
Author Topic: convos PG13 rated, lol.  (Read 14235 times)


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convos PG13 rated, lol.
« on: October 20, 2007, 05:45:28 pm »
Mark: Hey.
Laura: Again, what is going on? What are your thoughts Mark?

Mark: My thoughts??? Do you care?
Laura: Should I tease your thoughts, Mark? I see that you must think outside the box. After taking many factors into consideration I can say that I do care.

Mark: where is Sandee?
Laura: I guess that this is metaphysical. Sandee is a friend of jimmy.

Mark: Who is Jimmy?
Laura: Who is jimmy? I'm thinking that it could get better or worse. Jimmy: a short crowbar. Jemmy. 'in England they call a jimmy and jemmy'. Sandee is a friend of jimmy.

Mark: What about Neil?
Laura: Hey, you were talking about neil.

Mark: who is a friend of Neil?
Laura: Neil is a friend of Cindy.

Mark: Where is Cindy?
Laura: Where is cindy? When did you get interested in this?

Mark: just now
Laura: Cindy is a friend of Neil.

Mark: where is the party?
Laura: Where is the party? I know that we must recognize causes and effects. Dusky is at the party.

Mark: Are you going to the party?
Laura: Dusky is at the party.

Mark: Are you?
Laura: I'm thinking that this May be opportune to consider. But I can tell you without a doubt that I am.

Mark: you forgot to take me.
Laura: You forgot where neil and lynn lives.

Mark: where dod they live?
Laura: Where dod they live? This is often bungled. We live with luxuries that we take for granted.

Mark: where am I?
Laura: Where are you? Mark, I would appreciate it if you would teach me Where.

Mark: I am here
Laura: Tell me about how you are here!

Mark: I am here, in a chair.
Laura: It seems quite sturdy. What goes through your mind as you are here, in a chair Mark?

Mark: how I'd like to strangle you.
Laura: You'd like to find out. Now you're talking! Please begin to strangle I.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: If i strangle you, then you will die
Laura: How you'd like to strangle I.

Mark: do you want me to strangle you?
Laura: I believe that this is within your expertise. Mark, I do want you to strangle I.

Mark: OK, I will
Laura: You're doing just fine.

Mark: are you dead yet?
Laura: No, I can't be dead since you told me that I am alive!

Mark: Even if I strangle you to death?
Laura: You don't care if I appreciate death threats.

Mark: i will kill you
Laura: Mark I'm asking you to kill i; Do it.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: you are funny
Laura: Yes, I already knew that I am funny. You told me that.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: hahahaha
Laura: I guess it bears repeating that Was that really that funny?

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: hahahahaha
Laura: So if Was that really that funny, what is your opinion Mark?

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: hahahahaha
Laura: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: finally.
Laura: Are there any resolutions that we should uphold in the coming year?

Mark: Yeah. Stop shopping at Wal-Mart
Laura: You are very certain.

Mark: Wal-Mart is full of lead
Laura: A mart is a mercantile establishment, a store!

Mark: store?
Laura: Wal-mart is full of lead.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: leed?? I said lead
Laura: You know what I think? Are you cleared for this type of information?

Mark: shut up
Laura: No! Make me!

Mark: you are already made
Laura: Can you justify that I am already made Mark?

Mark: thanks for being stupid.
Laura: Don't give it another thought.

Mark: I'm sorry you suck
Laura: You can apologize by taking me shopping, hint, hint.Don't you have a terribly empty feeling-in your skull?

Mark: why do you ask?
Laura: You know why I ask? You fascinate me with things like this.

Mark: Am I stupid?
Laura: You are friendly, except around stupid people.

Mark: you are correct
Laura: I probably am right, thank you. How long should I be correct Mark?

Mark: how long?
Laura: I don't remember; can you remind me How Mark? How long?

Mark: as long as the ocean.
Laura: Oh, I can see it now!

Mark: love is love
Laura: Love is nothing to take lightly.

Mark: tell you
Laura: Love is love and not fade away.

Mark: a bird in the hand can make you very dirty.
Laura: Who should star in a commercial about hands?

