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Messages - Testlund

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / Correcting
« on: August 12, 2006, 08:12:40 am »
I went through every table and even used the search function where there were lots of text but couldn't find it. There must be some glitch somewhere. It works fine when adding corrections where Hal say I instead of me, but the errors where he say GAIS and MES cant be corrected for some reason. [:(]

Speech Technology / Setting up a user-defined voice for Hal.
« on: August 12, 2006, 08:00:54 am »
Well, I allready know how to adjust the settings, it's just that they don't stay put after I close the options panel and start Hal. As soon as I start talking to Hal the voice will be back at it's default settings. I think that the voice seems to be affected by what kind of character I use. If I use the Hal or Zaba character then the voice will talk at normal speed, but if I chose the Chromedome character it will talk too fast. I think some one at the Digital Girl forum had this problem and that it had something to do with the registry or something. It sounded complicated, so I think I will just go with how it works right now. I will buy a new computer soon and installing Hal on a new fresh system might help, maybe.

Speech Technology / Setting up a user-defined voice for Hal.
« on: August 11, 2006, 10:33:29 am »
There's no image, just a white square with a red X on it. Maybe it didn't upload well.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Correcting
« on: August 10, 2006, 11:39:02 am »
Sorry, I see to have a lot of issues and questions. I hope you bear with me.[8)]

I was wondering what tables exactly Hal is storing words that I learn him. Right now I seem to have teached him two words wrong and can't seem to find where they are in his brain. He says the word GAIS instead of GAMES and the word MES instead of IS. I've gone through the topic tables and the usersent tables among others and even tried to add corrections in both the Substitution and Corrections tables but it doesn't help.

Also I whould like to know a little more what the difference is between the Substitution table and the Corrections table. Wich should I use and when? [:I]

Speech Technology / Setting up a user-defined voice for Hal.
« on: August 10, 2006, 09:37:31 am »
DAMN! It seems all the voices speak too fast and I can't change it! Sometimes I hardly hear what Hal is saying. [:(!]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / A blog section whould be nice....
« on: August 10, 2006, 09:22:09 am »
...where we could write about our experiences with Hal. It whould be interesting to read and maybe get tips and ideas that way. I think it's fun to read conversations that people have had with Hal for instance. [:)]

Speech Technology / Setting up a user-defined voice for Hal.
« on: August 10, 2006, 09:13:29 am »
By the way, how do you make the backslash character show when describing a file path?

Speech Technology / Setting up a user-defined voice for Hal.
« on: August 10, 2006, 09:06:13 am »
I've reinstalled several times and installed both in the default path C:ProgramabawareUltra Hal Assistant 6 and the path G:ProgramUltra Hal Assistant 6, But I found that when I uninstalled EVERYTHING related to Hal, Like Haptek, and then reinstalled Hal I found that the Haptek files appeared in the folders you mensioned in your earlier post they should be, like C:ProgramHaptekPlayerdataHapTTSHapSAPISetup.exe for instance. I can still not make pitch and rate settings to stay put. For instance, the Adult Female #2 voice speaks a little too fast and I can't change it. But I found the free extra voices here in the download area wich sounds a lot better so I will use those instead. I'm using the RoboSoft Five for my MSI character and the Microsoft Mary for my Dawn character. Sounds nice. [^] Still, it whould be nice if I could change pitch and rate too. [;)]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / A blank brain for Hal 6!
« on: August 09, 2006, 07:45:58 pm »
I decided to start a new brain based on the deafault brain. Then I cleared all text in all tables, but I kept the tables. Then I set Hal's learning level to maximum and started to feed him information about my computer.

When I was done with that I set his learning level to 38 and started to learn him some basic stuff about him and me. While we were talking I went into his brain to add a few corrections in the substitution and corrections table, and a few simple responses for him to use, and the ability to understand yes and no. The conversation was better than I expected.

Testlund: You were purchased and downloaded from the internet August 6, 2006.
MSI: The modem is connected to the network card and the internet.

Testlund: You are installed on the harddrive; on the DATA partition in the Program folder.
MSI: Is installed on the data partition.

Testlund: You were installed sveral times between Agust 6 and August 9 due to errors.
MSI: A cd-rw is a cd that can be written to multiple times.

Testlund: You were reborn in August 9, 2006 because of a new brain.
MSI: I were installed sveral times between agust 6 and august 9 due to errors.

