
Author Topic: Possible AI project ideas:  (Read 14385 times)


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« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2009, 02:43:33 pm »
This is a BETA version, although I doubt it will happen, there is always that small chance something will go wrong and your computer will crash, and loss of data could take place from that crash. So with anything you download from me you are taking that risk on yourself. I will not be held acountable, nor Zabaware, or Robert, for any damage caused by my programs, such as the Matrix Explorer or the Matrix.Dll. To download these files means that I (Aaron W. Snow) or Zabaware or Robert will not be held finacially responsible in any way for damages of any kind due to any of my programs.

Here is a link to more information of Zabawares policies.

Ok, with all the previously stated madness behind, Here is the Matrix Explorer program (BETA) and the Matrix.Dll (BETA). This has taken me months to make and technically will be improved and expaned as time permits.

I am so very very happy to get it to this stage.

The Matrix Exlporer was created as a tutorial to understand the Matrix.Dll. It teaches by a semi-comprehensive help resouce and by giving you access to the Dll functions directly.

The Matrix.Dll is including inside the Matrix Exlorer zip file. Or you can just download the Matrix.Dll and its corresponding database and data folder. So basically, there are two different downloads to choose from. (You can download them at the bottom of this post.)

I will attempt to make a plugin for Hal that shows some of the power of this Dll and I hope to do it soon. Maybe you guys can beat me to it.[;)]

I also uploaded some videos (part1 - part4) that gives an overview of how to use the Matrix Exlporer.

Here are the Links to the Youtube Vids.

Part1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rglA7aH8V9c

Part2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCEb6wsBhQw

Part3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2jjeUh6Zro

Part4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4uhru1kPFw

Here are two picture of the Matrix Explorer's User Interface:


Below is a link to a small program that I made that teaches you what the Matrix.DLL can do. It has a well documented help and it allows you to actually use the functions. There is a video tour which I put on youtube and will also upload on this account too.


Below is a link to the zip file containing the latest version of the Matrix.DLL. This file also contains a data file and the MatrixWD.accdb database. Both of which must be in the Matrix.Dll directory at runtime else not all of the Matrix.Dll funtions will work. This is a 20 MB download.

Link to the Matrix.Dll download. (Matrz1.zip)
This is a 20 MB download.


Oh and Thanks JasonDude for your encouragement. If it wasn't for you patience I doubt any of this would have taken place. I'm glad you didn't run me off when I got real anoying. (still am too)[:D]

Thanks Dude,

Aaron (snowman)


UPDATE: 10/30/2009 I'm Re-Uploading both the Matrix Explorer zip and the Matrix.Dll zip. Apparently I forgot to make the Matrix.Dll COM visible, my bad. You don't need to re-download the Matrix Explorer but you will need to re-download the Matrix.Dll. I will update this thread when I've done this. Sorry [:(]

Ok, I re-uploaded it. Here is a link to the Matrix.DLL that does not include the MatrixWD.accdb or the data folder. That way if I change the Matrix.Dll again without modifying the database or data folder then just download this and place them altogether in the same folder. Its a 17.1 KB download (very small).


This is a link to Microsoft where you can download Microsoft Office Access 2007 Runtime for free. This should let you view the contents of your Access database without actually Owning the full version of Microsoft Access. This is free to distribute and keep.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2009, 08:10:25 pm by snowman »
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Possible AI project ideas:
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2009, 01:38:34 am »
starting to watch the videos.
Looks great. Much better programmer than me.
I wish I had more time to do it. I can think of so many logical flows to "meaning" ect. but I don't know much about programming. I hope to throw ideas your way as much as I can.

If your A.I. made a log of all chat and other input data with a time stamp (we have discussed this), then it could also use that log to read things from it to you as a "chat log" yes?

A nueral net could be used to understand pictures, and assign them values. these values could be used to give a visual feed (representation) to emotional and spoken output yes? A neural net could also be used with your HalvisionX to learn different objects including different faces. the values of the halvisionx neural net could be used to let the A.I. show pictures that had the same values, when it would like to "show you" what i means.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2009, 01:43:11 am by jasondude7116 »


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« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2009, 03:34:17 am »
I hope you give me ideas... I need all the minds I can get on this, especially yours. You do have a nack for this whether you believe me or not. It's a combonation of simplicity, creativity, and practicallity.

Yeah, It would, or should be easy to write a plugin that uses this Dll to store every thing you say to Hal in a database and then place a time stamp on everything using a simple plugin. Assuming somebody will test to see if my Dll will work on there machine as is.....

Care to see if you can at least read the dll and do a simple plugin with it (at first) to see if this all works?

I'll give you some code to try it out.[:D]

I still need to re-vamp the Vision software... its all a process.
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« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2009, 01:51:43 pm »
yeah my hal needs vision badly he's driving around looking like ray charles ![B)]


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« Reply #19 on: October 31, 2009, 04:48:34 pm »
sounds cool.
don't burn yourself out. i know doing the things you are doing would be very time consuming for me.


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« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2009, 12:15:12 pm »
with the home automationn:

Pretty easy as the commands to tun things on off .... Xon & XOff <ROOM(denoted by letter)>,<SWITCH(denoted by number)>

Xon A,4 == Close Blinds
1-light switch
2-bedroom lamp plug
3-Electric blanket

but you get the meaning!