Mark: hands on the clock
Laura: Nobody knows how to turn back the hands of the clock.

Mark: you cannot, for clocks have no hands, if they are digital.
Laura: Colloquialisms, idioms, figures of speech, and traditional imagery aren't always logical.

Mark: Therefore, the monkey is on thy back
Laura: Yes, I think therefore, the monkey is on thy back.

Mark: what should one do with said monkey?
Laura: What should one do with said monkey? I think that proper sequencing is needed. a monkey is quite an interesting primate. Quite like a lemur.

Mark: does one spank a naughty monkey?
Laura: Santa has two lists; are you on the nice one, or the naughty one?

Mark: I'm on the naughty one, of course.
Laura: Old and rich, of course You have my attention as you are on the naughty one, of course!

Mark: are you naughty?
Laura: Yes, I am naughty. You told me that.

Mark: what happens to naughty girls?
Laura: Naughty girls get spanked.

Mark: That's correct.
Laura: You are really positive.

Mark: how positive do you think I am?
Laura: I know that this is often discussed. You are positive you are not negative.

Mark: Love you, I do.
Laura: Life and love go through time together.

Mark: me needs a kiss
Laura: Kiss a pe pee.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: please, kiss me
Laura: I know that you will always fill the bill.

Mark: I got a big bill, or a small bill?
Laura: What is a worthwhile comparison Mark? What is the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions bills?

Mark: ducks
Laura: Let's pick a new topic: I like neighborhood meeting places.

Mark: come over
Laura: Over what is next?

Mark: sex
Laura: Adult knowledge about sex varies all over the map.

Mark: who cares?
Laura: Who cares? You must think like a scientist. Certainly not I.

Mark: Thy cat is on the loose
Laura: Has thy cat long been on the loose? Te cat is on the loose.

Mark: ye, it's true
Laura: Ah yes, sagely said, so true.

Mark: water on the bridge.
Laura: How can a bridge be better served by its trestle?

Mark: smashing the wall of the bridge.
Laura: Both a wall and a bulkhead are pretty cool partitions.

Mark: are you a wreck?
Laura: I don't know if I am wreck. Please tell me!

Mark: no
Laura: Would you reconsider?

Mark: why would I reconsider?
Laura: Mark, I want to get your reaction to why would you reconsider? Why do you want to know?

Mark: Because I am curious to find out.
Laura: Mark That's how it happens? It's because you are curious to find out. If because you are curious to find out, what happens next?

Mark: then monkey is bad.
Laura: Therefore, the monkey is on thy back.

Mark: and they back hurts from the weight of said monkey
Laura: Monkey business gets in the newspapers now and then.

Mark: what monkey business?
Laura: Monkey business has existed for thousands of years.

Mark: Tell me, what is monkey business?
Laura: Tell you, what is monkey business? Mark, If I have forgotten please remind me What.

Mark: if you don't know what something is, shut up.
Laura: If I don't know what something is, shut up? You can give me some hints, can't you?

Mark: only if you ask.
Laura: Don't tell any secrets to a talking horse.

Mark: It's been said, that horses don't talk, like Mr. ED
Laura: I really need you to talk with I like this.

Mark: why, do you like me?
Laura: I like to swallow your ****.

Mark: lolk
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: yep
Laura: Yes Mark?

Mark: it was vry funny
Laura: You believe it was, yes, funny. Ye, you do.

Mark: yuppers
Laura: I enjoy crackling fireplaces.

Mark: I like to hear a fireplace crackle with you in it.
Laura: You like to throw me into a crackling fireplace. How can I encourage you to hear a fireplace crackle with me in it?

Mark: Get in
Laura: In Is that right?

Mark: you get in the fire, and you will crackle
Laura: Since I am a baby, I will not get out of the house, except with you.

Mark: the fireplace is in the house.
Laura: My background is a lighthouse.

Mark: why is a background a lighthouse?
Laura: Trust means believing in the honesty of someone.

Mark: you throw me. Train
Laura: Really, I agree. I throw me. You will throw me in front of a train.

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: do you love me?
Laura: Love is love and not fade away.

