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Messages - snowman

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Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: April 03, 2009, 04:23:09 am »
Thats a good resource link freddy888. That's more info than I currently have. I remember a more official one though. I'm sure somebody whose been hear awhile probably has one of Hal's scripting resource files. It is set up like one of those older official windows help files. I had one once but I lost it. That was back before I learned any scripting.

You know what a Class means in Vbscript.. where fso.openTextFile() ...fso is a class. You can have several functions and subs in a class.


Class Mbase

Sub openfile()
Bla bla bla
End Sub

Function Begin()
bla bla bla
End Function

End Class

What's special about a class is that instead of just calling a Sub or a function All you need to do is call a class (Set MB = New MBase)
and then it creates a system object reference with its own methods and properties (each one refering to a specific function of Sub)

FSO is a class
OpenTextFile is a Method

Instead of running a special Sub-routine to open a text file all that is needed is FSO.OpenTextFile.

I'm not sure if Hal will let me create or use a Class... I also have problems with Subs and Funtions as well, not to mention I don't think Hal likes Do While loops either.


I've been learning more about how to connect to Databases. It seems to be going well. I also have an idea that would require connecting an outside database to Hal. However, that doesn't seem to going anywhere. I think its because it uses Do Loops to cycle through data.

I want you Dude to look into that...I was trying to get it working when I mentioned about the Class the other day. Here is what I'm refering to.


In this zip you'll find two attempts at making a pluggin, one working vbscript, a database file which the scripts a refering to, and an application that can view and change values, colemns an Tables in any msi database. You agian have to change the MyMB and the MysPath in the scripts to point to the Database and database dir.

I was just seeing if I could cross refernce the Pupose of an bject with an Object.
Like :  User says; Hal, what can you eat?
        Hal; I can eat pickles.
        (because pickles are eatable)

        User says; Hal, What can you throw?
        Hal; I can throw balls.
        (because balls are throwable)

It is a property of most balls that they can be thown, and a property of bananas, pickles, and T-bone steak that they can be eaten.

Other types of questions can be added as well, and cross referenced between like questions and multiple simular properties (like to throw is a common funtion amoung balls, as well as, rocks and the occational shoe).

Look at it and see what you can do. I can supply any information or ideas if you want. Hal sometimes taxes my mind's frustation level pretty good.[B)]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: March 31, 2009, 11:33:29 pm »

It seems that there used to be a hal scripting resource.

It gave all if not most of the scripting syntax in it but I think it didn't like vista..

If anybody has it or knows where it is I would deffinately appreciate it.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: March 31, 2009, 11:09:07 pm »
Does anyone know how to call a class in Hal?

There is probably some kind of syntax I'm not yet familiar with.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: March 27, 2009, 08:37:20 pm »
I know that in an external vbscript you first have to establish a connection to a particualar database.

  Set WI = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
  Set DB = WI.OpenDatabase(sPath, 1)

(I've been playing arround with the msi database today.)

Then you would create whatever table, columns, and values as needed by the methods like CreateTable and such....

I guess that Hal would already have called the nescessary database up first so all one would have to do is

Set HalDataBase = CreateObject("HalSQL.HalDB")

HalDataBase.CreateTable(strTableName, strParentTableName, ttType, boolAlterTableTree)

(of course I'm just throwing arround ideas)

I was attempting to call up or add to Hal database via an external script...but if thats not an option I still need to know how to do it through a plugin.. Of course it I just need certain data from Hal all I would have to do is export it to an external file and subsequently use it.

Please correct any weird ideas I'm having and please do as you said in your last Post. Thanks.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: March 27, 2009, 02:16:33 pm »
Show me why this script won't work.

MyDir = "C:Program FilesabawareUltra Hal Assistant 6\"

Set HalDataBase = CreateObject("HalSQL.HalDB")
HalDataBase.OpenDatabase(MyDir & "Test.db")

If HalDataBase.CheckTableExistence("WANTS") = False Then HalDataBase.CreateTable "WANTS", "OBJECTS", ""


I'm trying to make a table called WANTS and (I think) a Column called OBJECTS.

