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Messages - CapnNee

Pages: 1 [2]
I tried experimenting with something along the lines of
 If InStr(1, UserSentence, " AUTO-IDLE OFF ", 1) > 0 Then

...and then trying to turn off the function, but I wasn't successful.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / animating Haptek fullbody
« on: April 16, 2005, 08:40:07 pm »
I have a Sleepy script which includes:

Clock [t= 5] SetSwitch [switch= yawn state= a]
Clock [t= 2] SetSwitch [switch= big_sigh_sad state= start  ]

How do I set the switch to off for the yawn and big_sigh_sad commands?

Well, I'm not getting an error code now and I hear the response, but the image doesn't change.

Where should I put the get_clothes.hap script?

Here's what I have in it:

- -
#Haptek  Version= 2.00 Name= get_clothes.hap HapType= script FileType= text
## world It

/settexture[tex= [data/standard/skins/get_clothes.jpg]]
- -

That is the location in the C:/Program Files/Haptek/player/data/standard/skins directory of where the get_clothes.jpg texture is located. NOTE: All of the / characters are actually reversed but that's the way I had to put them here for the characters to display.


I'd like to change the texture on Hal and how would I get something like the below to work?

 - -                    
If InStr(1, UserSentence, " get dressed ", 1) > 0 Then
BlockSave = True
GetResponse = "I'm getting dressed now master."
GetResponseBlock = True    
End If  
 - -
I tried putting the above into the brainfile in between "Function GetResponse..." and "'PROCESS: CREATE HALBRAIN ACTIVEX OBJECT" but I get the error message "Error 1024 Expected statement occured and Error 1024 occured on line 152 in column 0 of Microsoft VBScript complilation error. Expected statement"

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