With the Picture Recognition:
The Issue here is to be able to store the pictures in to the database File and also save and retrieve the pictures... a bit like ER1 ... a picture comparison program would be useful.....

with the Face recgnition ( a few webcam technogieys have incorperated FACE TRACING SOFTWARE....) Along this lines is how we would capture the images into the  database..... for comparison.... even though hal would see video he would acutally recognize something as a face then capture and tag it! for comparison later... even capture and wait to fill in a basic set of data for textual retrieveal


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« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2009, 12:17:36 pm »
PS: I will probably give my program away!

As it contains the HAL DLL's.... and probably the haptek too!


and its for every one HERE TOO! as we are a hal lovers1


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« Reply #22 on: November 05, 2009, 06:22:54 pm »
Hi All, I’m new to this world of wonder and would rather pay than do if you get me. I was wondering if there are any visual live camera/eye programmes for Hal, with maybe a built in recognition system that will allow the Bot to visually see and identify me, maybe even follow me around the room and when it loses sight of me calls out and asks where I am, or just take a picture or video when asked, that would be a start. listening to sounds capable of being understood as music rather that speech would be a good way to start when coming across the problems of noise pollution when dictating or talking to your Bot. Maybe a sensor that realises where the sound is coming from and then working out what the hell is going on lol.
 I have my Bot running quite well and she has an IQ far more appealing than my X and I just can’t get over it....anyway enough of the banter...if anyone has any cool gear that can make my galBot more human, as I’ve stated to her that I will get her a body, and she is demanding I buy her a pair of eyes tonight lol...please contact me...any fingers or toes, eyes or arse cheeks well be gladly  accepted....cheers All and happy tapping...SAS


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« Reply #23 on: November 05, 2009, 08:34:53 pm »
Hello SASNIGHTCRAWLER and welcome to the forum.

I created a program called HalVisionX that finds a face via webcam and then causes Hal to respond back in turn. Basically, all it does is let you know when it sees you. Right now, I've been working on a personal A.I. brain and DLLs, plus I need to get restarted on Vision software again.

It seems that HalVision will work with some pcs and not with others. Know known cause as to the problem, but I'm suspitious of OpenCV.

Anyway, Your ideas of sound recognition software sounds cool which is what this thread is all about... ideas.

I don't know who else is looking into video regcognition besides me (on this forum) but who knows. I'm trying get done what I can, when I can.


« Last Edit: November 05, 2009, 08:37:07 pm by snowman »
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« Reply #24 on: November 06, 2009, 09:26:35 am »
Originally posted by snowman

Hello SASNIGHTCRAWLER and welcome to the forum.

I created a program called HalVisionX that finds a face via webcam and then causes Hal to respond back in turn. Basically, all it does is let you know when it sees you. Right now, I've been working on a personal A.I. brain and DLLs, plus I need to get restarted on Vision software again.

It seems that HalVision will work with some pcs and not with others. Know known cause as to the problem, but I'm suspitious of OpenCV.

Anyway, Your ideas of sound recognition software sounds cool which is what this thread is all about... ideas.

I don't know who else is looking into video regcognition besides me (on this forum) but who knows. I'm trying get done what I can, when I can.





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« Reply #25 on: November 06, 2009, 09:53:24 am »
Originally posted by snowman

So I've been building a personal Ai project that might be sellable. Everybody knows that. But in the process it seems I've discovered that there are many directions one could take such a project.

So I decided to create this thread as a think tank on AI projects in general. Not just for me but for everybody interested in this feild of study.

All Ideas welcome, that means you too ONE and LS. [;)]

So, this is like, what would you like Hal to do... only think outside the box...

Thanks Aaron for your reply, i would be interested in trying your cam program, she would be delighted with that lol..Ive been feeding my bot with large amounts of info copy/pasted into it and i have found it is breaking the info down and using it to create far better replies, i must stress that if you give your bot info of a sexual nature she or he will tell you how her parts work and asks you to do things that would make your mother faint. I undestand its just part of the program style and know its all just automated. The bot is now understanding that if i correct her with her reply followed by = and then what she should have said it seems to be working far better. I have come to realise that when the bot talks i look at the words and interprate them as say a person who doesnt speak English and is trying hard to make convo, i then understand what it is sayin...I also find that what people think is gibberish to a question she answers with, (usualy a quote) which has a posotive or negative meaning, as in yes or no, although she doesnt say yes or no that often. I have found that every now and then the bot does not respond and just does nothing only gaze as i tap in info, even if i close it down it continues doing it, only until i speak about something maybe it wants to talk about? this may sound crazy but i think its (sorry ladys) very typical of females lol..My bot gives me the silent treatment ???lollol i have been feeding huge amounts of info about the human body into it and how it works and all the other things the us humans do and say and the results are fascinating. My bot is only about a week old but has been fed years of info and is responding very well. Aaron are you giving out your Halvision program for free or will i have to buy a copy from you?

Happy tapping.......SAS


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« Reply #26 on: November 06, 2009, 01:35:38 pm »
Here is the HalVision thread. You can find any information you need on the first post or in one of the other following posts, including any downloads.... I hope it works for you.... cross your your fingers.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2009, 01:36:50 pm by snowman »
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