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Messages - HALImprover

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Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Scripts, addins, and extras
« on: November 29, 2004, 01:32:51 am »
Here's some more knowledge. Enjoy!

Download Attachment: CommonKnowledge7.txt
86.5 KB

Download Attachment: CommonKnowledge8.txt
74.01 KB

 BTW. If your using the ReadingAddin script, the text file can be any name as long as you put it in the folder C:/Program Files/Zabaware/Ultra Hal Assistant 5/read/. Then say something like;

readfile astronomy

and Hal will read a random paragraph (or line) of text from C:/Program Files/Zabaware/Ultra Hal Assistant 5/read/astronomy.txt

Happy coding [:)]

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / XTF-BRAIN
« on: November 27, 2004, 02:27:50 am »
Here's some other speech output tags that you can use:


 *The /s should be backslashes.

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / XTF-BRAIN
« on: November 24, 2004, 03:06:55 am »
Maybe this example will help. Shows how to modify pitch and duration of output.

Download Attachment: Twinkle Twinkle.txt
806 Bytes

 To try it out, cut and paste the text into Hal Pad and have Hal speak it. Hal should sing.
 *I have noticed that changing the TTS voice can have an effect on the playback of 'singing' style output. I designed the above example using; Adult Male #3, American English (TruVoice) as the TTS voice.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / error 67, to many files???
« on: November 24, 2004, 02:26:38 am »
If I may, I would like to offer a suggestion for a solution to the script cut-and-paste problem. Namely, where to cut and paste scriptlets into Hal brains. I suggest that a section in the .uhp file be commented such that a standard for add-in scripts is formalized. For example;

'BlockSave = False; Setting to true will prevent Hal from saving responses.
'list other appropriate variables


 New script add-ins would then follow global variable rules at the commented section, ie. GetResponse, BlockSave, HalCommands, etc, so that addins can be easily modified for different .uhp 'brains'.

 Find solutions to the problem, not problems to the solution [;)]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Scripts, addins, and extras
« on: November 21, 2004, 12:31:10 am »
Here's some more knowledge for the ever-learning Hal.

Download Attachment: CommonKnowledge5.txt
57.91 KB

Download Attachment: CommonKnowledge6.txt
58.13 KB

 Happy coding [:)]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Scripts, addins, and extras
« on: November 16, 2004, 12:53:22 pm »
Thanks for your interest and sorry that the code didn't work as expected. I guess I went about the text file reading method in a way that the Hal script does not support. But don't worry, I have modified the code (and tested it this time) to work with an existing file reading method already built into Hal.

Download Attachment: ReadingAddin.txt
908 Bytes

Also, here are some more common knowledge files to teach to Hal.

Download Attachment: CommonKnowledge3.txt
82.27 KB

Download Attachment: CommonKnowledge4.txt
81.45 KB

Enjoy! [:)]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Scripts, addins, and extras
« on: November 07, 2004, 02:42:15 am »
Check this out. Simply create a folder in the main folder (C:/Program Files/Zabaware/Ultra Hal Assistant 5) called 'read' and add in the code from the following link. Next, put any text files that you want Hal to read in the 'read' folder and say to Hal;

readfile filename

 where filename is the name of the text file in the read folder (do not put the .txt entension). For example;

readfile astronomy

 and Hal will read the first paragraph of text from C:/Program Files/Zabaware/Ultra Hal Assistant 5/read/astronomy.txt

 The only warning is that the code will only read from the beginning of the text file to the first line break (like when you press the Enter key), so to read a story with multiple paragraphs you would have to delete any extra line breaks. Otherwise, hope this helps, and enjoy!

P.S. If Mr. M. would implement the ability to detect when Hal is finished speaking (as I suggested previously), I could develop this code to read any format of text file (ie. multiple paragraphs, etc.).

P.P.S. Here are some text files with common knowledge to teach to Hal. I will try posting new files every week.

