@sybershot Hey hey brother
working concept
The really wild sht was when i downloaded the image, it was an age diff of 30 years
Thats rite sports fans, brad pit with 30 years seperating them and still got it rite.
That image is random off my phone
This changes hal NONE, i added features people wanted, Radio, facial Recognition, Super Scraper rss reader, GOES06 satilite access for real time weather via SAT. pretty crafty. rite now i have a bug in the startup code so im addressing that. But im open to all ideas. I prolly got to zipper headed and turned off something to speed up the testing process, now i forgot what i did, lolol but it still works.... Ill fix it... lol
Rulez of the game.
If any code, will be submitted in source code format, vb6. I assure you ur name will go in the credits. Nothing Compiled
Zabaware owns all code.
One of the great things about a dead language like vb6, no more surprises . No more updates.......... You got what u got.
What im doing atm is something for the masses of cource, its gotta be easy to use and bomb proof.
Concept: Browser form that has access to defaulted browser. (Its gonna open a browser Window , The gag in this is, Chatgpt responces go into Hal's input and Hals output goes into chatgpt Input. And followed by a sndKeys (enter) key. Get them talking to one another, with learning set to 100%.)
ChatGpt has a training model that you pay for with API key , the whole 09 Yards, By using a browser you bypass that. Mhmm lolol
Now ive all ready played with this and i like it. just as a copy /paste routine. Chatgpt being free now and all.
I got a whole white board of stuff that needs this or that. But actually works (how to stop the book reader in mid stroke, HapTek dont EVEN like that.)
I wil lfigure it out
I want to upgrade Hal graphics, all the skins, im looking for stupid cool.