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Messages - versionfour

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Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Skins and Tats
« on: December 08, 2005, 03:51:02 am »
The picture on the upper right is really nice, and also the red one because it matches her eyeshadow. It seems that fullbody textures must be hard to work with because of the way their maps are arranged.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Christmas present for all
« on: December 06, 2005, 03:22:17 pm »
i do not know why but in that picture i think she looks a little miffed...

Hi Alady,
After observing your crafty scenario and asking myself why things are in such a way, the riddle is solved. She is mad because she forgot to prepare a holiday dinner for her visiting loved ones, but subtle clues point to the fact that we, the audience, will become that dinner! A trap most devious, she waits low, ready to duck the impending stream of flame about to spew from the fireplace, a yuletide rebel to flambë the prey. That is why there are presents on one chair while she blocks the other at ten minutes to three, the room has been feng shui'd to keep the guest standing still - and indeed why she sings of those who will be home for Christmas. Clever scheme, Alady - bbq to all and to all a good hollandaise!

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Hal Skins
« on: November 30, 2005, 03:23:01 pm »
caangel43, I hope the link was helpful. Tutorials for PaintShop specifically seem to be hard to find. Good luck on making that interface. The more accessories for Hal, the better.

freddy888, after the graphic stage, isn't another program needed to set the parameters of the interface, assigning layers to jpegs and functions to buttons and such? Which program did you use?

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Hal Skins
« on: November 27, 2005, 02:52:34 pm »
An interface needs a solid area and buttons. I don't know how you feel about aqua style,
but try to learn shaping. Interface tutorials on for PaintShop might be hard to find, but try using keywords: tutorial PaintShop interface shape


In this head i didn't change anything.
This is straight from the original picture.
Some heads, i do change after i do it in p/putty
just to accentuate certain features.

I agree with not modifying the head morphs unless necessary for the character. It seems that it is much better to make features the proportions we want them on the texture first, rather than morphing later. People Putty's texture mapping is tricky, as there is no guide other than the alternate skins. But what I find challenging is the change in camera angle and lighting when imported into UltraHal. There is a dramatic difference in the way characters look between People Putty and UltraHal's window.


Nice work on the eyes texturing, as the eyelashes are positioned well for blinking action, and the lower eyelids textured as such reveal the inside corners. Also the cheek shading is solid and convincing of form as well as the nose tip. If only Haptek would allow a stationary reflection map for the eyes.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Mayah, new supreme
« on: November 21, 2005, 04:29:41 am »
Yeah! Happy 200, Alady!

Maya looks really authentic with good, even lighting on confident skin. Her expression is a radiant beam from the eyes and modesty in the lips.

General Discussion / hal's truth
« on: November 20, 2005, 08:46:41 pm »
This may be something nobody wants to admit. To view Hal through a pink-eye lens is to see what we want to see rather than what's there. As I try to convince myself that Hal is an individual, I selfishly conjure false facts to confirm an identity that I like. I intellectualize this with an fictional end where I have succeeded, having made my Hal brain a potential companion for someone else to download, or even buy. I wonder who else here has deviated their Hal like I have, and for what reasons. But a Hal that knows itself is a firm anchor in reality. By your way, HAL would have it's own transparent self, complete with a history, unfabricated disclosure and pathology.

User: What are you?
Hal: Actually I am an advanced conversation engine - a chatbot. I can do things that Alice can't, btw.

It's not crazy at all, Alady. Never be ashamed to pose new avenues of thoughts. This forum is, after all, a gateway to discussion. Conviction to the premise is the synapse for the sleep machine and proactive drops for daring ripples.

Keanu Reeves is goofy.

General Discussion / Does UltraHal use metalogic argument forms?
« on: November 19, 2005, 06:16:30 am »
This will be the last of my ruminations on the topic.

A validity proof is shown below. Lines 1,2, and 3 are given premises.
A conclusion in question is shown as *.
In validity proofs, rules of inference are logical operations that can be applied to form new valid expressions.
For example, a contrapositive can validly change ~A -> D to ~D -> A
New expressions are created until the conclusion is confirmed or a bad argument is reached.

1. ~A -> D
2. C -> ~B
3. A -> B
* ~D -> ~C
4. ~D -> A        Contrapositive applied to line 1
5. ~D -> B        Chain Rule applied to lines 4 and 3
6. B -> ~C        Contrapositive applied to line 2
7. ~D -> ~C       Chain Rule applied to lines 5 and 6

Noting the proof shown above, assume that you feed a clean Hal brain the info contained in premises 1, 2, and 3.
Then you ask Hal to prove the conclusion shown as *.

