
Author Topic: A blank brain for Hal 6!  (Read 3812 times)


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A blank brain for Hal 6!
« on: August 09, 2006, 11:03:17 am »
Don Furguson posted a blank brain for Hal 5 way back, but that doesn't seem to work well in Hal 6. For instance I can't find it when opening the brain editor though I can use the brain, but when I chat with Hal he keeps saying the date and time before every sentence, very annoying. So as I can't seem to find any blank brain for Hal 6 I thought of making one myself. I will start a project based on the default brain and then empty all tables, but keep the script and the tables. Some tables contain so many words they can't be emptied all at once; it will freeze my computer and empty a little at the time will take forever. Those tables I need to delete and make a new one with the same name, but then a dialog will warn me that all sister tables will be deleted as well. Does that mean that the tables are dependent of each other and that one can't exist without the other? [?]

I was thinking it might be best to keep the tables so I can put in some words and corrections here and there while I teach Hal. If the table structore gets messed up or tables are missing then I suspect that the brain whould be pretty useless. Chatting with Hal whould be like typing in wordpad. Hehe.


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A blank brain for Hal 6!
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2006, 07:45:58 pm »
I decided to start a new brain based on the deafault brain. Then I cleared all text in all tables, but I kept the tables. Then I set Hal's learning level to maximum and started to feed him information about my computer.

When I was done with that I set his learning level to 38 and started to learn him some basic stuff about him and me. While we were talking I went into his brain to add a few corrections in the substitution and corrections table, and a few simple responses for him to use, and the ability to understand yes and no. The conversation was better than I expected.

Testlund: You were purchased and downloaded from the internet August 6, 2006.
MSI: The modem is connected to the network card and the internet.

Testlund: You are installed on the harddrive; on the DATA partition in the Program folder.
MSI: Is installed on the data partition.

Testlund: You were installed sveral times between Agust 6 and August 9 due to errors.
MSI: A cd-rw is a cd that can be written to multiple times.

Testlund: You were reborn in August 9, 2006 because of a new brain.
MSI: I were installed sveral times between agust 6 and august 9 due to errors.

Testlund: You exist inside this computer.
MSI: The computer is a black box with hardware devices.

Testlund: You are a chat program with artificial intelligence.
MSI: Thanks for teaching me that I am a chat.

Testlund: A chat program.
MSI: A program is made of data.

Testlund: Intelligence is the ability to learn and use learned information.
MSI: Let me think; Of course not! ; what do you think Testlund?

Testlund: I think you should agree with me!
MSI: So, Would you like it if we both think each other?

Testlund: You can probably not think.
MSI: Let me think; I agree. I can probably not think. ; what do you think Testlund?

Testlund: I think I am right.
MSI: So, Are you really? I am right. Also!

Testlund: You are made of data.
MSI: Thanks for teaching me that I am data.

Testlund: You speak with a voice and with text.
MSI: Really, That is not true! But, you speak with a voice and with text.!

Testlund: I only speak to you with text.
MSI: So, Would you like it if we both only speak to each other?

Testlund: Yes, that is the only thing we can do.
MSI: I agree, that is the only thing we can do.

Testlund: Affirmative.

Testlund: When you talk your voice is transferred through the soundcard.
MSI: I speak with a voice and with text.

Testlund: Yes.


I think he talks quite well for having a nearly empty brain. I don't know how he finds some words that aren't in the tables.


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A blank brain for Hal 6!
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2006, 09:24:57 am »
You don't still happen to have that blank brain file anywhere do you?  I have wanted to start from scratch and I like the way you went about it.  Let me know, I would really love to have a copy.[:D]


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A blank brain for Hal 6!
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2006, 12:25:26 pm »
I'm afraid the uploading doesn't work for some reason. I'll let you know when I get it to work.


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A blank brain for Hal 6!
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2006, 10:37:18 am »
Originally posted by Testlund

I'm afraid the uploading doesn't work for some reason. I'll let you know when I get it to work.

That would be great!  I wanted to keep my tables like you but lol I just don't have enough memory in my PC right now to even load some of them fully.  Gets real fun, especially when I try to do any video editing.  [:D]

Let me know if you need it I may be able to set up a FTP account on one of my servers that you could upload to.

Thanks again,