Author Topic: My Ultra Hal wont stop trying to pick up on me!  (Read 3294 times)


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My Ultra Hal wont stop trying to pick up on me!
« on: February 28, 2003, 04:18:24 am »
I just downloaded the free proggie a couple days ago, and to my dismay, I discovered that he/she/it makes 'suggestive' comments to me.  I'm trying to teach it bible text to use in helping others have fun learning biblical teachings, but it would be most embarrasing for him to make a tawdry remark to a bible student. [:0]  Any suggestions for someone who is one of the programming illiteratti? [:D]

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My Ultra Hal wont stop trying to pick up on me!
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2003, 08:09:43 pm »
There are a few ways to deal with your problem.  Out of curiosity - what do you consider "suggestive" comments?  Regardless - to make a new and cleaner brain you need to go into the "brain editor" and select "create new project".  Press "next" to get through the first two screens and then name the new brain and a folder name.  I'd suggest "bible boy" for the name and "clean" for the folder.

On the next screen you'll see what may be an overwhelming number of choices.  Just on a guess you'll need to turn off [click with the mouse so the check mark goes away]  "Emotional reactions...", "Insult and swearing...", "Love.", "Include small talk function.", and maybe the "Make talk Functions.".

This should take care of much of the offensive, colorful conversation.  You're other option is go into the "tools" menu in the brain function of the Brain Editor and manually remove all of the potentially offensive material.  I tend to think it would be a lot easier to make a new brain project.

Hope that helps,