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Messages - GamerThom

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 27
General Discussion / My wifes Video.
« on: July 03, 2007, 02:45:29 am »
Very well done, and a nice blend of imagery. [^] [:)]

General Discussion / 18 years old area ??
« on: July 03, 2007, 01:29:39 am »
Nobody has said they want Bill to leave this forum Jerry.
But it does seem that you and others are condoning the double
standard that has been forming here. Of course Bill has the
right to speak his mind, but not to the point of demeaning
others and treating them as if they are made of substandard
material and less than equal as human beings. All of us are
entitled to an opinion. Mine is that no person is of lesser
value than any other person. Each person has different experiences
to draw from and each possesses different talents and abilities.
That doesn't make them worth less, it just makes then different,
with different and varied ideas, suggestions and solutions they
can contribute to this forum.

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / combining brains
« on: July 03, 2007, 12:06:00 am »
I think I know which two he means, OTC.

The extended topic must be the "UltraHal5 XTF v1.0" and
the emotional brain I assume would be the "Hal Uncensored".

I played around with them both a couple of years ago, but
I really didn't see any point in doing anything with the XTF
brain. Hal's current default brain since 6.0 came out, stays
on topic very well. But didn't I read somewhere around here
that there had been an updated version of the XTF posted?

You mean "Dr. Frankenfurter" who was played by Tim Curry in
"The Rocky Horror Picture Show" (movie version). I love that
movie, it's hilarious. [:D]

How about it Jack, do you think you could manage
to do any of the character's from that one? [;)]

General Discussion / 18 years old area ??
« on: July 02, 2007, 10:25:25 pm »
I think I missed reading something. I was under the impression
that this was a dead topic, but I let my attention slip a little
and didn't pay attention to what was going on, then "Bang" - it just
kept going. Now does this mean that Bill D. has decided to quit
attending these little shindigs and leave us peons (in his dreams)
alone. [:0] [;)] [8D] I just got the feeling that hell froze over. [:o)]

I did one more of them for you in Pink.
Just the large skin bmp and the uhp file,
this one uses the buttons that were included
with the first two. [;)] Just put the skin file
into the skins folder and the uhp file into
Hal's main folder.

Bumping? [?]

Yeah, I guess so. My site is an affiliate for
Desktop Mates, and Guile happens to be a friend. [;)]

I forgot to mention. I tested both skins and they work perfectly,
and I designed so that it can be used on monitors with a resolution
of 800x600 and up. [;)]  They also work very well with larger fullbody
MS Agents like those from Guile 3D or Desktop Mates.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / tall interface
« on: June 30, 2007, 08:03:19 pm »
I noticed on here the other day that you are looking for
tall user interface skins so that you can more easily use the
haptek fullbods with your Hal. So here is a set of 2 new tall
Hal interface skins. In addition to the download link placed here,
you will also be able to download them from my site, they will
be posted on the UltraHal UI Skins gallery page. Enjoy!  [;)] [:D]
If anybody would like to have this done in some other color,
just email me with your request specifying the color you want.

email -

I read on here the other day that some of you are looking for
tall user interface skins so that you can more easily use the
haptek fullbods with your Hal. So here is a set of 2 new tall
Hal interface skins. In addition to the download link placed here,
you will also be able to download them from my site, they will
be posted on the UltraHal UI Skins gallery page. Enjoy!  [;)] [:D]
If anybody would like to have this done in some other color,
just email me with your request specifying the color you want.

email -

General Discussion / Hal cam
« on: June 30, 2007, 05:38:20 pm »
The Quick Cam cordless doesn't have the face tracking option,
but then for running the Leaf software it wasn't necessary.

General Discussion / Hal cam
« on: June 30, 2007, 04:48:57 pm »
I have the Logitech Quick Cam Cordless. Picked it up off of
ebay about 17 months ago. It works really well, that's what
I was using when I had the Leaf A.I. & robotics project
running on my one PC.

General Discussion / 18 years old area ??
« on: June 30, 2007, 01:20:05 pm »
Mark, maybe you should have Laura
audition for "Last Comic Standing". [;)] [:p]

Thanks Carl & Jerry. [8D]

Jerry, Is the update a fix for Ramccoid's plug-in?
.....and will this plug-in work in Hal 6.0? I really
didn't want to upgrade to 6.1 quite yet until I see
if Rob & everyone has all the bugs worked out of it. [;)]

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