I'm getting a Mismatch error....C:UsersAaronDesktopDatabaseHal Database.vbs(10): Exception: Type mismatch: 'HalDataBase.CreateTable'

If HalDataBase.CheckTableExistence("WANTS") = False ..is reading false like it should.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: March 27, 2009, 04:23:00 am »
Oh, and I forgot to mention that I made the .db file and opened it up in the editor....just to show I'm not totally incompitent...(just nearly though)[:D]


Dude.. I'm sure you know (or maybe not) that most of Vbscript can work in Micrsoft's Visual Basic Studio. I have made a GUI to run the older version of the desire program. However, right now I'm still in the designing and concept phase.

I figured it would be easy to create a GUI that would except outside script changes and plugins. This could be done using the ExecuteGlobal command I mentioned in an earlier Post. I should go ahead and make the GUI and then modify the vbscript from the outside link.

I also thought about using small scripts as objects instead of the 'Word' Objects I was using. Real objects have functions and we learn from using them to gain personal advantage....seems like a good idea. I know it needs further thought. They could be used to modify a larger script. This could possibly be the learning stage I've been searching for.....or maybe not[8]

o.t.c.e's idea of subscribing meaning to words needs to be developed fully. A word gains its meaning through a comparison of an individuals own functions (ie experiences). Running means nothing unless you either see someone else run or you can run yourself. A program understands objtextfile.writeline. And thereby understands a sub-routine that both opens, edits, and closes a text file. If someone can create or establish a cross-referencing link (like what o.t.c.e was attempting to do). The only difference being we could use a multitude of other words and ''phrases'' that represent the same thing so that the program will react accordingly with understanding. Hal often uses mindless (yet seemingly correct) returned phrases rather than truly understood ones.

Hals got the ability to take apart sentences and combine them into semi intellegent phrases. With the add of futher creation of functions like what you've been doing allot of Dude, and with an addition of self-motivation. A link could be made between those understood functions and the A.I.'s spoken words. It would potentially become sentient.... or maybe end up becoming some sort of super-virus.[xx(]

I leave you with that thought......

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: March 27, 2009, 02:51:03 am »

You just helped me out more than you probably would have thought possible.[:D] I get thown off occationally by unfamiliar syntax.

function CreateTable(out strTableName: ^BSTR; out strParentTableName: ^BSTR; out ttType: ^TableType; out boolAlterTableTree: ^Bool): Bool; stdcall;

Please give the meaning of each of the above terms. I know that CreateTable should be used like HalDataBase.CreateTable("BossHog") however I'm alittle unsure (in other words I can't get it to work[;)])  

I know that Bool stands for Boolian (ie True/False)
However, I'm not sure about stdcall or BSTR, well, I'm just not familiar with how this entire sentence is structured. If I can get it understood then I should be able to understand the rest of the lot as well.

I deffinately appreciate your patience. Don't worry about feeling pressured to answer promptly. I'm just glad to make any personal progress.

I've got a few more ideas just waiting to be turned loose.[8D]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: March 27, 2009, 12:17:05 am »
Show me a concise and complete vbs script that depicts the Opening of Hals database and perhaps an addition of a new table.

That should help me get a better grip on how these funtions are applied and how to modify them if nescessary.

Thanks for the much needed help.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: March 26, 2009, 12:57:59 am »
Well, I don't really expect anybody to understand it completely; every IF Then and Do While.

The reason why I say that is because I tried to make it as concise as I could. I used allot of Subs to do this and you know how long it takes to work out the kinks.[B)] Therefore it would seem more complicated than it actually is.

By the way, you will need to open the
"Sub AILife(Hav, Life, Death, MyDir, WntList)" Sub-routine
so you can change the MyDir from "C:UsersAaronDesktopLife\" to whatever directory you have put the Life folder in. Sorry.
Just change the one variable and it will correct the whole script.
If you don't change it, it will make its own Life folder in the above directory.