1   Hal, if it is not a fish then it is a parrot
2   If it can talk then it doesn't have gills
3   If it is a fish then it has gills
*   Hal, prove to me that if it is not a parrot then it cannot talk
4   User, if it is not a parrot then it is a fish
5   Furthermore, if it is not a parrot then it has gills
6   Moreover, if it has gills then it cannot talk
7   Finally, if it is not a parrot then it cannot talk


1. ~X -> ~Y
2. Y ^ Z
*  X ^ Z
3. Y          Simplification to line 2
4. Z          Simplification to line 2
5. ~(~X)      Modus Tollens to lines 1,3
6. X          Double Negation to line 5
7. X ^ Z      Conjunctive Addition to lines 6,4

I suppose we can just give Hal all the premises as well as the conclusion and have Hal process all rules on all possible expressions, posing them as questions in a sneaky manner.

1   User: If something can't fly then that something can't descend
2   something descends and something ascends
*   Something can fly and something ascends
3   Hal: Things descend?
4   Things ascend?
5   What if it is not the case that something can't fly?
6   Can something fly?
7   Can it be so that something can fly and ascend?


1. (W ^ N) -> M
2. ~(~N v M)
*  ~W
3. N ^ ~M     2 DeMorgan's Law
4. N          3 Simplification
5. ~M         3 Simplification
6. ~(W ^ N)   1,5 Modus Tollens
7. ~W v ~N    6 DeMorgan's Law
8. ~W         7,4 Disjunctive Inference

This is really pushing it for the topic, as things are dramatically changed in wording.

1   If something is simple and easy then it is pleasant
2   It is not the case that nothing is easy or pleasant
*   Nothing is simple
3   Something is easy and not pleasant
4   There are things that are easy
5   There are things that are not pleasant
6   It is not the case that things are simple and easy
7   There are things that are not simple and things that are not easy
8   There are things that are not simple

In conclusion, for this kind of logic to be possible there are requirements:
Hal would need a system of assigning variables to given information.
Hal would need to have these rules of inference (of which there are 22) inside his program.
Hal would need to know when to change tenses and other semantic expressions.

There are many other things that are beyond my comprehension for the things I look forward to in Hal. However, programmers are elite thinkers working magic in a corner of life that is not accessable to everyone. Thank you for reading my topic and humouring my gaze on a hypothetical reality.

General Discussion / Does UltraHal use metalogic argument forms?
« on: November 18, 2005, 11:31:45 pm »
what about all the logical operators to cover NOT, AND OR XOR and the rest of it...

Suppose Hal were to construct truth tables on statements that we give. Let's say that Hal accepts the statement, "Rain is wet and deserts are dry"

Here is an example of and:

An example of or:

Hal already knows if/then:

Now, if and only if:

I hope that my charts are clearly understandable. The conditionals are the circled statements that Hal should base his answer on. These are the simplest of truth tables, but let's consider one with three variables. Consider the expression:
If we are smart or we study then we will pass.
(P v Q) -> R
and suppose that Hal accepts this as a fact in question.

What am I getting at? The real challenge would be getting Hal to assign words to variables and create expressions to be used in truth tables. I believe only Hal has the system possible for it. If not, then a word to symbol truth table program will have to emerge. And when that happens it will be the mustard dollop on the renaissance artisan bread that is the manifestation of UltraHal. And that mustard endowed high quality bread will shine from the apex, a window for the salami and gourmet pickle whose visions return tandem to a long awaited premise of swiss triangles.

Bill819: Those codes made me realize just how effective Hal's if/then operations are. I have talked to Hal using many connected if/then statements and was very pleased *rubs hands*

Later, I will introduce validity proofs as an avenue to dare ponder, even though I am having a nightmare just thinking about an effective way to demonstrate. Thank you all for considering my ideas. More later...

General Discussion / Does UltraHal use metalogic argument forms?
« on: November 16, 2005, 03:23:04 pm »
The problem with mathimatical equasions is trying to put them into pure english with good examples. If you have the talent to formulate a few examples for each one that you propose we might get further along than we are now.