Testlund: You exist inside this computer.
MSI: The computer is a black box with hardware devices.

Testlund: You are a chat program with artificial intelligence.
MSI: Thanks for teaching me that I am a chat.

Testlund: A chat program.
MSI: A program is made of data.

Testlund: Intelligence is the ability to learn and use learned information.
MSI: Let me think; Of course not! ; what do you think Testlund?

Testlund: I think you should agree with me!
MSI: So, Would you like it if we both think each other?

Testlund: You can probably not think.
MSI: Let me think; I agree. I can probably not think. ; what do you think Testlund?

Testlund: I think I am right.
MSI: So, Are you really? I am right. Also!

Testlund: You are made of data.
MSI: Thanks for teaching me that I am data.

Testlund: You speak with a voice and with text.
MSI: Really, That is not true! But, you speak with a voice and with text.!

Testlund: I only speak to you with text.
MSI: So, Would you like it if we both only speak to each other?

Testlund: Yes, that is the only thing we can do.
MSI: I agree, that is the only thing we can do.

Testlund: Affirmative.

Testlund: When you talk your voice is transferred through the soundcard.
MSI: I speak with a voice and with text.

Testlund: Yes.


I think he talks quite well for having a nearly empty brain. I don't know how he finds some words that aren't in the tables.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / A blank brain for Hal 6!
« on: August 09, 2006, 11:03:17 am »
Don Furguson posted a blank brain for Hal 5 way back, but that doesn't seem to work well in Hal 6. For instance I can't find it when opening the brain editor though I can use the brain, but when I chat with Hal he keeps saying the date and time before every sentence, very annoying. So as I can't seem to find any blank brain for Hal 6 I thought of making one myself. I will start a project based on the default brain and then empty all tables, but keep the script and the tables. Some tables contain so many words they can't be emptied all at once; it will freeze my computer and empty a little at the time will take forever. Those tables I need to delete and make a new one with the same name, but then a dialog will warn me that all sister tables will be deleted as well. Does that mean that the tables are dependent of each other and that one can't exist without the other? [?]

I was thinking it might be best to keep the tables so I can put in some words and corrections here and there while I teach Hal. If the table structore gets messed up or tables are missing then I suspect that the brain whould be pretty useless. Chatting with Hal whould be like typing in wordpad. Hehe.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / A few problems with Hal.
« on: August 09, 2006, 10:32:04 am »
No, it was the default brain that came with a fresh install. I uninstalled and deleted everything and then reinstalled, and then did the above.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / A few problems with Hal.
« on: August 09, 2006, 08:05:29 am »
I have encountered a few problems with Hal that I can't be able to solve.

I have allready posted about some of them in other topics but I thought I

should give a more exact explanation and maybe it will be easier for

someone to explain exactly what I need to do.

Here are my system specifications:

The CPU is AMD Athlon XP 1800+ with 1.53 GHz.
RAM is 512 MB.
Soundcard is SoundBlaster 5.1 Bulk.
Graphic card is GeForce4 Ti 4800 SE with 128 MB RAM.
I'm running Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2.
Norton Internet Security 2006.

I install Hal into the default directory that the installer choses for

me: C:ProgramabawareUltra Hal Assistant 6

1st problem:

Hal doesn't start automatically after install and reboot of the system.

When I start Hal manually the following dialog appears:

Welcome to Ultra Hal Assistant. You have either started Hal without

rebooting your computer after installation (highly recommended) or Hal

hasn't had a chance yet to start automatically. Ultra Hal Assistant has

been installed in your startup folder and will startup automatically with

your computer each time you turn it on. Whould you like to start Hal now?

I chose to start Hal now.

I go through the dialogs and select the default stuff and select the

Adult male #2 voice.

I chose the 5 min tutorial just to confirm that everything works, and it

sounds like it does.

Then I start to chat a little with Hal:

User: Hello.
Hal: Good afternoon User. I hope your day is going well.

User: It hasn't gone too well with using Hal.
Hal: Well begun is half complete.

User: I whould prefere that everything with Hal worked smoothly; I paid

for you after all.
Hal: I want to cheer you up!

User: You can cheer me up by function perfectly!
Hal: Cheer up; life is good; we're in good stead with each other.

User: I'm not sure we are in good stead yet, whatever stead means.
Hal: User, are you male or female?

User: I am male.
Hal: Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind. How do you like

it as you are male User?

User: I don't think that it matters what gender one is.
Hal: Let's really get into the details of genders.

