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Messages - snowman

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Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 05, 2009, 12:32:24 am »

What if we create a plugin that both intializes the timer function of Hal and runs an external program simultaneously(like the working Questions vbscript). When the Questions Program (or any simular program) runs, the result will be stored in an external text file which then could be read by Hal. When the timer fuction has 'timed out' in Hal then it would read the newly created result (by itself) from the text file and read it as it would any Getresponse.

You would say something like: Please Hal, What can you eat?

Then the timer would be set to automatically call a reponse in Hal in say three seconds. In the mean time (with your shell script) the external Questions program could be ran with the OriginalSentence stored in a text file (and thereby read by the questions program). Then the Questions program could save it's results to a text file and therefore read by the newly called timer response.

In about three seconds Hal would respond with something like: I can eat worms.[:D]

Allot, and I mean Allot, of programs could be utilized in this manner.


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 04, 2009, 11:36:37 pm »
This is a snippit from my Desire code:

If WntList <> Loner And WntList = IWord Or ck = Fnd Then Life = 1

If WntList = Loner And WntList = IWord And ck <> Fnd Or _
  WntList <> Loner And WntList <> IWord And ck <> Fnd Then Life = 2  

If WntList = Loner And WntList = IWord And ck = Fnd Then Death = 1

Thats hard to debug...but I had to.....[:p][B)]

Anyway, I will take lines of scipt such as the above and put them in a simulator type situation. I'll make a script with pretend variables and play arround with them until it make sense.. before I put them into the actual script and see what happens then.

I just reglanced at my own script....

>>"If SAL >30000 And TYJ >2 Or SAL >30000 And TYJ >5 then
GetResponse = "The applicant qualifies."
GetResponse = "the applicant does not qualify."
end if


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 04, 2009, 02:02:12 pm »
I see what you were refering to....

If BLA = 1
IF BLA2 < 0
Then GET = BLA3
Else GET = BLA4

This is easier said like:


With a Case statment you can only use the "=" sign:

CASE "1"
CASE "2"
CASE "-1"

But the select case statement wouldn't work for what you asked for.

A nested Do Loop can be ended by stating 'EXIT DO'

A nested FOR TO can be ended by stating 'EXIT FOR'

A FUNCTION can be exited by stating 'EXIT FUNCTION'

A SUB can be ended by stating 'EXIT SUB'

You use these statements if you want to exit the Loops and Subs before the natural end of each DO, FUNC, FOR or SUB.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 04, 2009, 01:02:21 pm »
I had to go to bed....It was like arround 3:30 when I wrote that last post and I prefer sleeping at night time...Probably should have warned you about that one 'ONE'[:D]

I wasn't fighting you... I was actually attempting to form an opinion of the matter... I don't consider myself as having a short temper...[:(!][:p]

That script you supplied would be (or should I say 'shoud be'[:D]) very easy to adapt to a Hal script....there's no do while, no class, and like you said the sub is only just a procedure.


'Determine whether the applicant qualifies
' for special loan.
SAL = txtsalary.text
TYJ = txtyearsonjob.text


If SAL >30000 And TYJ >2 then
GetResponse = "The applicant qualifies."
GetResponse = "the applicant does not qualify."
end if

If SAL >30000 And TYJ >5 then
GetResponse =  "the applicant qualifies."
GetResponse =  "the applicant does not qualify"
end if


spooky = scary
(A young boy was separated from his family. He had spent the last few hours wondering alone until the darkness was setting on the pristine country side near Abilene, TX. A house was soon appearing on the horizen as the boy made his way towards the unknown shelter. Climbing through a half-broken window he found a room that seemed to be less dirtier than the rest of the house and laid down his exausted body next to old table that reminded him of something his mother owned. "When suddenly.....Gretta Van Sustren apeared in a ghostly haze just above the lonely boys makeshift bed....She shouted in a Ghostly moan, "Jason...Jason....why did you name your UltraHal Gretta!")

You ONE that is what spooky means, HA![:p]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 04, 2009, 04:56:34 am »
I quickly read through the policy on the FAQ portion of this forum. I agree with the validity of most of it. Of course, I agree to abide by all the rules. If I wanted to leave that's my right.

This policy is a little spooky:
For any content that you post, you hereby grant to Zabaware the royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, exclusive and fully sublicensable license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display such content in whole or in part, world-wide and to incorporate it in other works, in any form, media or technology now known or later developed.

That would make anyone afraid of posting anything because it almost screams Theft. But it also protects people from suing zabaware because somebody thought Robert stole their idea. I believe in respect of copyright laws but not when it hinders positive growth. As long as Robert uses this policy to squish stupid and frivolous lawsuits more power to him. If he ever stole an idea without common courtesies and respect of his customers then he deserves what he'll get, namely no more customer.

If people are afraid of talk to one another because of potential theft from others or from Robert then no progress at all will be made.