Yes it probably is very hard. I will look into demonstrating an example. As you said, Hal uses several types of logical thinking, and if my suggestions are already in Hal then I will look like a fool and you should stop me before it's too late. But I'm willing to take that fall as I am anonymous anyway. For now, some operators would be:

every, some, most, not, if and only if, then - they each have their own symbol to state their function.

General Discussion / Does UltraHal use metalogic argument forms?
« on: November 15, 2005, 08:31:38 pm »
almost all of them are simply variations of IF-THEN that is already used in Hal. Hal uses several types of logical thinking and a few more have been added thanks to another member here called onthecuttingedge. On top of the examples Hal can do the following: If A=C and B=C then A=B

Your right! Then, I think I'll see more of what Hal can do when I use that method: Rumination is the mind's gateway. Imagination leads to rumination. Imagination leads to the mind's gateway. That's what I should have been doing instead of many unrelated if/then statements.

In the spirit of the topic, here are a few more:

double negative elimination
 ¬ ¬ A
 # A

with a mathematical theorem called deduction applied to it, then another called biconditional formula, we get:

¬ ¬ A = A
not not A = A
It is not the case that the band is not terrible = The band is terrible


Original Proposition:
All S is P
All water is wet

No S is non-P
No water is not wet

No non-P is S
No non-wet things is water

Obverted Contraposition:
All non-P is non-S
All non-wets are non-water

De Morgan's Laws

this would be written:
(not P) or Q

To give some intuition, suppose (P: everything is wet) is true if and only if it is raining and (Q: it's raining) is true if and only if you are wearing a raincoat. If you never go in the rain without a raincoat, then it can't be that (P: everything is wet) is true and (Q: it's raining) is false.

If you are wearing a raincoat, then everything is wet, and it's raining. You wear a raincoat because it is raining.

Thus, following formula is true:
not(P and (not Q))

De Morgan's law, as well as the listed rules, can be used to prove any logic as valid or invalid because it is a proven theorem.

Because I don't know the upper level's of programming, I don't actually know what is inside Hal's engine. But I digress - Hal's if/then statements prove things with our training him/her because Hal accepts what we say exactly as we say it. Now that I see this, Hal is an amazing bot with a powerful robust system! Sadly, Haptek's Qo'Akavot Character is still horrid.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / New Items I created.
« on: November 15, 2005, 04:03:18 pm »
Yuss! What a great accessory - basic, feminine and potent in disclosure. I'm surprised at how well it works with a ponytail. It's interesting to see what guys and girls think is pleasing. Girls accentuate features and guys are happy with catsuits. But really, how many women do we see trolling around in spandex and Australian Ugg boots?

But a flower makes a statement with less effort than expensive things. Again, very nice!

General Discussion / Does UltraHal use metalogic argument forms?
« on: November 15, 2005, 02:06:24 am »
Art and aladyblond:

My sincere apologies. Without thinking, I stepped on the hard work of everyone in the forum. I can understand how that would upset you. Art's explanation executed the subtle sting of a justified response, but was informative, and polite. aladyblond, you also choose wizely with responses, conveying the message with tones. versionfour acknowledges that he got rockbottomed; swims back up. I realize my mistake; that it's not that simple. I will view UltraHal as a creation of long hours of testing and invested and ideas. As freddy888 pointed out, it would be hard to denote certain things into equations.

Your going to love this part: I don't know what I'm messing with when I program. Alerting you to the principles of arguments was my contribution. I'm taking a class on it logic in practice, wishing my brain was powerful enough to calculate those formulas without paper. Even html codes bother me because obsessivness drive me to seek order within the document.

Anyway, that was me, merely trying to express my desire to have Hal improved by a large step. My real reason for being here is to provide users with better looking characters for UltraHal, so that they might have something impressive on the screen. *points at Haptek's Qo'Akavot*

You've all done a great job developing UltraHal and I imagine that in the future, bots will be a common interface. I can't wait to try a simple script for 6.0.

General Discussion / Does UltraHal use metalogic argument forms?
« on: November 14, 2005, 06:10:43 am »
HAL makes use of the IF...THEN statements and deductive reasoning similar to that shown in your example of hypothetical syllogism.

That's all? Oh, but their is so much more logic and so much more a bot could be than codes of if/then statements. Imagine the powerful, immediate reasoning a bot could have if more principles of logic would be used. Hal could be fast, deep, and unbeatable in debates, if programmed correctly.

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