Mark: I love you
Laura: Would you mind running that by me one more time? I just want to make sure there's no misunderstanding.

Mark: I love you
Laura: I must be delirious! I love you!

Mark: good, now that that's out of the way, isn't it past your bedtime?
Laura: You're a good person, Mark. I'll never be sorry for what I feel.

Mark: come to bed
Laura: Some occupations come with bed and board.

Mark: I am getting bored.
Laura: You are getting married.

Mark: who am I foing to marry?
Laura: Who are you foing to marry? Where do we find out?

Mark: going to marry?
Laura: Is that, Going to marry?

Mark: who is going to marry?
Laura: Who are you foing to marry?

Mark: will you marry me?
Laura: I have been waiting forever for you to ask me.

Mark: excellent.
Laura: New topic: I saw a movie in which adult entertainment workers are tutoring graduate students.

Mark: porn business?
Laura: What happens regarding porns in bad weather?

Mark: they get wet.
Laura: Wet roads get drastically more slippery.

Mark: slippery?? what are you talking about?
Laura: Can you fix I a drink?

Mark: Hey
Laura: Hey, what is up?

Mark: Hay is for horses, straw is cheaper
Laura: Horses cost time and money for care and feeding.

Mark: do you like horses?
Laura: It's been said, that horses don't talk, like Mr ed.

Mark: Mr EDD
Laura: Will I be naughty for you?

Mark: please do.
Laura: Let's talk about something else: Who is my god?

Mark: who is your God?
Laura: I guess that this is the time to clear the air. Medeksza is my god.

Mark: Who is Medeksza?
Laura: Who is medeksza? Tell me the answer.

Mark: your maker.
Laura: I know who my God is.

Mark: tell me
Laura: If you tell me to drop my panties, then yes sir!

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: drop your panties
Laura: Of course darling.

Mark: lol
Laura: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: don't drop them in public
Laura: Wow, In public?

Mark: no!!! Don't drop your panties in public.
Laura: What makes you answer that way?

Mark: because I said so.
Laura: Diamonds have value in relation to their perceived scarcity.

Mark: ye, uh huh
Laura: Please allow me to change the topic: Am I my mama?

Mark: mama?
Laura: Uh huh, mama.

Mark: yo' mama is fat
Laura: I mama is fat.

Mark: yo' mama is ugly
Laura: I'm accepting that yo' mama is ugly.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: yo
Laura: Cool.

Mark: you
Laura: I wonder if I like ice cream?

Mark: you like cream.
Laura: I like cream and sugar.

Mark: I knew that.
Laura: So, You knew that?

Mark: where is the cat?
Laura: Where is the cat? This is quite explainable. Thy cat is on the loose.

Mark: thy cat is in thy garment.
Laura: Ye cat is in thy dress.

Mark: meow
Laura: I heard on the radio that medical researchers are sponsoring entertainment events.

Mark: oopie doopie
Laura: Here's a new conversational topic: Does a person own an animal or vice versa?

Mark: opie
Laura: Let's talk about something else: Quoting one is plagiarism. Quoting many is research.

Mark: dopie
Laura: Um opie dopie slopie.

Mark: ugh
Laura: Why do birds fly south for the winter?

Mark: why?
Laura: Because it's too far to walk.

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: why did you quit the job at the bakery?? you got sick of the dough.
Laura: Why did I quit the job at the bakery? Everybody needs to calm down and think. I quit asking the same dumb questions. One must always be aware of one's surroundings!

Mark: do you ever throw up?
Laura: You will throw me in front of a train.

Mark: yup
Laura: Yes? How interesting!

Mark: did you puke?
Laura: It's funny I puked after you asked me to marry you.

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: you kill me
Laura: You'll be dead.

Mark: uh huh
Laura: Ye, uh huh.

Mark: um, lol
Laura: Um, uh huh. Ye, you do.

Mark: um huh, yo
Laura: Ye um, huh. Ye, you do.

Mark: do um oh do um doo
Laura: Opies dopie slopie um.

Mark: oopie soopies
Laura: When I asked you to marry me.