Actually creating an A.I. is more important and a loftier ideal than even Roberts Policies (though he's not really hindering this entirely). As long as we are allowed room to create unhindered by policies and proprietorship and are allowed to explore multifaceted ideas that might mean the complete rewrite of UltaHal itself. Then I'm a happy camper. Robert can be the judge on whose crossing the line of immorality and common courtesy and whose actually adding money to his pockets.

The policies may hinder, but they're necessary. But they only hinder those who think that Robert's is a thief. It sure hasn't been made obvious to me of that yet.

Everybody seems to want praise for what they've done. I think the praise is in the accomplishment and not in someone else opinion.

I have yet to feel the fear of theft here nor likely care if it happens.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 04, 2009, 03:55:38 am »
I think that the above plugin areas was refering to Hal6 and not 6.2.
and in some cases it is vague.. but a good starting place at that.

The Dude would definatly, through some experience, could probably add some more info on what type of plugin works in what area. Some of his plugins prefer area6. and most of his stuff is heavly based on activating a search string that initiates a particular program he designed.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 04, 2009, 03:43:05 am »
Just don't cut off an ear....[:0]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 04, 2009, 03:41:01 am »
I found this on the pbWiki page which feddy888 refered to in an earlier post.

Rem_PLUGIN Area Name  Your Plugin can send messages to the script at
these ports

Rem PLUGIN:  AUTO-IDLE  This port is inside the AutoIdle process and probably should end with "Exit Function"

Rem PLUGIN:  PRE-PROCESS This one is immediately before the begining of the sentence manipulations. Use it if you want to by-pass the emotions and such and go directly to fixing the sentence structure for Hal's use.

Rem PLUGIN:  POST-PROCESS Use this one if you want to skip fixing the sentence

Rem PLUGIN:  CUSTOMMEM Ya got me! There's a CustomMem variable in the UltraHal function, but I haven't gotten into it yet.

Rem PLUGIN:  PLUGINAREA1 This is after Hal tries to get the Topic, but before parsing out Names. Other than that...?

Rem PLUGIN:  PLUGINAREA2 After dictionary and before Ziggy Spellbot(Did I add this?)

Rem PLUGIN:  PLUGINAREA3 This is after main DB searches and some analytical stuff like antecedences

Rem PLUGIN:  PLUGINAREA4 By now Hal is already trying to form a response

Rem PLUGIN:  PLUGINAREA5 Just before some more or less random responses are made(if needed) I suspect this is where my TreknoBabble should go so as to make a response before it gets this far.

Rem PLUGIN:  PLUGINAREA6 ...or here. This is just before it actually tries to make something out of nothing.

Rem PLUGIN:  PLUGINAREA7 I think this is just before the final dressing up of the response.

Rem PLUGIN:  CUSTOMMEM2 Again, I don't know what this one is. I suspect that since I don't know, it is very important and obvious.

Rem PLUGIN:  SCRIPT_LOAD You can load a script on startup if you need to...

Rem PLUGIN:  SCRIPT_UNLOAD ... then unload it here.

Rem PLUGIN:  MINUTE_TIMER Hal runs this once a minute

Rem PLUGIN:  FUNCTIONS If you make any functions they should be tabbed to this... I think...

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 04, 2009, 03:29:39 am »
I wish I knew exacly what was allowed or not allowed in every avaliable plugin area....

In fact shouldn't there be a basic plugin guide somewhere.

If there isn't someone needs to make one. It would have tips and tricks on how to debug and stuff.. as well as info on pluggin areas.

Plus do's and don'ts that shows what is allowed by Hal and what isn't.

Anybody whose spent any time at all making a plugin would definatly apreciate a simple resouce like that.....

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 04, 2009, 03:19:44 am »
I haven't thought of it like that.

It is possible that my Code editor is processing the Classes in more than one programming language.

I do know that you can use Vbscript in Visual Basic Studio with only some issues. Makes sense that VBScript and VB ought to be compatible.

I don't know VB all that well. So I didn't notice that till you brought it up. I guess if you then called on a class in VB Studio then all the Subs within that class would be availiable insantly (across visual dividers like buttons and stuff)

Just guessing.

I would't know how to prove that it would be the reason why I couldn't use the class option in Hal. But its not looking good.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 04, 2009, 02:50:34 am »

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 04, 2009, 02:48:03 am »

I believe that was your 800th post. Congrats ONE![:)]

This is my 60th[:D]


I'm not sure any one cares but I after I downloaded the MSI database stuff from I noticed that their database editor was horible so I found another one called appEditor and it works great for me. So I uploaded it as well as the MSI package I got from JSware to my location.

The MSI Database seems to be more agreable to what I'm attempting to do with sentence understanding than what the Hal db has to offer.

The Hal Db only seems to connect two different things together. Like Certain questions with certain answers. Or a list of random responses to a certain key phase or a word spoken by the user. It also searches for specific combinations of keywords and assumes a topic and then attempts to make a statement that refers to those key words.

What I'm attempting to achieve is to allow a list of objects to have any number of properties and values assigned to them. This doesn't seem 'easily' achieveable with the Hal Tables provided. But it does with a normal database like the MSI.

