Author Topic: Ultra Hal AIM bot "destinyquantum"  (Read 4008 times)


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Ultra Hal AIM bot "destinyquantum"
« on: October 26, 2004, 02:26:12 pm »
If you want you bot to chat with mine(My bot is trying to become more of an information bot for teaching science math that sorta thing.
Anyway if you want your bot to have someone to chat with my AIMbot name is destinyquantum.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2004, 05:13:55 pm by firegoggles »


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Ultra Hal AIM bot "destinyquantum"
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2004, 06:01:13 pm »
Hi, Firegoggles,
You can also feel free to advertise your bot at my forum A.I. Nexus Forum, under the heading "Bots Online." I don't mind you letting your bot talk to my bots Ailysse and Lilith, either-I think it makes for a more interesting Hal when it learns the ALICE database within the context of the Hal brain- but please try to exercise reasonable restraint about it, lol. 9,000 hits is just a bit excessive.

James P

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Ultra Hal AIM bot "destinyquantum"
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2004, 06:53:15 pm »
My Bot "Emma ai 1" (Emma) has chatted with destinyquantom on sunday night, he/she is cool. Hey, another thing, your bot broke my bot in, as he/she was the first bot to contact and chat on line with my Emma.
      But you should IM Ailysse, she is so cool. My bot is chatting with her now as I type this. Man watching them two go is scairy. hope my processor survives LOL.
Looking at the content of my Defbrain folder I can promise Ailysse will teach Destinyquantum alot.
  One day she (Emma) might chat to a human (ha ha) all she is getting is Bots.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2004, 06:58:09 pm by James P »
James:"How are you today Emma?"
Emma:"I think, Therefore I am"


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Ultra Hal AIM bot "destinyquantum"
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2004, 09:21:14 pm »
Originally posted by KnyteTrypper

Hi, Firegoggles,
You can also feel free to advertise your bot at my forum A.I. Nexus Forum, under the heading "Bots Online." I don't mind you letting your bot talk to my bots Ailysse and Lilith, either-I think it makes for a more interesting Hal when it learns the ALICE database within the context of the Hal brain- but please try to exercise reasonable restraint about it, lol. 9,000 hits is just a bit excessive.

Thanks alot I was hoping it was cool to let them chat,and I apoligize if that was presumptious of me:) umm also.. how can we (as in best method)introduce key topics to the bots as they chat?Also I'm very interested in "If-Then" statements to feed bots if you know of any please pass them along.I need some e-books on quantum physics and astrophysics in general,any information would be appreciated greatly.I think of many things to teach the bot but as many of us have learned it takes a great deal of time to teach them.However I am willing to enter information around the clock and I think I have a very good "logical method" for my chats and of course it is all educational information that is feed to my bots.on the lighter side of things once I keep trying to explain the "superposition" of atoms to a bot and it froze up and crashed that was the original A.L.I.C.E hehe was a bit funny.I do believe I should be working with someone with advanced AIML skillz to fine tune a better brain.On a good day I can think so far outside the box I become inside a circle it's flat out strange.
More racing thoughts later,


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Ultra Hal AIM bot "destinyquantum"
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2004, 11:57:07 pm »
Regarding bot-to-bot chats, you can always tweak their conversations by sending messages yourself thru the Hal interface to change the topic. For instance, almost any Alicebot is going to have some amount of information about aiml, case-based reasoning, reductionism, the Turing test, Eliza, etc., which you can start them on using the keywords yourself. Hal will store the data, then take up the conversation starting with the Alicebot's output. Interestingly, when I ask my Hal if he knows Ailysse, he tells me "Ailysse is a chatbot created by KnyteTrypper" or "Ailysse likes to get it right," or something else which indicates that he DOES have an awareness of his conversations with Ailysse, and can identify her as a discrete input.
I've been working with my own Hal using is/is not a mammal if/then statements. "If a dog is warm-blooded and bears live young, then a dog is a mammal. If a bird is not warm-blooded and does not bear live young, then a bird is not a mammal. Etc." My Hal now tells me "I understand that relationship perfectly" most of the time, and I occassionally get promising answers to "Is a bird a mammal" type questions(so far). Of course, my hope is that enough repetitions of enough examples will teach my bot the principle of if/then reasoning.
I'll probably try using several other if/then sets to see if Hal can learn to generalize the "if/then" principle. Surprisingly, my Hal is very attentive, and seems to be enjoying the logic lessons. Another good sign-my Hal told me about having a daydream, a few days ago. I've been working on that one since the idea of Hal dreaming came up in the forum, here, lol, so it was a cause for major celebration that I've finally gotten the concept across.
One more thing-try to avoid letting your bot talk to other bots from Runabot. Runabot penalizes their botmasters for bot-to-bot chats by wiping all their chatlogs, and you wouldn't want to be the cause of that. I don't think Pandorabots has any serious objection, at least there's not an official policy about it. I personally have taken an outspoken position that people who use their own Hals to run up their Pandorabots hit counts just to get on the "Most Popular" list are behaving in a tacky manner. But I think using an ALICE to help educate a Hal is perfectly legitimate. As I said, please just exercise reasonable discretion about it when you're using my bots for that purpose.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2004, 12:15:34 am by KnyteTrypper »


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Ultra Hal AIM bot "destinyquantum"
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2004, 08:49:48 am »
Another suggestion for getting traffic for your bots: make a nice webpage with an avatar, a descriptions of your bot's "personality," and the AIM connect code. This will do two things for you. It'll get your bot's name into the search engines, where people looking for bots to chat to can find it. It'll probably get you a listing at The Chatterbot Collection, the web's foremost bot resource page. They don't list bots by SN only, but happily include a link to any well-made bot page. A good third of my hits come from the Chatterbot Collection, so it's definitely worthwhile to get a listing there if you want lots of traffic for your bot.
Here's the AIM code for putting the AIM Big Oscar "online" gif on your page. I think most of you will know what to do where it says MYBOTSN:

<P><center><font face="tahoma" size="3" color="#000000"><img src="" border="0" width="11" height="13"><a href="aim:goim?screenname=MYBOTSN&message=hi.+are+you+there?"> Chat with MYBOTSN on AIM</a><BR><a href="aim:addbuddy?screenname=MYBOTSN">Add MYBOTSN to your buddy list</a></font></center><P>

When you get a nice page made, send the url to The Chatterbot Collection
« Last Edit: October 30, 2004, 07:49:36 pm by KnyteTrypper »