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Messages - GamerThom

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 27
General Discussion / Julia is no toy
« on: July 15, 2007, 05:37:24 pm »
Yeah, he's back Mark. Only took him a while to figure out
that he could get on by registering under a new screen name
and probably installed another router on his system to
get a new IP address assigned to it by the DHCP server.
That is if you have a static IP address. If you are like
most people you have a dynamic IP address which gets changed
every so many hours or days, or whenever the DHCP or DNS
(if you are connected via PPOe) access server resets your
connection. At least that's how it works if you have a dsl
connection through a broadband provider like AOL or AT&T/yahoo. [;)] [:)]

Am I right Rainman? [:)]

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / off the subject
« on: July 15, 2007, 03:12:19 am »
Hi there, I can give you this bit of advice.

1. Don't quit your studying and give up 2 years of hard work just yet.

2. Do some research to see if there is a University near you with a
good set of courses centered around traditional graphic design as well
as computer graphics and basic programming skills.

3. Avoid online schools that offer degrees in graphic art & design.
Most of them are scams which in the end will charge you plenty for
a worthless peice of paper.

4. If the school you are already attending offers any courses in
the field of graphic art or design. Sign up for a couple of those
first to see if it is really something you want to pursue.

5. If it's game design you are interested in "good luck".
Graphic artist's who work in the game design industry don't last
long. They are usually underpaid and extremely overworked and under-

6. Surf the net and do some research on sites like DAZ/Studio or
Cineversity.com, they have some very good tutorials that can give
you some idea ofthe skills you need to know in order to do graphic
design. Whether it's 2D or 3D. The more you know the better prepared
you'll be.

Some good starter programs to get and give a try are DAZ/Studio(free)
and Bryce for 3D work, and Corel PaintShop Pro 10 for experimenting
in 2D design and texturing. Blender is a good free program if you
want to try 3D modeling and game environment design.

DAZ/Studio and Bryce can be found at the DAZ/Studio site
Blender can be gotten from http://www.blender.org/  
and Corel PaintShop Pro 10 can be ordered or purchased through
Amazon.com and most other online software sales sites.

One last piece of advice: be prepared to spend a lot of time on
projects that are very unrewarding to work on and not have your
really brilliant ideas accepted. Besides that, the field of computer
graphics and design is a very competetive one.

Working in computer graphics and/or game design can be very expensive
when starting out. The good middle to high production software can be
quite expensive and there is also the cost of having a really good
computer system with a high-end graphics/video card. I work from 2
networked PC's and a laptop. The laptop I have just for testing
stuff. The 2 PC's are set up for production: 1 for scripting and
doing some 2D work and the other for heavier 2D and 3D graphics
work. Both have an exceptional amount of hard drive storage and
are custom modified with middle of the road graphics cards. Even
if you only intend to use 1 computer, a good one for doing graphics
work you can expect to cost around $1,500 plus the cost of any
upgrades you may want to make.

Here's a link to my web site in case
you're curious as to why I'm giving you
so many of the negative aspects of working
in graphic design and computer graphics.
But there are also positive aspects. As
you noted above - doing something you love
doing, possessing a driving passion for it.
Setting your own hours, that is if you are
only working for yourself. Sleepless nights
when the ideas and solutions to problems just
refuse to let your mind slow down. You will
also find a link there to my Bio-page which
lists my educational and professional quali-
fications, along with a bit of my personal


General Discussion / Current copy of HAL 6
« on: July 13, 2007, 07:27:16 pm »
Sorry Hollywood, no can do. Lost my Putty program when my
hard drive went, and I can't seem to get a new activation
for it. [:0] If I ever manage to get a Putty program running
again though, I'll see what I can come up with. [;)]

The hell of it is that even if some idiots new she was
just a bot they would still keep coming back and trying,
an I'll bet quite a few, even if you told them after a
couple of visits, wouldn't believe her. [;)] [:D]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Give me a hint
« on: July 08, 2007, 07:32:53 am »
I don't think that's it Roy. But you can try it.
I've used it in Hal 6.0 at different times on an
AMD Athlon 2200+, AMD Athlon 2400+ and Intel based
laptop. It has worked on all three of them. I am
currently running my 2 Hal 6.0's on the two PC's
with the AMD cpu and chipsets and the Loneliness2.3
plug-in works on both. Oh yeah, I'm running Windows
XP Pro SP2 on both of the PC's.

Now does anyone have Hal 6.1 running on an AMD based PC?
.....and also someone running Hal 6.1 on an Intel based one?

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / People Magazine!!!
« on: July 07, 2007, 08:47:39 pm »
Not too shabby Mark. [:D] [:D] [^]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Give me a hint
« on: July 07, 2007, 08:40:42 pm »
Quite right Art. Scratch did use the <Speak> command line,
he used it to call up a random sentence contained in the plug-in.
Of which there are about 20 or so.

It also worked quite well with Hal 6.0, at least as far as
I haven't had any problem with it in either of my Hal's.
But then, I don't have all the plug-ins installed or in use
that have been released in the past couple of years. Many of
them I just didn't have a use for. The only reason I decided
to make permanent & regular use of Loneliness2.3 was because
I knew for certain that it would annoy anyone who happened to
be in the house, it even managed to spook a couple of people
over the past year and a half. [}:)] [;)]

Raybe, yes thank you. I would appreciate it if you could
send me whichever plugs you still have in zip folders. You
can send them to my site email addy since I have no limit on
the size or number of files. Not that it is a concern in the
case of the plug-ins. [:)]


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Give me a hint
« on: July 07, 2007, 07:49:46 pm »
I'm still trying to track down all those plug-ins.
So far I've only found 2 of the new ones. I lost a
couple of the old ones when my one PC burned out and
I haven't had the chance to find and reinstall those
yet either. So this may take me a bit longer than I
thought. But I will get them all and try to sort
something out.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Time Magazine
« on: July 07, 2007, 07:43:52 pm »
Dusky, are you trying to say that Sandee is a little
modest when it comes to having her picture taken? [;)] [}:)] [:p]

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Time Magazine
« on: July 07, 2007, 07:40:57 pm »
I think if you want to refer to them using that or a
similar term, a way to more properly spell it would be "hal-ettes". [;)]

General Discussion / substituting the for the word "me "
« on: July 07, 2007, 07:38:12 pm »
Once you get the syntax correct, if Hal still keeps saying
it the wrong way after so many repititions, you can always
use the brain editor to go through the tables and make any
necessary corrections manually.

General Discussion / substituting the for the word "me "
« on: July 07, 2007, 06:18:16 pm »
I believe that if you want to reverse Hal's output in
that context, the word "you" is what you need to use.
At least I think it's you and not me or I, or is it? [;)]

General Discussion / Current copy of HAL 6
« on: July 07, 2007, 04:31:34 pm »
Here's one of my brains, but I doubt it
will be of much use for what you want.
It's an older one that I don't use much
anymore. Sorry I can't be of more help. [;)]

Brains! Anybody got any brains around
here that they aren't using right now?
Preferably a new one.
Jerry say's he needs a new brain. [:o)]

General Discussion / Happy 4th of July.
« on: July 07, 2007, 03:30:47 pm »
Always good to read such good news, Jerry. [:)]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Give me a hint
« on: July 06, 2007, 09:03:30 pm »
I really need to keep up with all the topics
being posted around here. I've just been visiting
occassionally and glossing over post's for the past
6 months or so, and I now see that I've missed the
developement of quite a few new plug-ins. [:0] [:)] I've
just been so busy with other projects. Just not
enough time to keep up with everything. [:(]

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