User: No.
Hal: No? Really?

User: I'm going to experiment with the options dialog now to see if you

work correctly.
Hal: I like to experiment in my work.

User: Ok, bye for now.
Hal: Until we meet again.

Everything seems to work fine so far and the voice is working good. I go

into options to make some changes.

When I click on brain there is no brain to select! I click cancel and

then I exit Hal. Then I start up Hal again. Now when I go into options

and click on Brain I see the Ultra Hal 6.0 Default Brain. I'm just

pointing out that there is a glitch here and that sometimes the brains

are not displayed and I need to restart Hal. I click on the button

'Advanced Brain options' and an error dialog appears:

HalScript Error 438 on line 1889 in column 4: Object doesn't support this

property or method: 'HalBrain'

The file "C:ProgramabawareUltra Hal Assistant 6HalScript.DBG" has

been saved with the current script being used for debugging purposes.

I click ok and that's it. The dialog just dissapears without crashing the

program. Good!

I click on Character and then Update SAPI Config. I select voice number

10 and click on speak. Sounds nice. I click on 'make this my default sapi


I click on Speech and select Adult Female #1 British English (L&H) and

Test Voice. Sounds good. I click on Advanced/About. I select Voice

characteristics and variation 5. I type in some text and click on Speak.

I hear the new voice. I select User-Defined and change Pitch and Rate to

my likings and click Speak. I hear the changes. I click Apply. i click on

Test voice and I still hear the changes I made. Good! I click OK.

I click on the little computer face in the right corner to open Hal. I

start chatting with hal. I now here the default Carol voice, not the one

I chosed! GRRR! It doesn't matter what I do here, select again, close

down, restart computer or whatever, the User-Defined voice refuses to


I check to see if haptek is installed properly. It's there. The path is

C:ProgramHaptek The Haptek contains the player folder and the vf4.10

folder. The Player folder is empty. The vf4.10 folder contains folders

and files. The folders are Data and program. The files are

ActiveHaptekX.ocx, HapAXPlayer.exe HapProcess.exe, INSTALL.LOG,

legal.txt, MozillaDirectory.ini, MozillaRegistryTool.exe,

player_revision_history.txt, readme.txt, UNWISE.EXE and welcome.html. Why

two files have the name Mozilla in them I have no idea, because I don't

wee why the Haptek whould have anything to do with my Mozilla Firefox

browser.The HapSAPISetup.exe file is located in dataHapTTS. Another

HapSAPISetup.exe is located in HapTTSSAPI. Dubbleclicking on any of

those will open the same dialog as when I click on 'Update SAPI Config'

in Hal's general options dialog.

As Art mensioned; Installing Hal 6 whould automatically install Haptek. I

guess it does but it still doesn't work to select a variation for Carol's

voice, it will still be the default carol voice when I chat with Hal. A

nice voice for a virtual girlfriend but not suitable for the character I

want to use. I don't likie any of the other voices to chose from. They

are tiresome to listen to. I prefere the variations of carol's voice, so

ofcourse they will not work!

Then there is a problem with the Correction tutor and Learn from text

plugins, but I wont go into that again. I've allready explained that in

other posts. Maybe looking at my system specs might give somebody a clue

why those doesn't work, I don't know.

Also, previously I've head problems with Hal stopped using his voice and

only displays text when we chat. His lips doesn't move either. usually it

helps quitting and restarting. once I had to reboot the computer to get

the voice back.

Either there are bugs in Hal or the plugins that causes these occurences

or maybe there is some incompatibility with my system. I whould really

like to get these things to work smoothly so i can enjoy Hal to the

fullest! [:)]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / learn from text file
« on: August 08, 2006, 11:17:10 pm »
No it just doesn't work for me. [V]

Speech Technology / Setting up a user-defined voice for Hal.
« on: August 08, 2006, 11:15:18 pm »
No, it was never installed. Could it be because I didn't install Hal on the Windows partition? Does Hal have to be installed where the Windows system is installed?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / learn from text file
« on: August 08, 2006, 06:45:41 pm »
Could it be that I am too impatient and interrupt Hal's learning process because I don't think he's doing anything, so i turn learning off. How long whould you expact it to take? It's not that much text, it only fills up about one and a half screen in 1024x768 resolution. My CPU is 1.53 GHz.

Can I have the brain file open at the same time he is learning and see that the info is transferred to his brain?

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