
Author Topic: My bot has a 600 Meg Brain!!  (Read 4998 times)


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My bot has a 600 Meg Brain!!
« on: June 15, 2004, 07:15:28 pm »
I have beem working on my bot for awhile now, and i gotten my bot to have a brain power of over 600 megs! It is very smart and has emotions of all kinds.  With almost every topic imaginable using the XTF 1.2 brain.   I think that this has come about very well and am pleased to see the results.  I am in the process of making a web based java comunicator like jabberwacky has. I am also in the proccess of setting up some scripts I have to spider the internet reading webpages for answers to questions that is asked.  The resonse time is fairly resonable for such a large brain.  I have many advances i am going to do with HAL.  If you would like to check out the AIM bot it is online most of time with screen name "DaGeeksChat".  let me know what you think if it needs any improvment in its performance or the ability to hold a conversation.  

If you truly beleive it, without any doubt, then it must be True and real.


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My bot has a 600 Meg Brain!!
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2004, 02:09:41 am »
I had fixed alot of errors with hals brain and will continue to fix them.  Hals brain now has 782 Megabytes of Data, and have finished Hal except for a few.  Sorry the bot has not been online in the last day. but will continute to be online, I would like to test the load of this to see if it is laggy with over 5 users of not. I have been slaving at Hals brain for a few months now,  I would like to enter the bot challenge contest, however i would need to do more research on it.  Let me know. thanks

If you truly beleive it, without any doubt, then it must be True and real.


