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Topics - ClubEntertainment

Pages: [1]
Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ultra Hal crash on Windows 7 32.
« on: February 14, 2012, 11:35:39 am »
Ultra Hal crash on Windows 7 32.

Error 429:
ActiveX component can't create object
Occured at line 0
in Ultra Hal Assistant: FrmAss.LoadSR

Crashed while Hal was left alone idling over night.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Time out on speech to text
« on: January 31, 2012, 04:20:29 pm »
Does anyone know how to get Hal to repsond quicker when your talking to him? I get this count down every time I say something to him and windows types in the box. I think it's a 5 second count down.

Would be better if I could get it to do, say 2 seconds? Thanks in advance!


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Is The Hal Project Dead?
« on: January 21, 2012, 07:23:09 pm »
Just wondering if Ultra Hal is not being upgraded anymore. I have noticed it's been some time since a last update and I was kind of leery purchasing something no longer under development since I have seen Siri on Iphone. I would love to have Ultra Hal work properly on my windows 7 Ultimate 32bit but Hal crashes quite a bit. Feel free to send me a pm if you have info. Thanks in advance!


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