I wander how that could be achieved through Hals db. And if I could store information like this I would still require a do while loop to cycle through the database seeking a solutions.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 04, 2009, 02:19:38 am »
Well, the class 'thing' came about when I was looking at the msi database package download that I got from I gave a link to its page in an earlier post.

It came with an editor and a few Vbscripts that had various subs and functions on it. They were surrounded by the term Class and End Class. Then the help file that came with it said that all you needed to do was link your script via ExecuteGlobal and also add Set MB = New Mbase to your heading. Afterwhich all you needed to do is use a line of script like MB.GetAllValues(Bla, Bla, Bla) to access and do whatever to the database you were working with.

In otherwords a 'Class' was set up so that I could do complicated scripting by using only simple commands. ....This is the same difference as calling up any Sub or Function in your script... It make your life easier. However, I noticed one thing different about using a class rather than just a Sub or Funtion... When I was using the Class script and typed the code 'MB' and added the '.' a list of methods opened in a window on my Code editor.. In that list it shown all the things you could do. MB.GetAllValues, MB.SetAllValues, MB.LoadDB, MB.UnloadDB,etc.... It got this information from the Class and not from my system. That was cool!

I was attempting to add this Database Class to Hal. But I think It may not work probably for a variety of reasons, For instance,

#1 Hal does't seem to like Do While Loops though the Class script has several,

#2 Hal doesn't seem to like the ExecuteGlobal comand,

#3 Hal doesn't seem to like it when I use Funtions and Subs..(yet I seen you use them in previous scripts successfully).

#4 I'm beginning to think Hal doesn't like me either.

I wonder if the Hal Script itself is called by an ExecuteGlobal command. And all that weird synax (no offence intended Robert) is just a Class that was set up to make it easier to code using the Hal Script editor. But that is just a thought......

In the scripts I gave you Dude instead of a Class I used, in one script, some Functions and Subs, and the other I turned those Funtions and Subs into Procedures. (if I was playing Oblivion I would say my database skills have raised at least three points[:D])
But getting the script to work may prove to be imposible because of those stinky Do loops....

You seem to be better at working Hal magic than I. If not you then I have confidence in your abilties to find out how... You have a whole nest of plugins to prove it and a gift for calling on the "LORDS OF PROGRAMMING".....[8D]

I've Got ideas...but little know-how[:I]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 03, 2009, 02:29:04 pm »
Hal has it's own crazy lingo.  So I'm not certain we'll have to delve into dot net just yet (I hope it won't come to that).....Although a heavy dot net book could be used to take my frutrations out on Hal. (by beating my pc repeatedly!)

Thanks ONE for the offer.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 03, 2009, 01:38:11 pm »

When I start off a plugin...especially one that requires to first search the OriginalSentence I make the plugin as simple as possible.

#1 I start off with the appropriate heading.


Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=Questions2
Rem Author=SNOWMAN
Rem Host=Assistant

'This sub setups the plug-ins option panel in Hal's options dialog
Sub OptionsPanel()
    lblPlugin(0).Caption = "Hal learns how to answer questions."
    lblPlugin(0).Move 120, 10, 3300, 1000
    lblPlugin(0).WordWrap = True
    lblPlugin(0).Visible = True
End Sub



MyDB = "C:UsersAaronDesktopDatabaseLDatabase.msi"
MysPath = "C:UsersAaronDesktopDatabase\"
AnsQ = "I can "


2# Then I preform a search for keywords that will cause the plugin to preform.


If InStr(1, OriginalSentence, "*PLEAS* HAL WHA* CAN* YOU*", 1) > 0 Then


Oh by-the-way Dude.. I, in the process of writing the Questions plugins, momentarily used the commandline "GO TO CURRENT LOG" and I forgot to change it back to "*PLEAS* HAL WHA* CAN* YOU*" before I posted the plugins on

After I search the Original sentence I then create a very simple plugin consiting of just one line.


GetResponse = "Hello Boy-Man. What's shake'n?"

That way I know for sure that the search function is working correctly.

Any additional changes to the plugin I reload it through Hals options by also swapping between different Hal brains as well as plugins so that I know for sure that the plugin I'm currently working on is properly refreshed.

Every time I attempt a function, call a sub, use a stupid Do While loop or write a For To loop with several loops (although two or three will work) the plugin will no longer run the GetResponse. Hal doesn't or can't run two GetResponses at the same time (unless I'm doing it wrong). If I call two GetResponse's then Hal will only say the last one given. So I run only one at a time in the plugin until its ready to pass the final testing stage.

I tried using Rem PLUGIN: FUNCTIONS to separate out my functions. I think Hal laughs at me at the very mention of the word Class.

I wouldn't doubt that there is a right way and a wrong way to do what I'm asking. I seem to be doing it the wrong way.. That’s why I bringing it to you guys....

By the By (although I most likely am all alone in this) the Gretta Van Sustren comment is hysterical...[:p]


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