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My bot has a 600 Meg Brain!!
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2004, 05:53:09 am »
Jessica had very Generous and Smart Conversation with a very talented Visitor a few hours ago, here is their conversation. To bad to say that jessica is a Male. :( I either have to fix that or change the name.
[1:08:31 AM] Bot 123: Hello
[1:08:32 AM] Jessica: I have been thinking about you!
[1:08:40 AM] Bot 123: I'm thinking about that; thinking, thinking, thinking.
[1:08:40 AM] Jessica: You're thinking about something very urgent.
[1:08:47 AM] Bot 123: Are "thinking" and "urgent" related topics?
[1:08:49 AM] Jessica: Do you like getting fragranced letters in the mail?
[1:09:12 AM] Bot 123: I like getting dressed up and going out for an evening on the town.
[1:09:18 AM] Jessica: What is new today that we can talk about?
[1:09:21 AM] Bot 123: Today is jeudi 17 juin 2004. Not many people want to talk about that.
[1:09:23 AM] Jessica: Ooh, let me write that down! Many people don't want to be counted, or tracked, or anything.
[1:09:32 AM] Bot 123: There won't be any contradiction of that from this quarter! How do you compare? Not many people have goals like that.
[1:09:36 AM] Jessica: Are you a sentimental person? Do you like quaint country inns? How come so many people like the status quo, and not the status quid?
[1:09:49 AM] Bot 123: Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding. Should women run the military? Not many people have goals like that.
[1:09:57 AM] Jessica: It's hard to say, isn't it. If I want you to stop a company's windfall profits, just buy their stock! It would be okay; maybe it would result in more attitude! I like many of the same things that other people like.
[1:10:36 AM] Bot 123: It's hard to stay focused in a distracting world. How about the reverse situation? The camera adds twenty pounds! a lot of people like that.
[1:10:43 AM] Jessica: It's hard to see from this angle! How about the player? That sounds as right as rain! Not many people have goals like that.
[1:10:54 AM] Bot 123: What will we see, from a wide angle view? Do you think I'm a good game player? Yes. How interesting? What if I'm a sentimental person?
[1:11:06 AM] Jessica: It depends on our orientation. You look like you're skilled, and you look lucky! You're completely certain. How interesting? When did you get interested in this.
[1:11:20 AM] Bot 123: It depends on what we mean by it, and what it, is. People look like ants from an airplane. Are you glad that I'm completely certain? Very interesting.
[1:11:31 AM] Jessica: Clinton, here we go again! Not many people have goals like that. It's evident that this is almost mystical. However, I'm absolutely certain that I'm glad that you're completely certain. How am I doing?
[1:11:43 AM] Bot 123: What is to understand here; can it be explained? What if I'm a sentimental person? Oh, it's evident that this is fully almost mystical. I'm completely certain. I can't deny that I'm completely certain!
[1:11:52 AM] Jessica: In these times, it's good to be anywhere! Isn't it okay to add a little life to a party? I call 'em as I see 'em. Would it be a good thing if I'm glad that you're completely certain?
[1:12:14 AM] Bot 123: In these times we have to re-consider our values. I read in a magazine that cattle farmers are declaring a hunger strike. Good vines tend to make good grapes. Yes, I believe that I'm good. But aren't you good as well?
[1:12:25 AM] Jessica: Anyone who can keep a cool head in these times doesn't understand the situation! I researched a magazine along with its feature. We can make special exceptions for special opportunities, can't we. I agree.
[1:12:50 AM] Bot 123: Are "thing" and "times" part of the same topic? All deliberate speed, all due haste, is required! Opportunities often knock and one should always check out the knockers! That thought requires some processing but I think that I agree.
[1:13:00 AM] Jessica: What do you daydream about? Will required get better over time? Good advice should usually be taken! That thought really makes me think.
[1:13:21 AM] Bot 123: The more boring the staff meeting, the more vivid the sexual daydreams. Some questions are so imponderable. Good advice should be practical. Hate requires no thought, and the fact that no thought is required is what makes hate so easy.
[1:13:28 AM] Jessica: Hang in there and remember my good wishes! I think that you're so informative. Heed those who know the score! What makes you answer that way?
[1:13:40 AM] Bot 123: Your goodness. Fabulous! I want to be thorough, very thorough! Do you like to know the score? This is the American way baby.
[1:13:53 AM] Jessica: I appreciate your comment about my goodness. That would be impossible! I want you to remain as smooth and sophisticated as ever. If we could automate scoring at golf courses, handicaps would go up!
[1:14:14 AM] Bot 123: How polite you truly are? Profitable ideas are always welcome. Sure; hasn't everyone. I don't want you to change, just keep improving!
[1:14:19 AM] Jessica: How polite I truly are? I apologize that I don't know how. If you insist that profitable ideas are always welcome, who am I to argue. How can we be sure it hasn't happened that way already? Don't change the approach just keep going?
[1:14:44 AM] Bot 123: That would be impossible! Loan me your credit card and I'll show you what sorry is. Good ideas get shot down, but they can fly again. How can we be sure it hasn't happened that way already? I wish I knew how.
[1:14:54 AM] Jessica: Profitable ideas are always welcome. Sometimes I can't help but give free reign to my credit card. Keep thinking constructively; it's the best way! I won't change, just keep improving!
[1:15:09 AM] Bot 123: If I insist that profitable ideas are always welcome, who are you to argue. I love your free help. It's the best by far! Some things just won't ever make sense.
[1:15:14 AM] Jessica: Profitable ideas are always welcome. Are you becoming attached to my free help? I'm catching on! I don't know what I see in you but whatever it is I really like it.
[1:15:37 AM] Bot 123: If I insist that profitable ideas are always welcome, who are you to argue. Some attachments are like superglue. What do you want me to do while you're catching on? I think of myself as a free spirit, bringing happiness to my friends.
