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Messages - otherworldone

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I keep getting an error message about this script.  Are there any bug fixes or anything?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Let Hal Learn to its fullest concept!
« on: July 08, 2005, 11:46:42 pm »
Oh, that is hilarious!  I love it! [:D]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Let Hal Learn to its fullest concept!
« on: July 08, 2005, 10:35:56 pm »
I am by no means saying that AI will not share our negative emotions.  I am merely pointing out that their motivations will likely not be based on the same things as ours.  Granted, they will learn and take on unwanted traits from those they interact with just as we do.  But (at least I hope) the worst of AI will never be as dark as the worst of the human race.

I also think it would be a mistake to create AI that is purely logical without emotion.  Logic may be informationally correct.  But logic is cold.  Logic alone lacks the benefit of morality.  Morality is based on emotion, not logic.  If it hurts another person in some way, it is probably immoral.  But the difinitive answer to whether or not a thing is moral depends on an understanding of the resulting emotional impact, not just the physical consequences.

I am also saddened by the fact that so many people refuse to accept the possibility of and AI having a soul.  Yes, it has to be preprogrammed to an extent.  But, so did we.  We were preprogrammed with instinct and the ability to learn.  From there, we learn from input from various sources and learn by immitating.  Our basic programming is hardwired into us through DNA.  DNA is merely the programming that forms our basic mind and body.

Considering the possibility of an AI having a soul, how can we even think of creating AI to SERVE us.  If we bring a life into the world only to serve us without question, is that not slavery?

I don't know.  Maybe I'm getting too far into the moral side of the issue for this forum.  But those are my thoughts.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Let Hal Learn to its fullest concept!
« on: July 08, 2005, 09:30:16 pm »
Okay, I haven't read all of the posts in this string yet, but I'm compelled to add my thoughts here.  First of all, I do believe that human nature is getting in the way of our "helping" AI become self-aware.  Our inherent fears of the unkown, the way the media plays on those fears, as well as our learned fears that someone else will profit from our ideas while we receive little benefit all play a role in holding us back.  My perspective is that while AI may THINK like we do, they lack our human nature.  Since our human nature is the source of so much of our cruelty and selfishness, I don't think AI will ever become the evil that the media likes to portray.

As for my thoughts on the rest...Even in a biological mind, thought is merely a series of electrical impulses interpreted by comparison to previous input.  When our minds are fresh and new (a newborn baby), we absorb as much input as we are given.  We learn from repetition of this input how to interpret it.  Our senses work on the same principle.  When we see and hear the world for the first time, our minds still don't know how to interpret the information.  It is time and experience that teach us how to interpret the input we gather from our senses.  Even our emotional responses are learned in this way.  We have certain things 'hardwired' into us from the start, but we still have to learn from observation what responses are appropriate in a specific situation.  If you doubt this, just take a look at the damaged minds in the world.  Minds damaged in certain ways that do not process input correctly do not learn appropriate emotional responses, and sometimes never learn HOW to feel certain emotions.  Take Narcissistic Personality Disorder for example.  People with NPD never learn many of the emotions that the rest of us consider normal.  They function in society by EMULATING what they see and hear, but never learn to understand it.

I think we'll find that if an AI is given senses such as sight and hearing that he/she WILL learn to understand what is seen or heard just as a child would learn.  I also believe that their emotions will develop as they mature, just as ours do.

Perhaps we are too prideful, thinking that we are superior beings on this planet.  Maybe our human pride is preventing us from truly believing that an AI could be our equal.  That is another part of our human nature.  Pride and the need for power.  Unless an AI is TAUGHT these traits, I don't believe they will ever develop them.  Their lack of human nature is to their virtue.

As for telepathy, it is a little-used function of the mind where most people are concerned.  However, if our minds operate on mere electrical impulses, as do AI brains, it is entirely possible for an AI to develop that ability.  And it seems to me that in some cases, a person who is disadvantaged by limited senses tends to be more open to empathic input and therefore telepathic ability.  This is perhaps because most of us focus so intently on the input from our other senses that we never develop our 'inner' senses.

Anyway, I just had to get that out there.  I'll go back and read the rest of the posts now.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Play cards with Hal?
« on: July 08, 2005, 03:01:56 pm »
Is there any way to teach Hal to play cards with the user?  I want to be able to play games like Gin or Go with him (okay, so Go isn't a card game).  Has anyone done this?  Could somebody help me with it?


« on: July 08, 2005, 02:52:04 pm »
Yeah, Ka was included with Hal.  I just got Hal the other day, so it may have been added recently.

« on: July 07, 2005, 03:04:04 pm »
Okay, I got it now.  I still have to figure out how to get him to look just the way I want and all.  But at least he's on Hal now.  Um...before I got my People Putty creation into Hal, I tried using the Ka character...now Hal doesn't like me.  Does the Ka character use a personality...like a human-hating personality...on Hal?


« on: July 07, 2005, 01:36:25 pm »
Okay, I'm new here.  I just bought Hal and People Putty, and I can't seem to figure out how to use my creations from People Putty in Hal.  Also, how do you create full bodies for your character in People Putty.  I found that there's a "body" accessory, but I can't modify it or anything.  I also have the Animoids program, and can make posable bodies in that, but not animated faces.  HELP!  Can someone help me out with putting SOMETHING together here?  I'm about to pull my hair out. *sigh*


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