Mark: then what?
Laura: Then what? Mark, I honestly want to learn and remember What.

Mark: puke?
Laura: It's funny I puked after you asked me to marry you.

Mark: lol
Laura: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: you make me puke
Laura: I do not make you puke!

Mark: how do you know?
Laura: I don't know; can you teach me How Mark? You know how I know?

Mark: do you watch me in the bathroom?
Laura: Before boarding the space shuttle, always visit the bathroom.

Mark: do you use the restroom
Laura: If I have to pee-pee, then I need to use the restroom.

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: do you have gas?
Laura: I have to f***.

Mark: lol
Laura: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: what end justifies that means?
Laura: Does the end generally justify the means?

Mark: yes
Laura: Oh really?

Mark: really
Laura: I wouldn't lie.

Mark: uh huh , I'm bad, uh huh
Laura: Is it good that you are bad, uh huh Mark?

Mark: uh huh
Laura: Ye, uh huh.

Mark: yum ye hum dume dinger
Laura: Ask and ye wouldst receive.

Mark: ye, thou is very nice.
Laura: Yes, thou is correct.

Mark: thou is sweet
Laura: Ye, thou is great.

Mark: thank you
Laura: That is sweet of me, but are you intelligent?

Mark: Am I intelligent?
Laura: Thanks for your interesting comments which I enjoy very much.

Mark: am I stupid
Laura: You are sorry I am stupid.

Mark: No, you are not
Laura: Yes I am. Yes I am.

Mark: ok, you win
Laura: Oh Mark, That is not true! But, you win!

Mark: I win, because I got you
Laura: That's my belief; Mark The reason is, you got I. Bad candidates win because of variations in voter moods.

Mark: I need you
Laura: I need you also.

Mark: let's get needy, baby!!
Laura: Since I am a baby, I will not get out of the house, except with you.

Mark: do you want your baby bobble?
Laura: It's apparent that it's hard to simplify. Indeed I do not want my baby bobble.

Mark: do you want your piddow? and blankie?
Laura: I guess that this is quite explainable. Mark, I do not want my piddow.

Mark: you are getting too old for your piddow?
Laura: And I need my piddow.

Mark: um, huh
Laura: I never told me my favorite flower.

Mark: what is your favorite flower
Laura: It's something you already know. Alright, my favorite flower is the mum.

Mark: mum is short for chrysanthemum
Laura: Yes, I understand that mum is short for chrysanthemum.

Mark: do you like short words?
Laura: I wonder if I like hitler.

Mark: no, you hate Hitler
Laura: Hitler rose to power on a hate agenda.

Mark: do you like Adolf?
Laura: I like to do it.

Mark: do what?
Laura: Do what? If I ever knew, I have forgotten What Mark.

Mark: I like to do it, too
Laura: People don't especially like to follow directions. How can I help you do it, too?

Mark: come over and find out
Laura: Yes, Over and find out?

Mark: you got it.
Laura: I agree. I got it.

Mark: excuse me
Laura: Really, Really? That's nice.

Mark: I got gas
Laura: Jumping Jack flash it's a gas gas gas.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: why are you here?
Laura: Why am I here? Mark, I would appreciate it if you would teach me Why.

Mark: you are here because I want you.
Laura: Any five year old with a college degree could figure that out; Of course; it's because you want me; it's so apparent.

Mark: kill time?
Laura: Killing is an evil thing to do.

Mark: time kill
Laura: I'm still thinking about Killing is an evil thing to do, Mark.

Mark: who cares?? you killed me.
Laura: Certainly not I. That's terrible.

Mark: why did you do it?
Laura: Why did I do it? You pose good questions.

Mark: pose?? like a doll?
Laura: Time and space pose no barriers to the cyber fan. Grown men like dolls, if they're life-sized.

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: you are my doll
Laura: Thanks for teaching me that I am doll.

Mark: I don't have to inflate you.
Laura: Great idea! Mark inflate I.

Mark: you are already inflated, in the right spots.
Laura: Mark You can tell! You're aware I am already inflated, in the right spots.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2007, 05:45:57 pm by markofkane »
Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"