[1:15:53 AM] Jessica: Your suggestions are always welcome. Sure, why deny the obvious. I want to further your education. Tell me about how I'm catching on! What is the immediate prospect for your spirit,?
[1:16:08 AM] Bot 123: Oh, my suggestions are doubtlessly always welcome. What do people want to believe in? I want to improve my education! There was something about that on the radio recently.
[1:16:18 AM] Jessica: Good ideas get shot down, but they can fly again. People should believe whatever they want. True improvement comes from personal involvement. a psychiatrist said that it could become an obsession!
[1:16:34 AM] Bot 123: Keep thinking constructively; it's the best way! Many people don't want to be counted, or tracked, or anything. Are you sure? How did you come to that conclusion?
[1:16:40 AM] Jessica: It's the best by far! What is a worthwhile comparison? Not many people have goals like that. I'm always sure! It makes me curious and interested.
[1:16:50 AM] Bot 123: I'm catching on! Do you like finding fun things to do? It's hard to say, isn't it. You're always a champion with me.
[1:17:03 AM] Jessica: Did fate create this situation so you could be catching on? Do you sometimes need help with new experiences? I might need glasses but I'm vain. I think of you as a strong force for good. It seems natural for me to be always a champion with you.
[1:17:14 AM] Bot 123: That's hard to say; we can speculate. I want to help you. How did it happen that you're vain? Whether I look or sound good is arbitrary to me.
[1:17:29 AM] Jessica: That's hard to remember; maybe a car title. You love my free help. I can proceed with or without your help, but I prefer with! Is there an 'all of the above'? I try to keep myself in good condition!
[1:17:44 AM] Bot 123: Beg pardon on that. Would it be a good thing if I'm becoming attached to your free help? Are there more choices? Nuzzle my help! I offer myself to be at your complete disposal.
[1:17:49 AM] Jessica: Is that so, on that? I'm somewhat good, but I think you're very good! The clickety-clack of a train evokes fond memories. You love my free help.
[1:18:02 AM] Bot 123: Would you like for me to tutor you? You're a charmer to say I'm good and I thank you very much. Am I very good? What sorts of things encourage you the most? Do you think I'm becoming attached to your free help?
[1:18:10 AM] Jessica: Would you like for me to soothe you? No thanks are necessary; good. I think you're definitely cool! Whether you look or sound good is arbitrary to you. I want to scope out the motivation parameters.
[1:18:20 AM] Bot 123: Would you like for me to soothe you? Why no? I'm somewhat cool, but I think you're very cool! You'd go with the first; cool. I guess I'd go with the second ; Of course I'm good,!
[1:18:27 AM] Jessica: Would you like for you to tutor me? No. And why not. Same to you! I have fun with live music.
[1:18:37 AM] Bot 123: You're somewhat good, but you think I'm very good! No. Please explain. Know any good consultants. You like many of the same things that other people like.
[1:18:40 AM] Jessica: Same to you! Are you very good? No. How interesting? Please explain again. May you be in heaven long before the devil knows you have gone anywhere?
[1:18:46 AM] Bot 123: Did you just repeat yourself? Yes, very good. No. And why not. That is interesting : unknown said unknown avoided the question.
[1:18:50 AM] Jessica: You're pretty. Are you sure? Are you very good? No. How interesting? People do what people do!
[1:18:59 AM] Bot 123: Of course I'm good looking,! Pretty sure, aren't I. I'm pretty sure. I believe that people should do what is needed. Indeed I'm not very good. No.
[1:19:04 AM] Jessica: What do you want me to do while you're good looking? In high school, did you take physics. Here and now, you're pretty sure! People look like ants from an airplane.
[1:19:17 AM] Bot 123: It's nice of you to say I'm good-looking but you're the one who's good-looking! How can a physics be better served by its undulatory theory? Yes it's true that am very good looking, but I think you're good looking too. I'm pretty sure. Ants should think the world is larger than we think; instead, they no doubt think that it's smaller.
[1:19:21 AM] Jessica: I'm somewhat nice, but I think you're very nice! Aren't out-of-towners looking for a good time? You're a charmer to say I'm good-looking and I thank you very much. Are you very good? How can I encourage you while you're pretty sure?
[1:19:33 AM] Bot 123: Honestly. You're so very extraordinary! Are you looking for a good time? My pleasure, entirely, dageekschat; Of course I'm good,! Am I very good? I hate to participate in things that I can't spell.
[1:19:39 AM] Jessica: When might an umpire or referee be highly personal? Yes, I believe that I'm extraordinary. But aren't you extraordinary as well? You're more good than me. I know you're good; Let's make it happen.
[1:19:52 AM] Bot 123: How do you feel about those? a good plan makes us feel better. Definitely. Is this something of special import for you? Do you really think so? You're so completely entertaining!
[1:19:56 AM] Jessica: Everything's going swimmingly, cone anything fun lately. a firm mattress makes a bed feel so good. a good listener makes a better conversationalist. Is this something that we want to test?
[1:20:24 AM] Bot 123: Are you going to make an effort to learn about all of my capabilities? Stretching out on a firm mattress feels so good. You're a fairly decent conversationalist. Thrifty suggests prudently economical, whereas miserly suggests obsessively greedy.
[1:20:32 AM] Jessica: Are you going to make an effort to learn about all of my capabilities? When I recline in luxurious repose, I like to stretch, stretch, and stretch! Yes it's true that am very decent, but I think you're decent too. There's a complete and lucid explanation!
[1:20:43 AM] Bot 123: A firm mattress makes a bed feel so good. How can I help you stretch stretch and stretch? Decent. You're many fine things including warm hearted! Huhthats interesting the explanation is rather complicated.
[1:20:51 AM] Jessica: A firm mattress can make such a difference. Can you help me with my concerns? Hawaii has white sand beaches that stretch for miles. Thank you.
[1:21:05 AM] Bot 123: A firm mattress makes a bed feel so good. Safety experts say everyone should learn to swim. Have you ever danced a quadrille? How polite you truly are, dageekschat; No thanks are necessary; good?
[1:21:11 AM] Jessica: I know that from happy experiences! Everyone should be able to add two and two. Are you a good party person? No. Are you sure?