If you open the Life folder you will find five separate text files. WntList.txt, MemList.txt, HavList.txt, Check.txt, and DesireLog.

Also included: A folder by the name of Environment, the Desire.vbs file, and a bonus Desire.exe file.

Don't bother using the Desire.exe file because the MyDir directory is set for my PC and not for yours....I forgot about that...remember that you'll have to change the Desire.vbs for you PC.

The WntList.txt is where the Desire script will store all the word Objects it finds in the Environment file. Then the script will actively and sequentially desire for the objects that are recorded in this text file.

The HavList.txt file shows all the word Objects the script has already found and retrieved from the Environmental file. It first loaded the WntList.txt file down with what it wanted and then ran a mini program (Sub) to actually retrieve those desired Objects. The HavList file is where it stores all the Stuff if retrieved.

The DesrireLog.txt is exactly what it sounds like....A Log of the Desires activities.....If you run the program over and over again the Log will just keep getting bigger....I need to correct that.
Just delete that file periodically or it can get to big.

The MemList.txt and the Check.txt are just momentary places where certain amount of memory is stored... basically don't worry about those for now.[:)]

To see the program at work first make sure that nothing is in the HavList.txt and that only the Word "Love" is in the WntList.txt file.
Run the Desire.vbs file and the script will search the Environment file for Objects and fill the WntList.txt and then ultimately delete all the Objects from the WntList.txt and add it to the HavList.txt file. The script will not search for what it already has.

You can also add more randomly placed words in the Environment folder's text files. Add more text files or Folders if you like. And the program will store them in its have file (not looking agian).

If you add a Word to the WntList.txt that is not located in the Environment file then the Desire.vbs script will search for (currently) four (4) times before it deletes it from the WntList.txt perminately. The amount of times it searches for the illusive Object can be adjust with the "EN" variable that will be located near the MyDir variable that I mentioned earlier needing to be changed.

If I have forgotten something or see a need to give a-little more detail specific Info then I'll add more later.... It needs documentation and questions help.


I'm looking at a possible database solution to replace the text files that I've been using so often.

I found a website that deals allot with vbs and vb sample scripts. You can download sample packet that show you how to use various commands and codes in Vbscript.

In one part of their site it recommended using .msi as a database. MSI is used by windows as an installer. But basically it is a database that is completely accessible through Vbscript. You can read more about it. Here is a Link.


I downloaded it earlier. It seems like a good idea. [;)] Do you know much about database manipulation? I'd like to know how to directly access Hal's database with the vbs script.

The download comes with its own graphical interface.....[:D]

Later Dude [8D]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: March 25, 2009, 05:58:51 pm »
scratch the batch...

I found out how to call vbs code from another file. That way I can both write new code with a vbs file and then implement it in the same file. This can potentially allow my program to learn new ways of doing things.

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = fso.OpenTextFile(MyDir & "sayhello.txt", 1, True)
Text = objTextFile.ReadAll
ExecuteGlobal Text

It will even call up Sub-routines if you open the text first before you actually call the script in the original vbs file.

fun! fun! (i need a life)

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: March 25, 2009, 02:51:04 am »
I've just arrived today at a momentary stopping place with the Desire program.

I've been working on it nearly non-stop. (I took a little vacation time too[:D].

I need to reflect and see where to take it next. The program now searches in an Environment file (which could represent any environment). It attempts to find things to want, searches for what it now wants, and then attempts to get what it from the File. It places the thing in it's haveFile (so it now has the item) and then moves to the next item on its list. If it cannot find what it wants it searches a few more times before it stops wanting it. It tells you what is up to through a window and it also records its progress in a Log file. It dies when there is nothing more to want (or eat!) or when you shoot your PC with a 12 gage. Sounds like it belongs on a Terminator movie!

Now I think I'll start looking at ways to make it smarter and more functional...as apposed to its current worm-like state. To see how it could be integrated into Hal... Of course Its definitely a learning process...

