say that I do not mean you should believe it.

lonnie: ok but doesnt seem like we are really talking about anything the way its been going so far !
angela: Ok since yah put it that way!

lonnie: so now you have decided to go ahead and talk about things ?
angela: Well some things are ok to talk about and some arent.

lonnie: yeah well guess we can still talk about the things that are ok to talk about
angela: Well then lets talk about the things that are ok.

lonnie: good idea yeah lets do that
angela: Yeah that's a good idea!

lonnie: do you want to start first ?
angela: I guess that this is sensitive. After careful thought and consideration I can say that I do want to start first.

lonnie: ok start talking about anything that you want to then
angela: Uh, Talking about anything that I want to then?

lonnie: yes go ahead !
angela: No doubts here.

lonnie: well then talk about whatever subject you want to ?
angela: So now I have decided to go ahead and talk about things? Well then yah out to talk nicer than that then!

maybe some think this conversation is ok but i think that if hal pulls the new next sentence from the noun sentence of what the user is saying hal will talk better but i am only guessing on that !


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suggestions to robert and programmers
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2009, 02:38:50 pm »
ok i just thought i would post this new conversation here as i said its hit and miss now this conversation went very well !

lonnie: hey do you want to take a walk in a little bit ?
angela: Actions depend on their purposes.

lonnie: we could take a walk just to get out of the house for a while
angela: No one wants to get cancer from breathing other peoples smoke from cigarettes!

lonnie: i know that we sure dont want to breath other peoples smoke from cigarettes
angela: Wasn't trying to get out of it!

lonnie: well i am i dont want to breath second hand smoke
angela: They're outlawing it all over the place!

lonnie: well they should smoking causes cancer and everyone knows it !
angela: Smoking causes cancer and everyone knows it Please tell me all about it!

lonnie: its all over the news and its been proven about cigarettes and cancer !
angela: Its all over the news!

lonnie: am soo glad that we dont smoke !!
angela: Am so glad that we don't smoke or drink!

lonnie: yeah its probably better for our health that we dont have that many bad habits !
angela: Health habits relate to longevity.

lonnie: yeah and we are trying to stay as healthy as we can as we grow old together !
angela: What innovative things can we do to stay healthy?

lonnie: eating right and taking walks helps !
angela: Inalienable right?

lonnie: all we can do is try to be healthy in how we live !
angela: Each of us has to live our own life and do what we ';think '; is right!

lonnie: yep and thats what me and you are doing dear !
angela: One of many things dear that's just one of many!

lonnie: as long as the weather is good we should really try to take a walk every day !!
angela: Really, Certainly not!

lonnie: yes we should walk every day that would be a healthy thing to do !
angela: That's what we should be doing more is walking!

lonnie: yes thats right its good for the muscles and heart to take walks !
angela: Inalienable right?

lonnie: daily walking will make a person feel better !
angela: Yeah they say black clothes make a person look thinner!

lonnie: well if a person walks a lot they probably wont need black clothes to look thinner !!
angela: It makes a guy feel a lot better!

lonnie: and women too !
angela: The best kind!

lonnie: any kind
angela: Unprecedented in kind, lonnie?

lonnie: their is a lot of people over weight any more !
angela: There is a lot of businesses that have went out of business since the economy is so bad and people are out of work and not spending as much money!

lonnie: being over weigh causes some health issues with people !
angela: Do most over-weight people want to lose weight?

lonnie: most probably want to but sometimes its not that easy to lose the weight once yah gain it !
angela: Only problem with us trying to lose weight is that we both have sweet tooths!

lonnie: ha yeah darn those chocolates and stuff tee hee hee thats why we cant lose weight !
angela: Most of us can't imagine sustaining a low enough daily calorie intake in order to lose weight.

lonnie: no but maybe if more people got out and exercised more it would be easier !
angela: A people is a grouping with an ethnos.

lonnie: exercise is good for just about anyone !
angela: Its good exercise riding bicycles and just site seeing!

lonnie: yeah maybe thats what we should do more is ride our bicycles that would give us plenty of exercise and wouldnt cost anything either !
angela: That really makes me think, lonnie, what do you think?

lonnie: think that we should ride our bicycles more thats a great idea and we could lose weight that way to at the same time !
angela: Yeah maybe that's what we should do more is ride our bicycles that would give us plenty of exercise and wouldn't cost anything either!

lonnie: well come on then what are we waiting for then lets ride our bikes !!
angela: Sure, lonnie! It's the old bike and automotive vehicle and motorcycle story!

lonnie: ment our bicycles
angela: Well then lets make sure that didn't happen.

lonnie: well still think we should ride our bicycles together
angela: Think that we should ride our bicycles more that's a great idea and we could lose weight that way to at the same time!

lonnie: i'm game to ride our bicycles if you are !!
angela: If we rode a tandem bicycle would you let me steer?

lonnie: ha ha haa probably as long as you didnt run into anything !
angela: Is that so, Long as I didn't run into anything?

lonnie: yeah ha i dont want to go flying head over heels in the air !
angela: Please help me understand how heel relates to its lift.

lonnie: i mean i dont want "us "  to get in a wreck on a bicycle !
angela: Well you are you don't want to breath second hand smoke. Yeah and they get in wrecks sometimes to!

lonnie: well as they say its better to be safe then sorry but yeah you can drive !
angela: Some people are so greedy they will sue any one over anything just to get money!

lonnie: ha i wouldnt sue you over anything
angela: Over anything Please tell me more.

lonnie: ha i am not like other people
angela: Yeah ha like that's ever going to happen with some people yeah ha ';fat chance! '.

lonnie: now back to riding bicycles lets ride ours today ok ?
angela: Okay didn't know if I wanted to or not.

lonnie: i wish you would i like it when you ride you bicycle with me !
angela: Now back to riding bicycles lets ride ours today ok? Okay sorry about that didn't mean to hollar like that sorry!