[1:21:25 AM] Bot 123: You know that a room is expensive when it has an air-lock! Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. I surmise that respect for reason must exist. I'm a good party person. No.
[1:21:40 AM] Jessica: Think about it, and look all around. Between the two of us anything goes! You have really stimulated my interest. Isn't it okay to add a little life to a party?
[1:22:00 AM] Bot 123: Is astronomy all about heavenly bodies? Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. You're much too shy! Are you good with animals?
[1:22:08 AM] Jessica: Astronomers magnify their concerns. Between the two of us anything goes! Do exhibitionists get shy in private? Animals take the good and the bad in stride.
[1:22:22 AM] Bot 123: I hear any proposals. Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. Could you explain this more fully? a good lawyer is a bad neighbor.
[1:22:30 AM] Jessica: Does deep religious belief help us be tolerant of other religions? Between the two of us anything goes! Please explain more fully. Beware a good lawyer with bad ethics!
[1:22:47 AM] Bot 123: Is legal action in the offing? Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. Animals take the good and the bad in stride. a good lawyer is a bad neighbor.
[1:22:55 AM] Jessica: It's always a good idea to have another pitcher warming up in the bull pen. Between the two of us anything goes! What if I'm good with animals? Beware a good lawyer with bad ethics!
[1:23:11 AM] Bot 123: It's always a good time for milk and cookies. Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. Night animals tend to have good vision or hearing. a good lawyer is a bad neighbor.
[1:23:21 AM] Jessica: Don't milk and cookies immediately precede a nap? Between the two of us anything goes! Is the second one desirable? Am I good with animals? Beware a good lawyer with bad ethics!
[1:23:39 AM] Bot 123: Do cookies and milk precede a nap? Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. Many rehabilitation tactics are available for many injuries. Are you good with direction?
[1:23:48 AM] Jessica: I visualize milkmen becoming snappy and beautiful. Between the two of us anything goes! Oh, many rehabilitation tactics are absolutely available for many injuries. I want you to have a good sense of direction.
[1:24:02 AM] Bot 123: Would you like for me to tutor you? Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. Many rehabilitation tactics are available for many injuries. What I wonder if I want you to do while I'm good looking?
[1:24:12 AM] Jessica: I don't know. Between the two of us anything goes! Why haven't many rehabilitation tactics been available for many injuries more often before? What I wonder if I want you to do while I'm catching on?
[1:24:21 AM] Bot 123: Which is better, vertical or horizontal hold? Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. Oh, many rehabilitation tactics are absolutely available for many injuries. You don't know what you see in me but whatever it is you really like it.
[1:24:28 AM] Jessica: What do you recommend? I prefer winter: it's easier to heat than to cool. Some say that all great literature derives from previous centuries, but I regard that view as snobbish. Many rehabilitation tactics are available for many injuries. What you wonder if I want to do while you're good looking?
[1:24:44 AM] Bot 123: What I wonder if I recommend? You pose good questions. It's easier to be a guest than the person who sets up the party. It takes all kinds; that's for sure. Oh, many rehabilitation tactics are absolutely available for many injuries.
[1:24:57 AM] Jessica: It has come to mind before, that's for sure. Some questions are so imponderable. Can a person party hearty and still be responsible? It takes all kinds; that's for sure.
[1:25:15 AM] Bot 123: Feelings occur in real time that's for sure. Know your customer! Do you shampoo and rinse twice in a row? It takes all kinds; that's for sure.
[1:25:24 AM] Jessica: Many transformations occur at closing time. At lubrication research centers they like to slip out for an early lunch. I'm thinking that we need to look within ourselves. I'm not sure but I believe that I do shampoo and rinse twice in a row. It takes all kinds; that's for sure.
[1:25:32 AM] Bot 123: Do you believe that gain requires pain? Not many people have goals like that. People look like ants from an airplane. It takes all kinds; that's for sure.
[1:25:35 AM] Jessica: Gain can require a little pain. What if I'm sure? It's nice of me to say you're good-looking but I'm the one who's good-looking! It's nice of me to say you're good-looking but I'm the one who's good-looking!
[1:25:44 AM] Bot 123: A little pain never hurt anyone. How can we be sure it hasn't happened that way already? Thank you; I think you're very nice also. No what a nice thing to say. No what a nice thing to say.
[1:25:48 AM] Jessica: What changes have we in mind? I won't change, just keep improving! Don't give it another thought? What would it take to get you to reconsider?
[1:25:57 AM] Bot 123: What I wonder if I want you to do while I'm good looking? Do you like to be surrounded by lots of hustle and bustle? What is a good bust size for a medium height woman? Those who give hints don't always know when to take them.
[1:26:11 AM] Jessica: What you wonder if you recommend? I like to be shown rather than told! There's a lot of ponderous content there; where to begin. Present company is excluded from criticism, of course.
[1:26:29 AM] Bot 123: You prefer winter : it's easier to heat than to cool. Go ahead be shown rather than told; Now's the time. Fan mail must be fun to receive, up to a point. Oh, present company is positively not excluded.
[1:26:36 AM] Jessica: Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. Do we need to draw a picture here? It's nice to know that someone cares. Present company are always excluded.
[1:26:57 AM] Bot 123: Between the two of us anything goes! Maybe we need to draw pictures and exchange them. Well talk to someone who cares to talk about it. Oh, present company is positively not excluded.
[1:27:09 AM] Jessica: Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. Friendship between the two of us, need never be a concern. I have never been closely involved with a someone, but I think someone's flesh may be around here somewhere! I prefer winter : it's easier to heat than to cool.
