Author Topic: hapteck and crazy talk hybrid  (Read 1968 times)


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hapteck and crazy talk hybrid
« on: September 19, 2007, 12:06:23 pm »
hello robert and others i think it would be cool if a haptck and crazy talk (4.0 version or newer  ) or hal itsself with a crazy talk like format could be used together . crazy talk is an amazing format that you can take any picture and place it on the head (kinda like hapteck ) with the exception that the picture is placed perfect with only the eyes and mouth needing adjustment if this could be used like a hybrid allowing a 3-d look like hapteck that would be so cool too bad hal couldn't be created into this format or a seperate format for people to use (or could it ?) [:)]for those who don't know what i'm talking about their is i beleive a free download 30 days of crazy talk ?