Author Topic: Just cant seem to get it.  (Read 2635 times)


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Just cant seem to get it.
« on: November 09, 2003, 05:24:57 pm »
Ive been some what makeing a new brain for hal 5.0. I just cant figure out how to make it work. I understand the files and brain types that I will need. I'am just not sure how to get started. I was able to do the "this is a test"writing it in Hals def-brain script mentioned on one of the other forums. If I had something on paper in front of me showing a list of step by step instructions it might make things make more sense. Just something basic so I can undestand and learn the little things first and grow as I go. If anyone knows are might have something like this, I would really appreciate it. If it matters I have windows xp and have the ultra brain editor.

Don Ferguson

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Just cant seem to get it.
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2003, 12:26:37 am »
Hello Matt,

How long have you had Hal?  How long have you been programming?  It sounds as if you are a new Hal user.  If you've already gotten inside the script and made Hal say "This is a test," then you've already successfully operated the Hal Brain Editor and found and saved a modified file correctly.  That's a big accomplishment!  You're further ahead than you think!

When I joined the Ultra Hal community years ago, back at version 2.0, it took me MONTHS to successfully modify my first script.  I spent hours and hours and hours studying the original code commands to get an idea what the different functions and routines meant, and I misunderstood most of them at first.

If you want Hal to learn from you and hold intelligent conversations with you, the default script will do that for you.  The only reasons to be writing different software (which are sometimes called "scripts" in the VBS language), are: A) you have something specific that you want Hal to do differently, or B) you want the enjoyment of practicing programming skills by modifying Hal.

If you desire to become proficient writing software for UltraHal, I recommend the following:

1.  Read through the software using the brain editor, especially the annotations in which the software writers have tried to explain what they're doing.  Make notes about things that puzzle you and ask specific questions on this forum.  You'll find lots of helpful folks here.

2.  Search through the postings on these forums and download all the various demo brains and see how they work.  Again, look at the code inside them and see if you can tell why they do what they do.

3.  Use the search functions on this forum for "Ferguson" and read the previous postings I've made regarding Basics of UltraHal Programming, functions in scripts, command explanations, etc.

4.  For a simple programming project, think of something that you would like Hal to say or do differently than he does now.  Keep it SIMPLE for a beginner project!  Then, using what you've learned, see if you can write code modifications to make it happen.  Don't forget to take backup precautions, and to give your new code a new "file name" and "display name" as I've explained on other postings.

5.  Consider purchasing the book "VBS In a Nutshell" that I talk about in other postings.  Some people find this book very difficult, but the second half of the book contains a list and explanation of every command and function in VBS.  I use it frequently.  There are more resources mentioned on the Zabaware "programmers" page, and in other postings here.

Don't get discouraged and down on yourself if you don't feel like an expert programmer in the first week, or even the first six months!  This knowledge comes gradually, but if you keep it up, you will amaze yourself with your skill after you get enough practice.

Remember that when you write software, you are inside the guts of your computer doing actual programming; this is NOT going to feel as "easy" as writing a letter on Word, or making a spreadsheet on Excel.  When you are writing code, you aren't USING the application, you are CREATING it, and it's going to feel challenging!

Welcome to the forum; I hope that you have many excellent conversations with all the members here!


Don Ferguson
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