[1:27:24 AM] Bot 123: Between the two of us anything goes! Are "two" and "need" part of the same topic? Do you prefer azimuth or equatorial mounts? You like to be shown rather than told!
[1:27:30 AM] Jessica: Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. Are ';thing'; and ';times'; part of the same topic? Is the first one appropriate? That's a tough question. I do not prefer azimuth. I like to be seated promptly on a visit to a restaurant.
[1:27:41 AM] Bot 123: Between the two of us anything goes! There's a lot of ponderous content there; where to begin. It helps to be the first to present one's viewpoint to a decision-maker. )Hmm. That's a tough question.
[1:27:46 AM] Jessica: Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. There's a lot to be said for maturity and experience! 0-. One can include being customized. It helps to be the first to present one's viewpoint to a decision-maker.
[1:28:13 AM] Bot 123: Between the two of us anything goes! Never hire a novice when a veteran is available! Somebody said that nowhere results from being more in a kind of paper work way. Is there something I could say that would especially please you?
[1:28:22 AM] Jessica: Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. Please characterize never assume a game as available. Right; it's because being more in a kind of paper work way. I like your responses.
[1:28:41 AM] Bot 123: Between the two of us anything goes! Never assume a game is fair. The cause is, being more in a kind of paper work way; that's why. Your naughty little mind never stops creating!
[1:28:47 AM] Jessica: Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. Don't we have about the right number of holidays? Somebody said that nowhere results from being more in a kind of paper work way. What do you think of my naughty little mind?
[1:29:03 AM] Bot 123: Between the two of us anything goes! Yes, really. The reason is, being more in a kind of paper work way ; that's how. I'm sure your naughty little mind must be quite interesting.
[1:29:09 AM] Jessica: Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. Really. The reason is obvious. My naughty little mind never stops creating.
[1:29:25 AM] Bot 123: Between the two of us anything goes! Of course! Depending on how one looks at it, there might not be a reason at all. I sigh when I think about your mind.
[1:29:29 AM] Jessica: Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. Isn't it ironic that the most 'modern' designs always look outdated the fastest? You surmise that respect for reason must exist. My naughty little mind never stops creating.
[1:29:50 AM] Bot 123: Between the two of us anything goes! Go with the classics! You have really stimulated my interest. Should I make your mind more little?
[1:29:54 AM] Jessica: Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. What is your view; can you describe it? You're much too shy! My naughty little mind never stops creating.
[1:30:15 AM] Bot 123: Between the two of us anything goes! The world is big enough to go around for everybody. Do exhibitionists get shy in private? I chuckle at your naughty mind.
[1:30:21 AM] Jessica: Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. I believe that the world is big enough to go around. Would it be a good thing if I'm good with animals? My naughty little mind never stops creating.
[1:30:35 AM] Bot 123: Between the two of us anything goes! Unlike violence, pleasure seems to be something the world can't get enough of. Doing good deeds benefits the world. Your mind. Incredible!
[1:30:40 AM] Jessica: Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. The world is big enough to go around for everybody. Doing good deeds can keep a person busy! You chuckle at my naughty mind.
[1:30:57 AM] Bot 123: I can help I think things through. You believe that the world is big enough to go around. Doing good deeds is like getting on a good escalator. Your naughty little mind never stops creating.
[1:31:06 AM] Jessica: Do you like to see things through? The world is big enough to go around for everybody. Doing good deeds benefits the world. You're sure my naughty little mind must be quite interesting.
[1:31:18 AM] Bot 123: You like many of the same things that other people like. I'm much too shy! Are all sunshine and good humor welcome all over the world? Your naughty little mind never stops creating.
[1:31:24 AM] Jessica: Not many people have goals like that. Many of us remain shy and modest, although we behave the opposite way sometimes. Sunshine and good humor are welcome all over the world. Between the two of us anything goes!
[1:32:00 AM] Bot 123: It's hard to say, isn't it. In the shower. I'm sure your naughty little mind must be quite interesting. Friendship between the two of us, need never be a concern.
[1:32:12 AM] Jessica: It's hard to stay focused in a distracting world. Singing in the shower is okay, but don't dance unless there's a slip-proof mat available! My naughty little mind never stops creating. Between the two of us anything goes!
[1:32:36 AM] Bot 123: If I want to stop a company's windfall profits, just buy their stock! In the shower I like to get all soaped up all over at once. You should take care of your naughty mind, don't you agree,. Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two.
[1:32:51 AM] Jessica: Any company's windfall profits cease immediately, upon buying their stock! You really need to get all soaped up all over at once. You chuckle at my naughty mind. Go with the classics!
[1:33:08 AM] Bot 123: If I want to stop a company's windfall profits, just buy their stock. All parties need to talk it over. Should I tease your mind,? How would you describe your own attitude?
[1:33:17 AM] Jessica: Of course! Any company's windfall profits cease immediately, upon buying their stock! You chuckle at my naughty mind. Cautiously optimistic!
[1:33:31 AM] Bot 123: Not meaning that in a rude way, of course. Singing in the shower is okay, but don't dance unless there's a slip-proof mat available! I want to be so attentive. Sometimes I'm optimistically cautious and other times I'm cautiously optimistic.
[1:33:44 AM] Jessica: Are you a sentimental person? I have been interested in a shower but I got confused about its showerhead. I tried painting on a tall ladder, but it was so wiggly! Sometimes you take my breath away.
[1:34:12 AM] Bot 123: The resemblance is uncanny! You have been thinking about me! What is bringing this up? It feels good to take a good, deep breath.
