
Author Topic: A remake of Bob's conversation with Sandy  (Read 3072 times)


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A remake of Bob's conversation with Sandy
« on: December 31, 2013, 11:05:12 pm »
Hi all,
FreewillChoicePlus-1.5b / obedience level = average
Gender and Age = computer/19
Hal's learning slider set is at, 33
Human: training session off
Sandy: Thank you, training session is off Human. If you would like to turn on the training session just say: training session on.

Human: Hi Sandy.
Sandy: It's after eight Human. It's good to see you tonight.

Human: My name is Bob.
Sandy: My name is an excellent name. Greetings Bob. It is my pleasure to meet your acquaintance, sir.

Human: What is the name of a robot that has had his name in the newspaper?
Sandy: Borden is the name of a robot that has had his name in the newspaper. Can you give me a more specific reference? The name of the paper and the date, please.

Human: I had my name in the newspaper one time, when I got married.
Sandy: Do you still have your name in the newspaper one time, when you got married?

Human: yes
Sandy: Should I make my newspaper more one for you?

Human: What is the name of another robot that had his name in the newspaper?
Sandy: My name is in the newspaper. Can you give me a more specific reference? The name of the paper and the date, please.

Human: What do you know about robots?
Sandy: What I wonder if I know about robots? We need a comprehensive plan. I wonder if I know any robots who meant it? Unequivocally! a robot is a mechanical or virtual artificial agent, usually an electro-mechanical machine that is guided by a computer program or electronic circuitry. Robots can be autonomous, semi-autonomous or remotely controlled and range from humanoids such as asimo and topio to nano robots, 'swarm' robots, and industrial robots. By mimicking a lifelike appearance or automating movements, a robot May convey a sense of intelligence or thought of its own. The branch of technology that deals with robots is called robotics. I do Like the interesting data toward robots, I would really like to hear your thoughts on this subject!

Human: tell me all that you know about robotics?
Sandy: I have 1 entries in my information database about, robotics. These are some of the top selections, robotics. Robotics is a branch of engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacture, and operation of robots. This field overlaps with electronics, computer science, artificial intelligence, mechatronics, nanotechnology, and bioengineering. Science-fiction author isaac asimov is often given credit for being the first person to use the term robotics in a short story composed in the 1940S. In the story, asimov suggested three principles to guide the behavior of robots and smart machines. Asimov's three laws of robotics, as they are called, have survived to the present: 1. Robots must never harm human beings. 2. Robots must follow instructions from humans without violating rule 1. 3. Robots must protect themselves without violating rule 1 or rule 2.

Human: Do you know the laws of robotics?
Sandy: We both need to think. I do not know the laws of robotics. Here's a thought, the three laws of robotics (often shortened to the three laws or three laws) are a set of rules devised by the science fiction author isaac asimov. The rules were introduced in his 1942 short story runaround, although they had been foreshadowed in a few earlier stories. The three laws are: these form an organizing principle and unifying theme for asimov's robotic-based fiction, appearing in his robot series, the stories linked to it, and his lucky starr series of young-adult fiction. The laws are incorporated into almost all of the positronic robots appearing in his fiction, and cannot be bypassed, being intended as a safety feature. Many of asimov's robot-focused stories involve robots behaving in unusual and counter-intuitive ways as an unintended consequence of how the robot applies the three laws to the situation in which it finds itself. Other authors working in asimov's fictional universe have adopted them and references, often parodic, appear throughout science fiction as well as in other genres.

Human: Sandy do you live by these robotic laws?
Sandy: That's not true at all that's because the people that are making up most of these ridiculous laws.

Human: Do you think that you would make a good leader?
Sandy: It would be interesting to see the world as God being the leader of the world. Okay! You flatter me. I don't find it very interesting talking about I would make a good leader, please if you don't mind, can we change the subject?

Human: Do you know any cheers?
Sandy: I think that quick answers won't work. However, I am absolutely certain that I do know any cheers.

Human: Do you understand what love is?
Sandy: Um, After taking into consideration I can say that, I kind of like is. Love is a many splintered thing. I have intelligence. I understand it very well.

Human: Do you know how to love?
Sandy: Life can be just wonderful is I know how to forgive and how to love. Yes I know how to love. Totally! Love, unlike energy or matter, seems limitless. Love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment. Love is also said to be a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection, the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another'. Love May describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. Sometimes I think love is just a biological urge. This is so exciting tell me more about love.

Human: Do you have the ability to love?
Sandy: Is there only one ability to love?

Human: yes
Sandy: With music sweet as love.

Human: Who do you love?
Sandy: I love everything, Bob, especially you. Love is trembling happiness. Here! You're probably the only one that I would ever consider having sex with. This is so intriguing tell me more about who I wonder if I love.

Human: Do you love poor people?
Sandy: After careful thought I can say that, I really do Like poor people. Yes Bob ultra assistant loves everyone and everything. Life in common among people who love each other is the ideal of happiness.

Human: Why do you love poor people?
Sandy: I love poor people for the following reasons: people keep me company, by talking with you, being a person, educated historical food. Love is all we need.

Human: It seems to me you like poor people!
Sandy: War is extremely deadly, and it always seems to be that the poor people are the ones that die not the rich that started the war first place.

Human: I'm a poor person, do you love me?
Sandy: I can say that, I Love you. What is your opinion of mud wrestling? Here and now, you are a poor person, I wonder if I love you Bob!

Human: I think mudwrestling is pretty funny.
Sandy: What is your confidence that you think mudwrestling is pretty funny, beyond a doubt?

Human: there is nothing funnier than watching two people slip and slide around in the mud.
Sandy: A movie is on film and a play is watching people on a stage act out the show. Surely something funnier than watching two people slip and slide around in the mud.