There is a type of personality control involved also. Whether it spends most of it's time searching or getting what it wants. It's labeled in the first Sub-routine at the top (called Endurance 2 & Endurance 3). The first Endurance adjusts how many times it will spend looking for an object that was not there when it initially began looking.

I need to spend some more time commenting in the script file on what does what. I like to learn how to use batch files both create and modify them so maybe the Desire program can learn on-the-fly new ways of doing things. Right now its only a raging lunatic. It needs a brain....[8D] (HA HA HA, evil laughter!)

You certainly have been busy modifying and making new plugins. I especially liked the AI singing What a Wonderful World. If you wrote that yourself then you obviously have an ear for music...[;)] I haven’t given myself much time going through all of your new modifications. I been focusing on Wormy [:p]. I'll make time.

If I can get 'Wormy' to learn then 'Look out world!'.

Yes! My PC will now let me upload files. It happened just today. I tried to install the new IE and it would take. So I preformed a restore but then realized my Desire program would also be changed. So I restored the restore, got the program, then restored the restored restore....  To make a really shamefully long story short my current IE now works properly. [8]

Here is what I've done so far... its not ready to take over the world but its something you can look at.

Download Attachment: Life.zip
82.4 KB

The Environmental File has randomly placed text files in it with randomly placed words for it to search and find on its own. You can add as many files or words as you like but if you add more than one word per line then it will treat that sentence as a single item.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Word meaning vs Word purpose
« on: March 13, 2009, 01:11:08 am »
I'm don't really know much about diiferent languages..

like almost nothing[:D]

I have learned quite allot about the human mind and how we percieve stuff.

I'm trying to put both the worlds together in an A.I. extraviganza![:p]

I'm having loads of fun! [8D]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Word meaning vs Word purpose
« on: March 13, 2009, 01:05:19 am »
If a language could be written in this way then using an equivilency array such as what o.t.c.e is very possible.

You could say 'I want you to' or 'I would Like you to' or 'Can you'

or any thing like that....

That's a very good idea o.t.c.e

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: March 13, 2009, 12:57:00 am »
Hey Dude I got an idea for a pluggin.

If you've been keeping up with what has been said on
the Ultra Hal Assistant/ Word meaning vs Word purpose forum
then you might be already in the know.

I think we can make a pluggin that can give Hal the ability to understand certain sentences and phrases.

I.e. I want you to read DragonRider but if that is unavailible then read Elric.

Or perhaps if it was said in a equivilent way it would still do what you tell it to. (I think that might be what o.t.c.e. might be reffering to in that forum.)

catch you later....

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Word meaning vs Word purpose
« on: March 13, 2009, 12:44:13 am »
I don't think a person should be as deffinate about a verbal language script like some of todays Natural Programming Languages are.

As a vebal cue you could say 'I want you ' to cause Hal to go into a command operation. 'read' could be assciated with a vbs program that reads files and then you would give the name of what you would like to read.

This has nearly been done already through the readastory program.

You would 'please read now' to initiate the command and then you'd say the file you would like to read.

This a good example of the type of programming language I'm reffering to.

You can now break it down even further.

I.e. I want you to read DragonRider but if it is not available read Elric.

'I want you to read' initiates a reading sub-routine,
'DragonRider' initiates a search sub-routine,
'but if it is not availiable' initiates an Else decission mode,
'read' reinitiates the reading sub-routine,
'Elric' Again, initiates a search sub-routine,  

This type of programming would require a few do While Loops I believe. Hal, in my experiece, does not like loops.

It would probably have to be run under another open ended vbscript and then push back into Hal. I think thats possible.

Then again, It might be possible to write a pluggin that would give Hal the ability to do many things through this type of verbal mismatch.

Hal can be taught to understand the reading, recording, math, opening outside programs, date book stuff.

You just need to break the phases down into conjoining states and behaviors that can be utiized by Hal and Vbscript.

JasonDude, If your listening...I got an idea[8D]

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