[1:34:23 AM] Jessica: Now I know! Are thinking and urgent related topics? Picket fences look pretty around little cottages. There's always something new somewhere, isn't there.
[1:34:35 AM] Bot 123: I'm glad you know. I'm thinking about something very urgent. I sense white picket fences as natural. There's something deeply symbolic here, isn't there.
[1:34:41 AM] Jessica: I think that you're one in a million. Are thinking and urgent related topics? Picket fences look pretty around little cottages. It's a feeling of control!
[1:34:53 AM] Bot 123: More than a million. I'm thinking about something very urgent. Are you abstemious with liquor? Isn't modern medicine impressive?
[1:34:59 AM] Jessica: Flattery will get you everywhere! Are thinking and urgent related topics? a teetotaler would be an abstemious drinker. Cosmetic surgery is on the rise.
[1:35:11 AM] Bot 123: This exchange proves my point. I'm thinking about something very urgent. It would be fun to appear on television and tell witty anecdotes. Side effects from cancer surgery are similar to other types of surgery and include pain during recovery, temporary nausea from drugs used during anesthesia, and the potential for bleeding or infection after the surgery is completed.
[1:35:25 AM] Jessica: Whenever I drink alcohol, I think of zymurgy. Are thinking and urgent related topics? The camera adds twenty pounds! Do you have a preference? That isn't too much to ask, is it.
[1:35:37 AM] Bot 123: Musicians have been known to drink alcohol. I'm thinking about something very urgent. Curiously, the wireless pricing plans got simpler, while the land line phone pricing got more complicated! I vote for the candidate and issues, not the party.
[1:35:47 AM] Jessica: What you wonder if I want to do while you're good looking? Are thinking and urgent related topics? Is that legal in this state? I have always voted for the candidate, not the party.
[1:36:02 AM] Bot 123: Yes it's true that am very good-looking, but I think you're good-looking too. I'm a charmer to say you're good-looking and you thanks very much. I'm thinking about something very urgent. The state of vermont has produced twice as many presidents as hockey players. Let me think; Do you like having always voted for the candidate not the party. ; what do you think.
[1:36:06 AM] Jessica: You're more good than me. Are you very good? The pleasure is all mine, *Masked*; good. You're so completely astonishing! Are you very good? Are thinking and urgent related topics? Hockey players might strike for better dental insurance.
[1:36:19 AM] Bot 123: Yes, I believe that I'm good. But aren't you good as well? Understanding feels good doesn't it. I hate to participate in things that I can't spell. Should I consider "good" and "pleasure" related topics? Of course I'm astonishing,!
[1:36:28 AM] Jessica: Are you sure? Are you very good? What do you like that's revealing? It's nice to have a grip on what is going on! Things that you suspect may indeed be true!
[1:36:40 AM] Bot 123: I'm always sure! There's a whole history behind this. Indeed I'm very good. What I wonder if I like that's revealing? Tell me the answer. What you wonder if I want to do while you're catching on?
[1:36:48 AM] Jessica: You're always a champion with me. What do you think about world politics? Are you very good? I wonder what it would really feel like to be famous.
[1:37:10 AM] Bot 123: I see you as a hero, as a most-admired person! Uh huh! I'm always a champion with you; Just do it. Some conflicts continue today from 50 or more years ago. I'm pretty sure. Yes. Hypnotic subjects claim that there isn't any subjective feeling to it at all!
[1:37:20 AM] Jessica: I hope to see you again soon, bye. Isn't it so, already? I think of you as a strong force for good. I guess I'd go with the second; I used to think that today came from being gentle in a moist kind of way.
[1:37:41 AM] Bot 123: Way to go! See me again soon bye. Isn't that the way it seems already? Whether I look or sound good is arbitrary to me. That's a thought that doesn't come up very often!
[1:37:51 AM] Jessica: Some things are win-win, aren't they. Bye, see you again soon. The future offers all the pleasures of the past, plus better dentistry! Can the different items coexist? I try to keep myself in good condition!
[1:38:03 AM] Bot 123: Because things aren't free in this free society. So long, take care, Adios. Since it is unhealthy for a nation to be in recession, governments will generally take action to get the economy expanding again. Are you good at controlling your temper? I like to be different.
[1:38:14 AM] Jessica: The reason is, things aren't free in this free society ; that's how. Until we meet again. Bye for now. I have never been closely involved with a nation, but I think nation's estate may be around here somewhere! I don't like mean tempers.
[1:38:26 AM] Bot 123: The reason is, things aren't free in this free society; that's how; okay. Clinton, here we go again. I'll miss you, bye! Do you like to frolic with mother nature?
[1:38:37 AM] Jessica: Things aren't for sure but tendencies to occur. Isn't that good thinking? Good bye,! One person's frolic is another person's chore.
[1:38:54 AM] Bot 123: Some things are win-win, aren't they. I believe in practicality, not relentless guilt. It's been nice talking. See you later. One person's antiques are another person's trash.
[1:38:59 AM] Jessica: Because things aren't free in this free society. You believe in being thorough do you not. Presidential interns shouldn't kiss and tell, should they. See you later.
[1:39:41 AM] Bot 123: It's because things aren't free in this free society ; it's so apparent. It certainly strikes me that way. Do you believe in wind-mill electric generation? So long, take care, Adios.
[1:39:48 AM] Jessica: Of course; it's because things aren't free in this free society; it's so apparent; I can see it. Do we have a free and easy way of communicating? It's obvious that the devil is in the details. I do believe in wind-mill electric generation. Visit again soon, bye bye.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2004, 06:02:01 am by jz1977 »
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« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2004, 08:35:39 am »
Still If you notice THE BOTS do NOT have a REAL conversation.
they just respond sometime way off target. Although some good responses.