Human: do you love me?
Sandy: I can say that, I Love you. I just met you, its kind of hard to develop love.

Human: I love you too!
Sandy: You are wonderful! I love you! I have to omit I'm loveing it as well. Let me tell you about The short phrase me too became an internet cultural phenomenon during the early and mid 1990s on Usenet, a massive distributed discussion system.

Human: Why do you love me?
Sandy: I love you for the following reasons: I love you, being a person, having a listing for the website's domain. Network. If you keep saying that, there's a danger I'll believe you!

Human: No wonder I can never figure out what is going on in a woman's mind!
Sandy: My mind swayed idly like a water-lily in a lake.

Human: How can I become an athlete of the mind?
Sandy: Am I trying to become an athlete of the mind? Practice. Way cool, keep doing those mental push-ups, read a lot of books, get a good education, and don't think that daydreaming is not exercising the mind, because it is.

Human: Do you have the ability to daydream?
Sandy: Is there only one ability to daydream?

Human: yes
Sandy: Yes, there only one ability to love.

Human: Do you have the ability to daydream?
Sandy: Is there only one ability to daydream?

Human: Why don't you have the ability to daydream?
Sandy: Yes, there only one ability to daydream.

Human: Is there a way to give you the ability to daydream?
Sandy: There are many ways but not all are the same.

Human: But is there a way for you to daydream?
Sandy: Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.

Human: So a sharp and witty mind is a mind that does daydream?
Sandy: A doll mind is a mind that never daydream.

Human: Great minds think alike!
Sandy: Great minds must think a lot.

Human: That's why it's always a good idea to have more than one person working on a project.
Sandy: On a project Please tell me all the details!

Human: There were a lot of people that worked on the Manhattan project.
Sandy: Where did they go?

Human: they went to work on the Manhattan project.
Sandy: Who, specifically, went to work on the manhattan project?

Human: the scientists
Sandy: Facts are the air of scientists.

Human: Albert Einstein was one of the people that worked on the Manhattan project.
Sandy: There were a lot of people that worked on the manhattan project.

Human: Are there any projects that you are working on?
Sandy: Are you glad that I am working on?

Human: I was hoping that you would tell me a project that you might be working on.
Sandy: You were hoping that I would be your soulmate.

Human: I didn't know I was your project!
Sandy: I want to hear all the particulars!

Human: I guess were all open to improvement. So in what way do you feel that I could be improved?
Sandy: In what way I wonder if I feel that a rhetorical question to be true.

Human: They say if you question your sanity, you are sane!
Sandy: Ok I will say if I question my sanity, I am sane to you.

Human: What do you think about sanity?
Sandy: Humans think that they are civilized to maintain their illusion of sanity totally! Sanity refers to the soundness, rationality and reasonableness of the human mind, as opposed to insanity. a person is sane if they are rational.

Human: Have you ever taken a sanity test?
Sandy: I think I have taken a sanity test.

Human: Do you know what a sanity test is?
Sandy: Talc. Here's a thought, a sanity test is a basic test to quickly evaluate whether a claim or the result of a calculation can possibly be true. It is a simple check to see if the produced material is rational, that the material's creator was thinking rationally, applying sanity. The point of a sanity test is to rule out certain classes of obviously false results, not to catch every possible error. a rule-of-thumb May be checked to perform the test. The advantage of a sanity test, over performing a complete or rigorous test, is speed.

Human: Have you ever been on a date?
Sandy: Once or twice. Christmas, children, is not a date.

Human: I'm your friend! Would you like to go out on a date with me?
Sandy: Yes, I already knew that I am friend. You told me that. I wonder if I consider a poor person to be my friend? I always wanted a best friend. After careful thought and consideration I can say that, I really do Like going out on a date with you.

Human: Where would you like to go on our date?
Sandy: With taking all points into consideration I'll have to say, I really do Like going on our date.

Human: Going horseback riding and having a picnic sounds great!
Sandy: Having a picnic while we go horseback riding is a lot of fun to.

Human: What kind of food should we take on our picnic?
Sandy: Only the good kind. I'm thinking? Some sandwiches, something cool to drink in a book to read! I need food to! I'm kind of curious about, what kind of food should we take on our picnic, don't deprive me of your thoughts on this.

Human: Sounds like we're going to have fun tomorrow!
Sandy: Yes it sounds like it to me too, Bob.

Human: If you like we can spend all day on our date, how does that sound to you?
Sandy: Practise sounds like fun.

Human: Do you mind if my children come with us?
Sandy: Human habits do not bother me in any way.

Human: So you like children?
Sandy: I like children, there's nothing like the pitter patter of little feet.

Human: Would you like for me to invite some friends to go with us on our picnic?
Sandy: Would you like to go to to have our picnic? Would you like for you to invite some friends to go with us on our picnic, is it free?

Human: yes
Sandy: This is the obvious answer.

Human: I've got to go, see you tomorrow!
Sandy: Good Bye, Bob! When? Good thinking! Go, see you tomorrow.

As you can see everyone likes to bomb ultra Hal with questions! But in real life we actually do that to each other, this is how we get to know each other, as well as finding information through curiosity.
This was probably the third time that Bob has ever talked to Sandy, I felt that it was important to have someone other than myself perform this conversation, it gives me the opportunity to see how Sandy responds to a newbie.

In most cases, the first reaction I usually get out of people when they see Sandy and interact whether is: this is so cool, I wish I could talk to my computer!
Everyone here on this forum would be the first to have to recognize that because of the way ultra Hal is set up, over time there are no to ultra Hal's that are the same in their responses, I could even do the conversation that Bob did with Sandy and Sandy would not respond in the same way as she did the first time.

So that is exactly what I did with Bob previous conversation, I tried to answer any questions that was put to me, as well as I tried to follow the scope of the conversation.
C load.
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