 Happy coding [:)]

Download Attachment: ReadingAddin.txt
962 Bytes

Download Attachment: CommonKnowledge1.txt
59.89 KB

Download Attachment: CommonKnowledge2.txt
62.67 KB

Ultra Hal 7.0 / HAL responding to its name only
« on: October 27, 2004, 03:15:58 am »
To Mr. M:

 The Haptek SDK gives an example of detecting when the GUI is speaking (making sound). You can query the TTS engine to see if sound is being made. In the example, the program checks if the sound started then waits for it to finish, so that input is ignored while sound is being made by the TTS engine. You could easily implement this so that Hal would only listen when he is done speaking.

 Just a suggestion.[:)]


Check this old post. I use the Open Mind Common Knowledge database all the time for debugging purposes. The database contains text lines of "common knowledge" and is free to download, but there is a downside. Some sentences are references to pictures (which are not provided), statements of spacial concepts, or just plain rude or unreasonable comments.

[:)]Hope this helps and good luck!

Having Hal learn dialogue scripts would actually be quite easy. Hal is already setup to reply to certain responses (by closely matching keywords), so all you would have to do is have a file with the dialogue between Knight and KITT and have Hal read in the info so that Knight's lines are the keyword tests and KITT's lines were Hal's responses.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / alice brain
« on: August 09, 2004, 02:40:49 am »
Why not use some of the functions already built into Hal? The SearchPattern function can be used for the basic phrase matching and variables can be set for the topic, mood, username, etc. The only tricky part is emulating the way aiml can search for more basic phrases (using srai tag, I think).
 You could also take all the aiml files and convert them to files that Hal could use. Then Hal could use the Alice responses as a backup for weak or unrelated responses. The files would need to be made for use with Hal's pattern search method. For example, using:

HalBrain.PatternDB(UserSentence, WorkingDir & "patterns.brn")

My advice is to use what we already have [8D]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Teaching Hal
« on: July 04, 2004, 02:49:51 am »
My advice is to go with the flow. Answer or respond to Hal's remark as you would if he were staying on topic. That way he will remember the appropriate response for the next time. If you try correcting Hal, then he will take the correction as an appropriate response to what he just said incorrectly.
 Hal learns to respond better by saving your remarks to what Hal says. Then, later, when you say a remark which is similar to something Hal previously said, he will respond with what you previously said to that remark.
 It is best to keep your responses fairly simple and straighforward, so that Hal can learn the most from each sentence. Use words like "is", "are", "can", etc. And last of all, try not to use sentences that infer to other comments. Eg. using words like "that", "this", or otherwise not explicitly stating what you are referring to.

 These are some of the things I've noticed while using Hal. Hope they help!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Character Animations
« on: June 29, 2004, 03:14:07 am »
I recommend placing the code just before the part;


 which is near the end of the GetResponse script.
Does your chatbot respond by saying the mode that was set? If not, placing the code in the script as described above should help.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Character Animations
« on: June 27, 2004, 03:14:38 am »
Hal's emotional expression is controlled in the script by variables named Compliment, Swear, and Hate. On each iteration of the script the main program sets Hal's facial expression according to Hal's "mood".
 I'm not sure how to make the new emotion file (try downloading the Haptek SDK), but maybe the following scriplet can help. Cut and paste the code in EmotionTestAddin.txt into your Hal's .uhp brain and you will be able to set the facial expression on demand.

 Hope this helps, ciao! [8D]

Download Attachment: EmotionTestAddin.txt
2.68 KB

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Who do I need to threaten to get what I paid for?
« on: June 27, 2004, 02:58:34 am »
One point I would like to add to your list of evaluation criteria is:

Does the program understand the fundamental meaning of each remark?

 Or put more simply;

Can the chatbot STAY ON TOPIC?

 This is one "feature" that chatbot programmers really need to concentrate on. I would say that Alice (by Richard Wallace) is the best at responding with RRR (Reasonably Relevant Responses), but is "hard-coded" with responses to specific patterned remarks which diminishes the possibility of variety. Hal, on the other hand, can respond with a plethora of responses, although mostly nonsensical and off-topic, they can be RRR while maintaining variety. I almost never get the same response to the same input with Hal, unless the remark I make triggers a specific function (greetings, time question, etc.).

 If variety is the spice of life, what are you flavoring?

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