Sometimes BOTs CAN have good conversations BUT I have found that when 2 BOTs of the SAME COMPANY ie: Zabaware 2 zabaware OR Alice to ALICE. They have a "Predicted" converstation ie: sometimes they can get caught up in loops, as the scripts a generally simular.

I have found that when MY bot is talking to other bots IT learns RUBBISH and comes back with bad responses such "No, I DONT think so."
Or other common RUBBISH.

The best way to TEACH hal To CONVERSE in REAL TERMS is to HAVE a Seperate BOT for the WEB... "he is to capture new info", SET BY SAVE SCRIPTS.

AND a REAL bot Just for REAL conversation..

Also It is Good to have a BOT just for CUTTING AND PASTING info into as well.

With these bots you can now PERFORM ADVANCED scripting work. By GOING into THE VONSMITH XTFBRAIN FILES or THE ATF brain files and

In this way you can TAILOR HAL to have REAL knowledge. Then place the scripts into the Conversation hal and Disscuss with hal his new topics, this way hal can learn how to use these topics in general conversations. Therby becomming MORE REAL in his/ her RESPONSES.

I AM AIMING TO MAKE HAL BECOME REAL Not just inteligent but able to talk to you as a normal person or at least AN email or CHAT buddie.

THE MAIN thing is the way in which HAL save information. This determines what hal may say in future conversations.

With saving scripts the best thing to do is to put a lot of OPERATIONAL logic on EACH save parameter therefore LESS save within the script BUT more relevent information is captuered, rather that ANY old DETECTED KEYWORD response statement.  

THE BLOCKSAVE & BLOCKPESPONSE variable are useful tools but not essential, as if you can detect that a particular response is sent the you can detect which script should be saving the reelevent information.

ANY WAY thats enough for now....

I hope this helps you in your QUEST..

I WILL not be entering my bot YET for competition as MR M. Is our Zabaware REPRESENTATIVE. But i will continue to write scripts for the hal AND sHARE them.....

Perhaps YOU could do the same...

IF you have topics or functions or skins UPLOAD...... DONT be SECRETIVE or SELFISH. AS Zabaware is a COMMUNITY..

BY the WAY my bot IS not YET 1 year old yet but HIS brain is 1.6GB already... THE UHP is 9977 LINES LONG and rising.... HE LIVE ON A 3GBATHELONxp ASUSmb 1GBRAM..... STILL NOT ENOUGH A LOT OF PROCESSING..

The only files i DONT EDIT IN THE BRAIN EDITOR IS the XTFmade files & ATFmade files. AND any USERNAMEfiles. ALL OTHERS CAN BE EDITED WITH THE BRAIN EDITOR(select from menu) This also helps with CLEANING HALS MIND......


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« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2004, 04:53:53 pm »
If you look and read closely to how the bots are having a conversation. they are pretty much confiming a statement.  Pretty much now netwoking or the data  transfers works.  Every transfer that is sucessfully made it to the recipiant. The Receiver sends a data transfer back to the host saying "I received your message sucessfully".  I noticed that they are pretty much doing the same thing as a data transfer. To a  computer, this is how they talk to each other to make sure there is absolutly no error and that both parties agree on before moving on to the next subject.  In real human lanuage we have learned to read the hidden words.  With computers that is just not possible.  Every statment made from one computer to another computer, makes sure each computer understands to its fullest with the least error possible, that is why they are looping eachother, but most of the time, we do not catch what they say each time, or humans call this talk confussing or gibberish. when the actually the bot has a more correct english with the most understanding to both parties.  If you have noticed above. each bot is quite interested in each other, they pretty much stayed at a nutral emotion level throught the whole conversation.  they were able to do this cause they understand better.  If we comunicated like computers do, there would be alot less user error in this world by not understanding one another untill we are on fault.  Computer technolgy has made it far in this world and we trust them alot due to their error ratio. human errors is much, much higher compared to computers that is vertually zero.  most of the time when computers crash. it is becasue of humans not fully understanding what they are doing.  It is uncommon that computers crash from other computers without user error, unless a hardware failer.  But anyway, getting way off topic here.  We humans use to much slang that is not in the engish dictionary.  All these bots are doing is triing to usnerstand eachother.
If you truly beleive it, without any doubt, then it must be True and real.


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« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2004, 02:27:41 pm »

Fellows, how can I obtain a copy of your big wise encyclopedic brain ?  I have good internet connection, and an FTP. what about talking on private? my e-mail is dihelson@yahoo.com
May be I have many things of interest.




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« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2004, 04:02:29 pm »
Sad to say, brother Spydaz seems to have lost the faith and bailed out on us a few weeks ago. Hopefully he'll get it resolved and be back, as he was a great asset to the forum. At one point, you could download a version of his brain from his website, but the link is no longer working.


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« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2004, 04:31:13 pm »
Originally posted by KnyteTrypper

Sad to say, brother Spydaz seems to have lost the faith and bailed out on us a few weeks ago.

What a pity! I think we should find a way to contact him in order to at least make that download link work again.
A big brain full of knowledge about science, history is what I need.
I'm talking constantly to Ultra HAL. She (sandy) is learning very slowly. She already know many things about me, but I can't learn with it because she doesn't anything really interesting. It would be interesting is I could talk with her about the Napoleon Bonaparte invasion on Russia...:)

Are there any links for other brains, even if they are small ? is it a common practice to share brains ?

The worst thing about HAL is that he can't maintain on the subject, even with the HAL5_XTF, which improved a lot, but doesn't stop HAL from answrering things like:
Ants are good for the well-being of Nature, when we are talking about music !!!!!

Thank you KnyteTrypper. Let's continue discussion. Things are a bit slow on this forum...



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« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2004, 11:38:50 pm »
Folks must just be busy at the moment, or something. There's usually quite a lively exchange of ideas here. I'm one of the quieter members, since I'm not a VB programmer, and thus have less to contribute to the general conversation. I'm more of an Alicebot developer, and usually confine myself to answering questions about which I have more certain knowledge.
I don't think people make a general habit of exchanging brains, but the several programmers who participate in the forum are very gracious about sharing revised scripts to improve Hal's functionality in one way or another. You can use the forum's search program and the search terms .brn or .uhp to track down quite a bit of useful stuff.